Just a reminder to SDS. When I went to link my xbox on the main release time to my PS5 version that I was playing since the Friday before, it said it failed. I didn't care at the time. Then when I started my PS5 back up, everything was gone. What I'm getting at is that I don't believe anybody here did anything wrong. It's all on you guys. We paid upwards of $100 for stuff and it's been snatched away by no fault of our own. Just give it back. If you have to hand out codes or whatever, do it. I want to get going again.

How can I carry over my progress from the website, back to my PS5? My PS5 appears to be linked to my xbox which was just the free gamepass version. My ps5 had all my preorders and progress. If i log into my website account, I see all my stuff. How the heck do I get that back to my PS5? I'm stuck in the unlink/connected loop. There is no unlink option on the PS5 or Xbox, just link.
@cooterbopper_psn said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
When I logged into the show site through my show account i was able to unlink the xbox version. As of now everything on the playstation looks like it is back. I only had that option to unlink when logging in under the show account.
When I hit unlink, it just shoots me back to the login page and nothing changes.
New club members are not a good sign. That means they haven't even fixed what's causing this to begin with yet.
BTW, as a founding member of this club, I'm sorry you joined too. LOL. -
@jedsajec_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@edoalvarez_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Same Issue, lost all my Playstation progress! this sucks, a lot of time played since friday, nearly 100k stubs, all preorder bonuses lost, 1st inning boss unocked.
At least my inventory and stubs still appear in Theshow.com account.This is exactly my scenario. It seems so simple that I should be able to link my Xbox and PS to that account, which is how I believe it should work, and be able to get back to my grind. I dont understand why the other 2 are linked together, but not to the Theshow.com account.
Yep, playing the game now seems like a waste of time. I need my account back please so I can get going again!!
Ok, get this. I switched profiles on my ps5 (it’s set as my home ps5) to my wife’s and started the game. Hit the link, logged in online here, put in the code, chose the mlbts account (the one that says you’ll lose all you progress) and it accepted it fine and all my progress and items were right there on my ps5 but under my wife’s profile. I then unlinked, switched back to my profile, put in the code and it errored out as usual. Did the same thing on the Xbox and had the exact same results. I’m leaving the Xbox linked for now and just playing under my wife’s profile with all my stuff and progress restored.
The unlink account doesn't exist for me in game, just link. On the site here I have the option to unlink but when I click it just sends me back to the login screen and nothing happens. Somebody owes me a bunch a money for all my preorder stuff that is gone now, not to mention all the progress and stubs I earned over 4 straight days of non stop playing.
@pal8448_psn said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
This happened to me as well, no option to unlink in-game, and when I try to unlink on the website, it just logs me out and does nothing.
Why won't they at least acknowledge this problem?? Not a peep on any platform from them. If they would just say they are aware of the situation I wouldn't have to check every hour. I find it hard to believe nobody from the studio is reading any of these threads.
I think it's getting close. I would think the next step in the process is reload everybody's mlbts database so we have something to link to. Give it some time before you try to link.
@sobay310_psn said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@gigemaggs99_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@jeebwrangler_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Hey I've been keeping up with this forum for a few days now and it's really discouraging playing this game, or in better words a lack of playing this game due to the linking dilemma. I did log on this morning to see that my show account was finally unlinked from my PS5 account but when I do hop on my PS5 still nothing is there. The only was I can access my DD content and progress is through the PS4 version and personally I know there's probably not a huge difference but I didn't spend all this money to be playing on my PS4 again.
My question is on my PS5, if I start the PS4 version all my items are there, there is also an "UNLINK" option under my profile, it says if I do this I will loose all my current DD and XP progress and will be returned to the boot screen.
I've heard people says they unlink their accounts and it seems to fix it, my question is, will I really lose my progress?
When I log in on my PS5 under the PS5 version of the game it still shows no progress.
On theshow.com today my accounts show linked to MLB but not to Xbox or PSN anymore.
I tried linking them on the theshow website and it gives me the same warning that this will erase any current progress and reset my account. What about my pre-order items?
Same here! I stared at that unlink button for an hour last night, really wanted to hit it, but I couldn't think of a way that it'd make sense in fixing things because the PS5 still shows as linked (to what, I don't know). This needs to be resolved or at least addressed today.
On the PS5, are you sure it shows linked not just link (in the game, not on the site)? Because if it show's linked, unlink it. If the PS4 shows linked, man up and unlink it and let us know if you can then link the PS5. LOL.
@sobay310_xbl said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@kyllin_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@sobay310_psn said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@gigemaggs99_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@jeebwrangler_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Hey I've been keeping up with this forum for a few days now and it's really discouraging playing this game, or in better words a lack of playing this game due to the linking dilemma. I did log on this morning to see that my show account was finally unlinked from my PS5 account but when I do hop on my PS5 still nothing is there. The only was I can access my DD content and progress is through the PS4 version and personally I know there's probably not a huge difference but I didn't spend all this money to be playing on my PS4 again.
My question is on my PS5, if I start the PS4 version all my items are there, there is also an "UNLINK" option under my profile, it says if I do this I will loose all my current DD and XP progress and will be returned to the boot screen.
I've heard people says they unlink their accounts and it seems to fix it, my question is, will I really lose my progress?
When I log in on my PS5 under the PS5 version of the game it still shows no progress.
On theshow.com today my accounts show linked to MLB but not to Xbox or PSN anymore.
I tried linking them on the theshow website and it gives me the same warning that this will erase any current progress and reset my account. What about my pre-order items?
Same here! I stared at that unlink button for an hour last night, really wanted to hit it, but I couldn't think of a way that it'd make sense in fixing things because the PS5 still shows as linked (to what, I don't know). This needs to be resolved or at least addressed today.
On the PS5, are you sure it shows linked not just link? Because if it show's linked, unlink it. If the PS4 shows linked, man up and unlink it and let us know if you can then link the PS5. LOL.
LMFAO!! Sorry, yes the PS5 shows LINK (not linked). I'll give this a couple more hours then hit the unlinked button on the PS4 -- how much worse can things get?
Dude, this is your chance to be the hero. Do it!!
Look, I tried linking to both accounts, even the one that says you will lose everything. It just gave an error though. Somebody else unlink the PS4 then.
@sobay310_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@kyllin_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@jlafontnyc_xbl said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@kyllin_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
I completely agree, the PS4 and PS5 should be synced up automatically. It's the same system, same controller, same psn account. There should be a simple way to do that for now and worry about the xbox stuff later.
I only got it for Xbox this year lol. So I need an Xbox solution! Lol. I bought a series X specifically for the show. Well also because I want to play Halo this year too.
I hear ya. I just decided to check it out on my xbox series x just because it was part of gamepass and I wanted to see if it looked the same between the 2 new systems. That was dumb.
I was so close to just waiting the extra four days and playing on GamePass. Of course I caved the last minute on Friday, spent the $100 and now dealing with this [censored]. Wish I would have waited.
Yeah, that's the whole weekend off of work thing. Gets me every time. Speaking of which, I expect this to be fixed by the time I get back home, LOL.
They just need to wipe out and disconnect everything that was done since the linking, then perhaps it would auto link to the proper account like the ps4 did.
This is one of the worst experiences I’ve had with video games. First, I feel like I lost $100 and on top of that about 30hrs of grinding. Really, really sucks.
@sobay310_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@victor_sds_psn said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Hey again folks-
Just wanted to update and let you know we've put in a few fixes already and we have a fix coming soon for those who are unable to UNlink.
Thank you all for your reports, details, and patience while we see this through.
Does "coming soon" mean today? It's been a week. Does it mean next week? Can you be a little more specific so we're not spending our time checking our accounts? Also, is there any consideration to providing the option for a refund for those of us who were completely screwed by paying $100 for pre-order "incentives" that obviously haven't materialized.
I've been on SDS's side through all the previous [censored] launches, told people to relax, but the lack of communication and blatant ignoring of our posts without so much of a "sorry guys" is really fueling the anger you're seeing around here. We're talking $100 for a product that doesn't work and didn't deliver.
I agree 100%. I’m usually pretty quiet, and I have quietly purchased every version of this game over the years. You couldn’t get a more loyal customer than me, and this is how we are treated. Just a time frame please!!!
I turned on the PS4 and PS5 version at the same time in hopes of scrambling the server up and it would give me my shitt back. It didn’t work.
Why can’t SDS just put replacement items into our accounts? They should easily be able to see what we have (or had LOL).
@feegore_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@kyllin_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Why can’t SDS just put replacement items into our accounts? They should easily be able to see what we have (or had LOL).
Honestly, I want everything back. I want all the unlocked cards and DD stuff I had. We shouldn’t lose our Diamond cards. I’d also want my progress restored. I was almost done with the 1st inning conquest. Having to redo that would suck, especially with less time than before. And I had mostly every moment and 4/5 daily missions completed for the Giambi unlock before I got blipped.
Very similar situation. I’m just brainstorming as we wait to hear something.
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
PSA: Don't Link both PS and XBOX Accounts!
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
PSA: Don't Link both PS and XBOX Accounts!
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress