go outside

macktastic Brad_MLBTS
@macktastic Brad_MLBTS
people bitching about quick pitching is a joke all you are doing is pressing A you dont have to get set in the batters box lol. As for people that pause I Troll them back I take forever to pitch and they are thinking I am not there and Ill throw it in the dirt and they expect a fastball down the middle works every game lol!
I only read half cause I need adderall
divorce is expensive
someone on xbox sent me a message and asked if I was frozen I lied and said yeah but i started a new game and got the win! lmao
9 days left
Solution to the R2 Cheese.
PED users in MLB the Show
Can we please nerf buting
Hilarious Moment with my Wife!! This'll make you laugh!!
Longest Freeze Off