Bought some stubs but they haven’t made it to my Show account. Contacted PSN support and they said to delete and re download the game. Anyone else have this issue?

I hit a dinger with Leiter and gave one up to Lester
Rickey Henderson
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Stealing Home:
I did something a few minutes ago which I didn't think was possible in the game unless the opponent screwed up somehow. I stole home with Ty Cobb and beat the tag to the plate.
It was close, but my opponent had been ignoring baserunners for most of the game, so I got a 4- or 5-step lead from third (whatever is the maximum) and took off as soon as the pitcher moved. The pitch was a change-up in the high 80s.
Sidenote: in my experience, Cobb is by far the fastest player in the game. Agree?
I did it once in the 3 steals in a game mission for the Jackie Robinson program
Freeman and Bellinger in a double diamond show pack
@Thierry007007 said in Lefty bats:
Lou Gehrig is free. See player program. But he is very hard to get unless you are very good at the game.
He’s worth every broken controller
Just buy him. If you don’t like him after 3-4 games sell him off
@GilFavor1909 said in Event:
Honestly I don’t get how y’all can prestige players so fast. Must play a lot cause I haven’t prestige’s anybody yet and I’ve been playing a while maybe it’s cause a lot of my home runs are dashboard
Maybe it’s just me but for some reason I play better with the non prestige cards
@OreoRockstar said in 2 new Legends:
Show on the news page as rewards for the event starting 12-15 ( guess the week after the Central event)... Guesses?
Robb Nen and Willie Stargell
Should be under 25k. Not a very good card at all
Bauer and Hershiser are a good place to start. Max Scherzer awards card is one of my faves too
@lazy_toast said in OMG how do u pitch in this event.:
@Mis_Ter_Bulldops said in OMG how do u pitch in this event.:
i said to myself, lemme switch it up. Throw a wrench in the mix. Yes i threw marco gonzalez in one game. I was actually laughing at myself.. as the ball was getting launched
For shits and giggles I’m trying to Prestige Felix and Oswalt. Few outings work out ok but if my dude mashes on me I’m like whatever it’s cool I’ll just try and get some prestige hits myself. Don’t care if I lose. I have Belli already. Since I’ve been playing with that attitude I won 8 more games. Wish I can tell my brain that when I start the event at 0 wins
Oswalt has been great for me.
Get a better SS. There’s lots of options. I’d suggest Trevor Story Finest and obviously Tatis Jr, Honus, Seager
I think it’ll be a choice pack in a “forever” season
@elway7751 said in Biggest regret:
So who are the players that you missed out on and wished you had this year?
I would have to say Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth.
Gehrig because there was not one single thing in the extreme program I could complete and Ruth because I had no desire to grind through all the games.
Either way it's all good because I did get most guys I wanted, but it would have been nice to get a few of these others.Lou is my best hitter this year. It was one hell of a grind and probably the best thing I’ll accomplish this year
I had one where the ball came at Trout’s head and he didn’t move. The ball hit his bat for a single up the middle
@DiddyKlunk said in Who were your pre-99 beasts:
Brujan was great for me but I LOVED Dylan Carlson he just seemed clutch as can be.
I ran Vidal until July
You can use him in BR
@MarinerMatt01 said in What do you all do for work in the real world:
@SchnauzerFace said in What do you all do for work in the real world:
I’m the guy who adds the 1 calorie to bottles of diet Fanta.
My last diet Fanta had two calories in it. You’re slipping up
RIP Fanta
Wedding DJ
Missing stubs
Pitchers that can hit list
Angels Theme Team Help
Stealing Home
Pack History- First Diamond of the Year?
Lefty bats
Lefty Grove
2 new Legends
What price do you think 99 Arietta will settle at?
Need more starters have 1m stubs to play with
OMG how do u pitch in this event.
Help Me with my Lineup (& Critique It)
New RS Monday
Biggest regret
Anyone seen this before?????
Who were your pre-99 beasts
Flashback Bellinger
What do you all do for work in the real world
What do you all do for work in the real world