Awesome okay.. unfortunately looks like ill need to restart .. but i will turn off auto save and make 2 different files for the franchise..
Thanks much help!

Anyone or no
Also having the same issue..any solution?
So ive been playing franchise and 60 games deep.. and go to load up and all of a sudden its corrpted?.. any help or did i get screwed
Thanks guy
So in the event i picked a card and cant resale it.. wonder what my options are SDS can you guys help
Sds will never put the effort or time into franchise like they do with DD... think about it as a company point of view.. its how they make all the money with stubs.. not franchise.. its to bad for us
Sds should credit people that wasted playing 18 games to fund this out.. give us some TAF progress.. i know thats wishful thinking haha
Sorry to tell you but you need to start a new season .. it was a glitch and sds updated it 6 days ago .. im assuming you started this season before 6 days ago?
Sds fix this .. make it easier for people to waste more even more money haha
@romeischillin said in Buying stubs:
@mandrykm_PSN said in Buying stubs:
Can you buy stubs on the app?.. if so how thanks ?
No there isn't... you'll have to go into the actual website but as far as the app you can only purchases pack.
Can you buy stubs on the app?.. if so how thanks ?
When will the new app come out for 23? Or has it already and I'm i missing something?
Getting disconnected alot today.. just my internet or others having the same issue
Anyone ?
So hire a new coach say 1st base.. why don't the stats reflect the hiring .I hire a coach with plus 3 speed and does nothing ?...
So it's not just DD .. franchise is also doing the 125 max
Anyone ?.. or is it just a visual glitch
Soni started a franchise and I see some plays have over 100 on some things is this new? I'm using riding roster
@mrwonderful95 said in Did I waste my money ? Again help(monitor):
@mrwonderful95 said in Did I waste my money ? Again help(monitor):
If you can afford the extra $ I’d suggest the lg cx, c1 or c2. Rock with the tv that has multiple uses. I wouldn’t spend a ton of extra $ on a monitor for this game. I have a very expensive monitor and a lg cx and the game plays much better on the cx. Not to mention, you get the added benefit of a 55”, 65” etc…
I just looked this up. This is a great option for the price. One generation newer than the cx:
Nice tv .. but looking more for a monitor for a gaming room already for a couple nice tvs lol
File corruted?. Any help?
File corruted?. Any help?
What now?
File corruted?. Any help?
Picked wrong card cant sale?
Picked wrong card cant sale?
Game Update 3
Mini Seasons - Other Team invalid roster
Mini Seasons - Other Team invalid roster
Buying stubs
Buying stubs
Buying stubs
New app?
Server issues?
Attributes question
Attributes question
Attributes question
Did I waste my money ? Again help(monitor)