@chucky97___ YES!!!!! Probably won’t even be on the show in the summer this year once NCAA hits

Agree with this posts. Pretty sad they nuked the game this year.
I’m convinced they don’t want us actually playing there game this year. View ship and YouTube views are lower compared to last years, programs so far have been bad, only real content is stuck behind a pay wall. Nerfed XP and the rewards path. Only thing changed with TA is they split it up. Nothing else is different about it. Nered mini seasons. If you wanna take away the XP whatever but replace it with something. Game just isn’t fun this year. Feels like homework
@blitz77tw there trying really hard to get us to spend money on this shitty game this year
@iRockNewbzz- I’m happy for people like Ashley and him for getting good jobs for themselves but that’s part of the reason why the games in the place it’s in, they have people on payroll, which is already a limited one, that like only have experience playing video games. Not coding and actual community managing skills.
@EPaytonTX imma still wait it out because I’m not broke (not saying you are) but this is probably the last year I’m getting excited about this game and buying. I must just be old
@mookieparlaybetts my guy I just wanted to enjoy opening day while enjoying this game let us freaking complain. Lmao there’s other posts of non complainers if you don’t wanna join in with us. The thread had a pretty clear title. SMH.
@bostondirtdog21 ironic the last car I bought randomly shrunk in size two weeks in.
@Teak2112 huge key point. I know people still play on old gen. I know money is hard to get sometimes. I don’t think SDS has the capability or staffing to be able to make a functioning game that’s basically the same for every console.
2k and madden both have separate markets etc with there games. If I upgrade from MUT ps4 to ps5, it’s a diff game.
If I upgrade 2k24 my team (I don’t play that casino) from ps4 to ps5, it’s a diff game. Same with park and my player.
With mlb the show the only different thing is created stadiums. Markets are all still the same. Game is the same. Etc.
I love going to a restaurant, paying for my meal, then getting the finished product weeks or months later.
@SaveFarris thanks for making my point. It’s 2024.
@iRockNewbzz- don’t mind him, he’s got some issues lmao. But fun game go look at mlb the show viewership on twitch and YouTube then go compare it to another sports game. Been an MLB the show player since 2007 and the game is the in the worst place it’s ever been 2 weeks in.
@fubar2k7 nah he typed all of that and the following comments also that were typed by other people weren’t serious either.
@crash447 ehhh I respect your opinion but I’ve read more people call it copy and paste then anything else. I also feel the same.
@Honor_The_Game44 your one of the few people who think the abiur gameplay. It’s copy and paste from last year. It appears better because you aren’t facing 95 OVR plus pitchers to start off like last year.
Also the wildcard slots this year are obtained via the reward path. They said on the launch stream it’ll be at the end of the reward path of set 2. Considering 15,000 is the XP path, you won’t more than 1 wildcard until about the last week or 2 of the season.
@Teak2112 it really appears that nothing in the patch notes last night is in the game. Still a ball fest.
They don’t care bro. Haven’t in a few years now. Game has really gone down hill the last few years.
Agreed. Been playing since 18 and this is by far the worst one. We really need a new company. SDS has ruined baseball gaming sadly.
How do we go about getting a refund? I didn’t pay 100 dollars for this unplayable game.
I also refuse to believe you didn’t strike the CPU out at all in any of the 3 conquest games…. Like huh?
Its honestly impressive how quickly they drove this game into the ground
"Stop playing the game. Only open packs. Packs are the game now." -SDS
Please Address The Following
Refunding the game
Refunding the game
Refunding the game
Refunding the game
Refunding the game
Refunding the game
Refunding the game
Refunding the game
2024 is the worst iteration since I started playing in 2016
2024 is the worst iteration since I started playing in 2016
2024 is the worst iteration since I started playing in 2016
Update broke the game!
Tech Test 24
2024 is the worst iteration since I started playing in 2016
Refunding the game
This doesn't make sense. Play vs CPU versus Conquest