Jenkins is probably the best of the 3.

There's a lot more starters now with good H/9 to counteract that.
You hope Donaldson does what in his sleep?
@x814xmafia_psn said in 25 Event Wins:
I want that FS Dominguez and was just going to buy him and save the trouble of playing at Polo Grounds with all the Contact sing abuse.
But I 'messed up' and have all my subs ties up in investments.
I'm almost positive that he'll increase in cost once the Event is over.
So, do you think it's possible to get 25 Wins in 24+ hrs? I can't play until Thursday.
Or is it easier for me to just pay a little extra for him after my investments pan out?
You'll be able to gain stubs pretty soon and he'll probably settle around the 70k, 80k range for a bit. I'd wait a little bit if you can't grind the event.
If you need him like...right now, i dunno what to tell ya lol
It's not on the content schedule yet, so I'd imagine it'll be after 4th of July at least. Probably closer to the All Star break.
Cabrera, Lee, and Priester are all very good if not excellent (I think Cabrera is the best starter in the game right now). You really have to mix your pitches up with Lee and Priester or else you can become predictable and they'll get smashed. You could obviously say the same for anyone, but I feel like Cabrera has such good stuff that it can actually be relied on pretty heavily.
Oswalt is so-so, it's the per 9s that really hurt him despite a pretty solid pitch mix.
Crochet will be good against people who can't hit the fastball. But if you play someone who can catch up, he's total buns.
Paxton might be good but I was not a fan of him last year and I felt like he was very hittable. But he's worth a shot.
Stanton with 64 contact is a no bueno, dawg.
I've beaten numerous teams with Soriano/Ortiz/Chipper with my squad that isn't nearly as good. I'm not even that good of a player.
I'm not sure exactly what your complaint is: you say they get BS hits but also say they get hits when inside the PCI.
@superfly2789_psn said in Seen a few people complain about spending 400k on Jackie:
@jonbearf_psn said in Seen a few people complain about spending 400k on Jackie:
I think the main issue is that when he becomes affordable for most players, there's more than likely going to be much better options over him. Especially if people are focusing on the live series collection and especially the National League. Soriano will be a better option than Jackie no matter what. At that point, the only reason to spend the stubs on Jackie is if you really love him or there's a big collection mid-game.
Jackie is better than Soriano!!!!
Highly disagree.
Kevin GohD.
@genopolanco_psn said in Seen a few people complain about spending 400k on Jackie:
It’s funny how so many people are planning ahead to get the collection card when we don’t even know who it will be yet.
Honus was great but he wasn’t someone you HAD to have.
Unless it’s a player you really love IRL, it’s not even close to worth it. There are plenty of options at every position, especially by that time.
Honus was 100% worth it in 19. Elite contact, good power, good swing and played pretty much everywhere but 2nd Base and Catcher. Not only that, he was actually not too bad to get in 19 because you could just quick-sell the diamonds you had to lock in right after so you actually could get some stubs back. Honus was end game.
Trout was also end game in 20, but that wasn't nearly as hard of a collection to complete. You could plug other outfielders in, but he was so good and so worth it.
I think the main issue is that when he becomes affordable for most players, there's more than likely going to be much better options over him. Especially if people are focusing on the live series collection and especially the National League. Soriano will be a better option than Jackie no matter what. At that point, the only reason to spend the stubs on Jackie is if you really love him or there's a big collection mid-game.
@primetime22337_mlbts said in Better options at 3RD Base:
I have Schmidt at third and he hits Hr but strikes out just as much,no in between and he is only average at fielding.Who are you guys rolling with and why?
I'd rather use a common over Schmidt lol. So yeah. Anyone.
That video shows that you have zero time remaining on your pause timer, but it doesn't show the rest of the game. How are we supposed to know if you ran it down or not?
Just saying, rest of the video would be important.
@sevisonjn_psn said in Kyle Seager:
Is he the only new reward? Did the other WS rewards stay as an option?
96 Matt Wieters is the other new reward. And the previous rewards are up for grabs as well.
Seager could have attributes in the 30s and he'd still rake in this game. That's a solid-looking card, Parallel 2 gets him diamond defense. I think it's the best WS reward so far this year.
@ikasnu_psn said in Scherzer > Bumgardner:
@jonbearf_psn said in Scherzer > Bumgardner:
MadBum is always buns in this game. I'll be happy to have the card, especially when a large collection comes around but he's not very viable in the game.
His 2019 signature series was solid all year.
MadBum is always buns in this game. I'll be happy to have the card, especially when a large collection comes around but he's not very viable in the game.
@dingers4days14 said in Okay This is Dumb, please fix this:
@jonbearf_psn said in Okay This is Dumb, please fix this:
Gotta make sure that ball is getting down before going, though. If there's a chance it can be caught, don't run.
Okay yes, but on the second video the runners automatically ran without me telling them to do so, so the chances of my guys running automatically on the first video are very high.
Yeah, that's definitely some bad luck/animation. I was mainly referring to the first one.
I rarely ever see what happens in your 2nd clip.
Bro, if you think these cards are "over-powered" you're in for a long year lol.
Grienke, Harvey, or Jenkins?
How do they expect us to pitch?
25 Event Wins
Veterans of MLBTS…
TA 2 “stud” pitchers are overrated
Well at least it was alot
Hard to beat guys with the collections at the higher level
Seen a few people complain about spending 400k on Jackie
What is it with Eddie Matthews and this community?
Seen a few people complain about spending 400k on Jackie
Seen a few people complain about spending 400k on Jackie
Better options at 3RD Base
A new problem with pause timer.
Kyle Seager
Kyle Seager
Scherzer > Bumgardner
Scherzer > Bumgardner
Okay This is Dumb, please fix this
Eye roll