Lmao C brev said that 4 days ago now, was very incorrect, hasn’t been heard from since. Issue still is not fixed!! What a terrible look.

@TheHungryHole said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
@KingJonEric_PSN said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
@OleDylano23_XBL said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
@CBrev47_MLBTS Why are you avoiding this thread
Dude could literally care less. He dosent reply on Twitter either. He was cool to watch over the years and really enjoyed his giant’s content, but looking more and more like just a sellout and a mouth piece every day. Community managers are supposed to represent and help the community. We aren’t getting anything close to that outta @CBrev47_MLBTS . We are now going on almost one week of him saying it was fixed and it clearly is still not.
what do you expect putting your faith into random streamers on the internet? this group of entitled nerdy gamers is way overrated - get a good support case worker for SDS that can actually answer emails personalized than copy/pasta replies - far more effective
I did have hope that having a Community manager for this game would be totally different than what it looks like at 2k/madden etc. yeah I was dead wrong. what is funny is he dosent have a large following at all, so you’d think it would be more easy to contact him with issues etc etc. yeah nah
. Dudes been a ghost on social media mostly (like many SDS workers)
@OleDylano23_XBL said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
@CBrev47_MLBTS Why are you avoiding this thread
Dude could literally care less. He dosent reply on Twitter either. He was cool to watch over the years and really enjoyed his giant’s content, but looking more and more like just a sellout and a mouth piece every day. Community managers are supposed to represent and help the community. We aren’t getting anything close to that outta @CBrev47_MLBTS . We are now going on almost one week of him saying it was fixed and it clearly is still not.
How do we go about getting a refund? I didn’t pay 100 dollars for this unplayable game.
I’m convinced they don’t want us actually playing there game this year. View ship and YouTube views are lower compared to last years, programs so far have been bad, only real content is stuck behind a pay wall. Nerfed XP and the rewards path. Only thing changed with TA is they split it up. Nothing else is different about it. Nered mini seasons. If you wanna take away the XP whatever but replace it with something. Game just isn’t fun this year. Feels like homework
@bostondirtdog21 ironic the last car I bought randomly shrunk in size two weeks in.
I love going to a restaurant, paying for my meal, then getting the finished product weeks or months later.
@ebbets1957_XBL said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
@KingJonEric_PSN said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
@ebbets1957_XBL said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
The worst part about this was not only did it force a LOT of players to reset, but we were told a reset would fix and it didn't fix it at all. I have lost like 12 hours of gameplay progress now because of it. Sadly, Mini Seasons is by far my favorite mode to play, and now I can't even play it because it will just be wasted time again. @CBrev47_MLBTS , when you were hired, I felt like it was a huge win and that you'd be an advocate for the community, but the first real opportunity for you to do it has been a huge fail thus far. Not just in that it's not fixed, but in your messaging about it as well. This is not you, and your community needs your help to not only get this fixed, but to recognize that the time we spend playing your game does have value, and a simple "we understand your frustration" just isn't enough here. It literally costs you nothing to put a pack in the pack store with 10 vouchers and say "We really messed up here guys, and not only have we fixed it, but here are the 10 or so TA vouchers most of you lost." It's a simple solution that at least will make it up to your community.
Understand your position but for someone like me who has already finished TA those make rights would be meaningless. The issue isn’t just TA mini seasons, it’s all of them. I hope there’s some type of make right but hopefully it’s one that rewards everyone and not just TA. No offense mate.
I don't disagree KingJon. If you have already finished TA you’re right. The handling of this situation has been abysmal. I get that its Easter weekend, and that makes it tough, but as someone who is in the software business, I learned VERY early on "Never make make updates on Friday's and especially Friday's on Holiday weekend's, as there is no easy recovery possible. Also, make sure you QA major changes or additions. Lastly, don't just tell your customers "Sorry, just reset after hours up hours worth of effort, without taking the time to at least attempt to fix it correctly, and then throwing your brand new community manager under the bus by giving him information to communicate that clearly wasn't correct yet. I feel for Brev here, and I hope that he can help to fix this and make it right for all of us. This is my favorite mode and like you, I mostly play offline and love the game.
I was also banned this week for inaccurate reasons, got it reversed and told “not to worry about it”. It’s not C brev’s fault he’s just a mouthpiece, like Ronnie 2k etc. I appreciate his effort and time to the game. From someone that is able to put a lot of time into this game currently (by choice and also not by choice lol) I would just like to see better communication than “not to worry” or restart your progress because we messed up stuff. Respectfully because I know it’s Easter weekend, it’s someone’s job to make sure the game is functioning correctly, I’m sure it’s a tough job, but considering the cycle or life of the game, you have to put probably even more time into ensuring holidays during the higher points of the cycle are not a bad time for the consumer. We all want the same thing, for the game to be great!
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
@KingJonEric_PSN said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
@ebbets1957_XBL said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
The worst part about this was not only did it force a LOT of players to reset, but we were told a reset would fix and it didn't fix it at all. I have lost like 12 hours of gameplay progress now because of it. Sadly, Mini Seasons is by far my favorite mode to play, and now I can't even play it because it will just be wasted time again. @CBrev47_MLBTS , when you were hired, I felt like it was a huge win and that you'd be an advocate for the community, but the first real opportunity for you to do it has been a huge fail thus far. Not just in that it's not fixed, but in your messaging about it as well. This is not you, and your community needs your help to not only get this fixed, but to recognize that the time we spend playing your game does have value, and a simple "we understand your frustration" just isn't enough here. It literally costs you nothing to put a pack in the pack store with 10 vouchers and say "We really messed up here guys, and not only have we fixed it, but here are the 10 or so TA vouchers most of you lost." It's a simple solution that at least will make it up to your community.
Understand your position but for someone like me who has already finished TA those make rights would be meaningless. The issue isn’t just TA mini seasons, it’s all of them. I hope there’s some type of make right but hopefully it’s one that rewards everyone and not just TA. No offense mate.
May I ask how you taçkled TA? Did you do one division at a time? Did you mix and match? I did the latter by doing all the Moments, all 3 Conquest Maps, and Showdown for all 3 and noticed that unless I make 3 seperate lineups, one for each division, there are to many cards and not enough roster spaces.
I just played a lot. I got the game early access. Did WBC first thing, all the conquest maps, then just TA mini seasons till I was done. I made sure none of the WBV classic players were free agents so was still getting the PXP. I was on next gen (before selling ps5 because they falsely banned me, then unbanned me literally a day after I sold it) and it goes really fast if you only play 18 games or so. I basically just used the vouchers for the divisions I was not using players for, or whatever division was getting the least. I would say it took me 8 TA seasons to finish it all. Right now I’m NMS, and already have 180 set 1 cards collected. I’m working on live series right now. Mini seasons truly is the way to go if you have a good amount of time. If you use the henchmen, you’ll probably be able to do it in less time than me. I mainly just used the 97’s they gave you.
@CBrev47_MLBTS said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
After today’s update, we’ve seen reports of an error message stating “Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster” when trying to play a game in Mini-Seasons.
While we were able to correct this error for new seasons, we were unable to do so for seasons that were already in progress.
This means that if you started a season before today’s update, and are receiving this error message when trying to play, you will need to restart your season.
We understand your frustration and apologize for the inconvenience.
Still waiting
Since SDS and c Brev decided to unpin and delete the mini season issue post, I figured I’d update people on how it’s still broke.
From what I can tell and see it looks like the invalid roster glitch isn’t appearing anymore in any of the 3 seasons.
Unsure on lefty or TA seasons, but now when you start a new season on classics MS your game will crash Vs either the whales or cats because they don’t actually have a full batting lineup, even though it appears as such when you look at the pregame lineup screen ( https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/139lobv/miniseason_crashing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 )
I’m unsure if it’s random or happening in every season. So far I’ve restarted 2 and both times I’ve ran into the issue.As far as TA mini seasons go make sure you finish it before roster updates. Multiple users have said they had a bronze pitcher turned silver or something similar and were unable to continue the season because of it.
If anyone else has any other issues please post in this thread. I understand SDS dosent want to do any makerights, but it’s a complete slap in the face to still have multiple issues with a game mode and not communicate with your community about it.
C Brev is no longer to be trusted either. His word means absolutely nothing. He’s either a mouth piece or has zero stroke and deleting the original thread is one of many examples so far this season.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in FYI mini season still broke:
In before ban and topic lock/deletion
They already falsely banned me once this year and told me and I quote “I don’t have anything further to worry about it”.Was unbanned. I’m not breaking code of conduct or any sort of EULA. didn’t use a swear word.if they wanna ban or lock/delete posts, that would just be again another slap in the face to there customer (s).
️ it’s not my fault they don’t want to communicate or when they do it’s been incorrect information thus far. I kid you not 10 minutes after making this thread ( https://twitter.com/mlbtheshow/status/1654939090184445955?s=46&t=A6ZZepLp_UB6lhkCwFH5IA ) they encouraged people to play a gamemode that currently is pretty unplayable for most of the community.
@iRockNewbzz- don’t mind him, he’s got some issues lmao. But fun game go look at mlb the show viewership on twitch and YouTube then go compare it to another sports game. Been an MLB the show player since 2007 and the game is the in the worst place it’s ever been 2 weeks in.
@EPaytonTX imma still wait it out because I’m not broke (not saying you are) but this is probably the last year I’m getting excited about this game and buying. I must just be old
They don’t care bro. Haven’t in a few years now. Game has really gone down hill the last few years.
@iRockNewbzz- I’m happy for people like Ashley and him for getting good jobs for themselves but that’s part of the reason why the games in the place it’s in, they have people on payroll, which is already a limited one, that like only have experience playing video games. Not coding and actual community managing skills.
@chucky97___ YES!!!!! Probably won’t even be on the show in the summer this year once NCAA hits
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Refunding the game
Please Address The Following
Refunding the game
Refunding the game
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
FYI mini season still broke
FYI mini season still broke
Refunding the game
Refunding the game
Tech Test 24
Refunding the game
Its honestly impressive how quickly they drove this game into the ground