Nothing yet… ticket submitted

How long does it take to receive the packs?
I would guess they would probably go up… because of the incoming increase of demand with the official release of the game being tomorrow. But like I said it’s just a guess…
I didn’t have any issues with any of the conquest maps (PS5)
I am a NMS player… but I definitely do buy the charity packs.
Christopher Morel has 12 HR this season, the most by a Cubs player through his first 30 games of a season since Sammy Sosa in 2002.
Happened a few times for me.
@draconis15_PSN said in Where's Mark Grace?:
As a Die-hard Cubs fan I don't know why we have 3 Sosa cards and have yet to see a Mark Grace or Ron Santo?? Only 1 Sandberg? At the same time Sosa was hitting bombs, while cheating the game, Mark Grace was getting more hits and doubles than anyone in the MLB for a decade! 3x All-star and multiple Gold Gloves, twice as many walks than k's throughout his 13 year career, not too mention the only Cub to hit for the cycle in the last 30 years and he can't even get a Captain card WHEN HE WAS THE CUBS CAPTAIN!!! Sammy, with his corked bats and juiced muscles still had to hit the balls which took tremendous skill, I get it, but he gets 3 cards while guys like Gracie and Santo get nothing? Come on y'all. Share the wealth with some of the teammates of these guys who were getting overlooked. Surely it can't be licensing because that other joke of a baseball game gave Gracie a shot. Come on SDS, show some love here to one of the 90's Cubs greats and most recent inductee into their Hall of Fame as well
A Mark Grace card would pretty sweet.
@mjfc_363_PSN said in POTM is a good program...Thank You SDS!!!:
I thought it went great. Didn’t take a ridiculous amount of time. I felt like they chose some good players.
I totally agree. It was a grind but not too much of one.
I would love to see these people who “mash” the ball every time… stream while they play.
I’ve seen it firsthand a few times. Props to them if they are that good. But I suspect some of them are using a device.
I personally have not run into any issues playing conquest. Just out of curiosity… what system are you playing on?
I do. Though I have more than one lineup.
I really haven’t noticed any lag during conquest.
I’ve heard of others getting the same mass investing ban. They said, that they had 200-300 sale/buy orders on players.
@billypic5_psn said in Market Place Issue:
Can we please get a limit on how many orders one can put in the market place again? This is ridiculous. Look at the silver bat grips.
I totally agree. There is flipping cards… then there’s market manipulation. When one person puts block orders like that… it should be considered market manipulation. Because [censored] like that does effect the market.
Some people just want to complain just to complain. IMO, they are just seeking attention.
The game works just fine for me. I haven’t encountered any issues other than the network error once in awhile.
@crash447_xbl said in Lack of packs this year:
@major_woody__psn said in Lack of packs this year:
I don’t know about you… but every three games I play, I get five packs. Those who know… know.
Yes, if you want to play the same conquest map over and over.
I’m just saying… since some people here complain constantly about minor or non issues. I suggested an easy solution to the lack of packs complaint.
I don’t know about you… but every three games I play, I get five packs. Those who know… know.
I’ve been flipping cards. The margins have been minimal for the most part. But, there are plenty of “free” stubs sitting out there on the market place. Gotta take advantage of those:
twitch drops all weekend on twitch
twitch drops all weekend on twitch
Are diamond prices going up or down tomorrow?
Conquest glitch?
A Message To the No Money Spent Players
Not saying… just sayin..,
Make the 1st baseman cover 1st on outfield hits?
Where's Mark Grace?
POTM is a good program...Thank You SDS!!!
I hate to be that guy...
Conquest Bug
Do you have any Live Series cards in your lineup?
Conquest is laggy this year
Unfairly banned
Market Place Issue
Wonder why people complain?
MLBTS22 : QA is a total failure
Lack of packs this year
Lack of packs this year
How are nms players getting collections done?