No it will be 120hz if xcrap gets it I'm sure ps5 will
![lmvali_PSN lmvali_PSN](
Yeah silly still
I want 120 hz as well but we played for years at lower hz now all of a sudden can't give them a min to figure it out lol they will just wait turn off cross play for now its coming it's already there
Omg people it's not a console war ps5 just got vrr sds patched there game so we could use it and it broke nothing to do with anything but that lol it's not a race it's new territory give it a rest they will fix it
They did say there working on it if you want a play by play I guess find a new game I just have patience at the end of the day it all works out
Your all crazy lol all my gear says vrr and 120 both working stop using well before lol use real analysis please
Well they did it I'm running 120 hz vrr on my lg gp950 monitor so to mention also 4k HDR and it looks amazing I don't know if it's supported vrr or not but it runs great with vrr on cause there are spikes in the fps so I'm leaving it on there is no screen tearing with it on and yes 120h online as well
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
I am playing in 4k 120hz on XB series x...what's the issue?
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
I am playing in 4k 120hz on XB series x...what's the issue?
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
120Hz after update..
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.