I had this happen a couple of MLB The Shows ago, like 20? I think maybe it was. I had thought/hoped they had fixed that. My guy's been Number 20 consistently across the board since then, thankfully.

Caught this one myself, was able to fix it right after I updated my archetype. This doesn't mean I have to start working on my stats for those pitches allover again from scratch every time I update my archetype does it? I mean, I only have the one more to go, Diamond, but still... I like to use the pitches I like to use.
It truly is annoying. I'd like it fixed, please.
My player, two way player for the Pensacola Blue Wahoos, has made his major league debut at least six time so far. I'd say he's having a heck of a season, based on that alone.
This thread scares the daylights out of me. I'm currently near the end of June of my very first season, and the idea that this is what I have to look forward to... is not encouraging.
Maybe the mini-season bug as well?
How exactly do you submit a bug report? I can't seem to find the option in-game.
Happened to me. About to hop back in the game in a few minutes, for another round, and, assuming I can win again, I'll see if it counts as a win or a loss. I've put a dent in that Babe Ruth programs, so you know I'm all in. I just want my wins to count as wins is all. Is that so much to ask?
Really hope they get this fixed, I was really looking forward to the Mini-Seasons thing, and this... is definitely a cramp in that. I won! Hit two homers.... and it said I lost. NUH-UH!!!!!!!! Homie don't play dat!
I got this too... only with one win. I just... lost... 0-2. Hit two home runs, and gave up no runs total. This... is mildly frustrating. I'll probably lose enough games as it is without losing the games I win too!
I'd like to be able to create more than one My Ballplayer, or at least be able to reset My Ballplayer's stance so that if I decided to restart RTTS for any reason, I wouldn't begin my path to the majors OP. That's my biggest request.
Very much hoping this will be taken care of soon. My player's rocking and rolling right now, but he'll be pretty disappointed if he can't play in the World Series. This seems like a particularly bad thing to have in a game like this.
I messed up my RTTS experience this year a bit, because I doubted my own skill at the game. I... thought I'd get taken out behind the woodshed if I messed around with the higher difficulty levels, so I stuck with rookie, and ran with it.
Had a great time in the minors... apart from one of the worst slumps ever I mean, that was a rough patch... but for the most part, it was good.
After I got called up, I... smashed. Hit like 75 homers my first season, and notched somewhere around 80 my second. Stickler for realism that I am, I got a little too deep inside my own head over this.
I've found that playing with hitting set on Veteran difficulty and pitching set to All Star is the perfect match for me, and it's been pretty all right for me since then. Have a rough patch now and then, but for the most part, it's good.
I do wish I could play around and have multiple RTTS games with different characters though. I love creating characters, and I had a couple in 20. I had a blast in that game. I had my shortstop... well, my left fielder that I wanted to be a shortstop... who became my ballplayer in 21, and I had a starting pitcher I really liked as well.
My batting loadout, (The Wizard), as going just fine. Gaining ground with every game, and I'm really happy with it. My pitching loadout, (Billy The Kid), doesn't seem to be gaining any traction in Road To The Show. I had 97 points, and after this last pitching appearance, should DEFINITELY be a Diamond right now...
I know for a fact I met the needed criteria...
But nope. I am still at 97.
My Cap doesn't mind putting in the extra work in Diamond Dynasty, but it doesn't seem like he should have to. I feel like I should be about halfway through my next program by now.
It's mildly frustrating.
I'd like the ability to reset your created player's stats, should you decide to restart Road To The Show for whatever reason.
Think I may have found a simple solution to my problems in the batter's box: just switched back to Strike Zone 3, and put the Altitude thing back at the center of my PCI... and it seems my hitting is back to where it was. Just knocked off about four moments, one try each, and won a game with my Diamond Dynasty team 7-2, (Jim Palmer finished with 19 strikeouts, and batted 2-3. Game was on Veteran, which, for better or worse, is where I've usually been playing lately.
I've seen a lot of people say Strike Zone was the best, because it let you see the ball as good as you possibly could, but it seems my brain works differently, as Strike Zone 3, with it's smaller version of the strike zone REALLY helps me pick out balls from strike... which goes a long way toward solving my plate discipline problem.
I was broken from buying packs when there was, I think it was, a 95 Mickey Mantle I wanted in a Headliners pack? You had to buy like 7 packs, and I figured, (though in retrospect, I don't think it ever actually said), that if i got all 7 of the packs, the card I wanted would be in one of them. I got all 7 packs. The card I wanted was in none of them.
So, I haven't bought a pack since, except maybe a random pack here or there when I had a few stubs to spare.
At this point though... I don't even know why I would buy packs. Through Team Affinity, programs, and everything else, I always seem to be racking up all sorts of packs right and left. And lately, I seem to have been getting some pretty good cards, even a couple of 90+ rated Diamonds out of those packs, or through the programs.
I eventually bought that Mantle card off the marketplace for a good price.
I'm actually kind of scared of Showdown, having heard some rather intimidating stories. I was planning to try it out.. when I thought I was going to have to to complete my Field of Dreams program. Now that it looks like I'll probably be able to pull it off without it, I may not.
And yeah, there are too many complaints.
I'm mainly a Road To The Show player, myself. This year, I've expanded into Diamond Dynasty and done some really cool things with my team... though I still don't play online.
Yikes! I was kind of wanting the new Madden game. I used to LOVE the Madden games back in the day, but I've somehow fallen out of the loop in recent years. A streamer I watch play MLB The Show was playing the new Madden, and it nabbed my interest, and I got to thinking about getting it. Since I was so late to the party getting interested though, I haven't yet put together the spare money to pick it up.
Seeing posts like this though, I'm thinking about changing my mind.
I haven't really had a problem with the pitching. I've also been good at pitching, long as I can remember. Not just in MLB The Show, but going all the way to the baseball games I was playing when I was a kid. Pitching just came natural. Played the game from the Robin Roberts program, where you have to beat the Phillies on All-Star... and it was like my team was somehow two separate clubs. My pitcher racked up something like 16 strike outs, and my fielding was on point... but my offense was pretty much limited to a few singles by Lou Brock, and a particularly lucky home run by Mickey Mantle. It was rough.
It always boggles my mind how I can be so good at pitching, and, to my mind at least, so bad at hitting.
why my jersey number keeps changing?
Pitch loadout order changing. BUG!!
Fix the Tutorial already!!
Minor League RTTS… in the Show?
RTTS frozen at start of season “play next appearance”
Server maintenance ...yay
Mini-season win bug...
Mini-season win bug...
Mini-season win bug...
MLB The Show 22 wishlist.
Being 2-Way Breaks the Postseason Roster AI
Is anybody actually having fun with RTTS anymore
Rtts program not tracking
MLB The Show 22 Ideas
I can't hit any more. . .
What is going on with packs!!!!!!
I love this game, and I think there are too many complaints. That said, showdown is the most infuriating thing I’ve ever played.
Madden for a Day, then Back to MLBtS
I can't hit any more. . .