macktastic Brad_MLBTS
I don't see why they don't let you. they cant say it's not realistic since you can have the same player on the other team
dee gorden
go outside
I only read half cause I need adderall
I read half of that is this a joke?
jackie was most likely the most booed player ever
try out ls trea turner
not everyone just stays inside and plays video games. Although I found this year easier but the last yeah I would divide the stars by days and make it a daily goal to get 300 stars if I had to get 600 starts for the boss I might not even play the game.
just get trea turner if you need a shortstop he plays above his stats. I am hitting 450 with him with 8 hr in 30 dd online games
ive been seeing one stub difference between buy and sell now. I assume its someone that made a mistake well i but that card right away lol
the show has been on the title screen for ten minutes I did hard reset and i loaded doom and it works just fine. Anyone else having this issue?
if you have 650 xp take a couple days off go outside see your family
someone on xbox sent me a message and asked if I was frozen I lied and said yeah but i started a new game and got the win! lmao
@x814xmafia_psn said in All Makes Sense Now:
@etb_0910_psn said in All Makes Sense Now:
This year is a total disaster with lac of communication, but make sure new packs are in the game for people to spend stubs or money on and the only activity on their socials is promoting new content. If it is something about servers its some PR auto generated pre written response. No game after cards (only 1 vs cpu after a 9 inning game) and you don't even get to see the others, no extra XP, no bonus reward path for 99 cards, etc like last year. Lack of content after you beat everything. SDS is hopping for your wallets and cards to be swiped, swiped, swiped. Good thing I got a refund coming my way! At least someone at Sony was understanding.
Lack of content after you beat everything?
Ok, I don't normally do this; but here goes:
You have OVER 118 hours of gameplay in DD. Depending on if you got the early release that's about 5-6 hours of gameplay a day.
You also have 6 hours of Franchise play.
By your statement of saying that there's nothing left to play for; I'm going out on a limb and saying that you ONLY played Franchise to use the XP glitch.
That means that you PURPOSRLY played to get done ASAP.
So, if there is nothing left to play for the next 2 days; that's on you. Not SDS.
OMG I am on temporary disability and I don't even have that much game play!
divorce is expensive
I love the new rule there were conquest games that would go nine innings cause of line outs
it's more like a support group if anything
acuna is the way to go
people bitching about quick pitching is a joke all you are doing is pressing A you dont have to get set in the batters box lol. As for people that pause I Troll them back I take forever to pitch and they are thinking I am not there and Ill throw it in the dirt and they expect a fastball down the middle works every game lol!
Can we please nerf buting
You should be able to use the same player multiple times in a lineup
Whos your guy?
9 days left
PED users in MLB the Show
PED users in MLB the Show
Should certain players really be "booed" by away fans?
Suggestions at 1st/3rd
85-89 diamond pack
Is tatis jr worth 75k?
eroding margins in the Market
game isn't loading
8K f'in XP points on one moment
Longest Freeze Off
All Makes Sense Now
Hilarious Moment with my Wife!! This'll make you laugh!!
Ghost on second?
Can we go one day without...
Who should I go for first in the NL East?
Solution to the R2 Cheese.