@Tylerslikewhoa found the sds simp.

I know this is a tiny company with only a few employees, but you should maybe test your game rather than having us waste money on early access we can't even use.
You add 2 platforms to your sales and quality reaches an all-time low. At least ea has contact information, you just hide behind the internet. Pathetic. -
Absolute garbage support.
I'd say you should be ashamed but you clearly don't care. Issuing a statement 2 days ago with zero follow-up. It's almost as if you has en entire year to figure out an issue like this. -
I have been advised to contact the better business bureau and suggest other do the same. Enough forum complaining.
Mini seasons repeatable xp has been eliminated.
So are you actively trying to push people away from your game at this point? You say get on the grind and then take them all away lol
Do you have so little content this year that you literally have to protect it by limiting progress at every single avenue?
Just for anyone wondering at sds, you have only made the game worse in many ways this year. Aren't new versions supposed to be an upgrade, not a downgrade? -
this link will take you right where you need to go to make a report to the ftc. I have been unable to use my switch copy and have received zero customer service over the past 3 days. This seems like the proper channel so we're not just yelling on the internet. -
I have now reached out to larger gaming publications and asked if they would cover this absolute [censored] show.
@TubaTim90 there were other ways before, don't be a chud.
Thank you sds for taking our money and not saying anything at all about your broken game we can't even play.
@Manu__SDS why can't this be posted on Twitter or somewhere where it isn't so hidden?
@Fly4aNorri pre-order money literally stolen.
@PEREZ_03 10,000,000 tweets about taking our money. 0 about supporting their customers.
@SUPERFUZZYBUTT reach out to ign and whatever large gaming publications you can. I have and the more that do maybe they'll take a dump on this game publicly like they absolutely deserve.
@Manu__SDS Customer service only acceptable from a gaming studio. Maybe you should use some of the millions of dollars in revenue to hire testers so we don't have to pay you to test the game. Looking forward to a day where you actually have some competition and to just churn out copies of the previous game (exact same glitches across the board and all)
Congratulations on tricking us into thinking this was a baseball game and not just a money spending sim.
Keep buring trust with the community, ill be excited when a real baseball game comes out soon. Enjoy gouging while it lasts, you have truly flushed all trust down the toilet. Hope it was worth it. -
@Victor_SDS 5 days and no word? You were on 2 hours ago at this point in time and can't update an entire platform on the status on being able to use their paid for product.
I guess no big streamers play on switch so we're not important. -
@x814xmafia imagine trying to justify the game not working at all. Go away.
@lckdb it was available all mlb 23, but due to no content now they feel they have to protect their lack of content.
This limiting of xp gains is actively pushing players like myself away from the game.
If it can be cheaped out on, they did it. -
@Tylerslikewhoa if this isn't satire then it's just an outright lie.
They took free content from mlb 23 and are now charging for it in 24. Screw this.
Bump This Thread if You're Disgusted with SDS
Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash
MLB 24: 3/19/24 - Nintendo Switch
MLB 24: 3/19/24 - Nintendo Switch
Mini Seasons Repeatable XP
Report to FTC for Switch users.
MLB 24: 3/19/24 - Nintendo Switch
What are we even supposed to grind offline now?
Switch Crashes
Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash
Switch Crashes
Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash
Switch Crashes
Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash
Congratulations on tricking us
MLB 24: 3/19/24 - Nintendo Switch
MLB 24: 3/19/24 - Nintendo Switch
Mini Seasons Repeatable XP
Best Show of All-time
SDS is nowhere near EA