Yep. That was it. Thanks. It was one at the top that was impossible to see

I did not take the A's. I didn't see it until after. That shouldn't affect the last goal though.
It also says I've only conquered 113 out of 114 territories but I have them all
Well, I have every territory conquered and they're not giving me the goal or the restart option so something's up. I figured it was that territory
How do you get the territory at the bottom of the map that's not connected?
@yankblan_psn said in Did the servers just go down:
@joeyrococo_psn said in Did the servers just go down:
@yankblan_psn said in Did the servers just go down:
@joeyrococo_psn said in Did the servers just go down:
I work in the legal field and know a ton of attorneys in California. I should ask around and find out who would be best for a class action suit. SDS needs to be held responsible for stealing our money. After buying this game on April 19th and basically not being able to play it, I'd be willing to be what they call the "class representative".
Lol I’m a paralegal and if you find a lawyer willing to do this his name is probably Hutz...
Absolutely not true. You have no idea how much money this would be worth. Class action attorneys salivate over [censored] like this
Okay if you say so; let us know how it goes... rofl
You must work for a defense firm
@yankblan_psn said in Did the servers just go down:
@joeyrococo_psn said in Did the servers just go down:
I work in the legal field and know a ton of attorneys in California. I should ask around and find out who would be best for a class action suit. SDS needs to be held responsible for stealing our money. After buying this game on April 19th and basically not being able to play it, I'd be willing to be what they call the "class representative".
Lol I’m a paralegal and if you find a lawyer willing to do this his name is probably Hutz...
Absolutely not true. You have no idea how much money this would be worth. Class action attorneys salivate over [censored] like this
I work in the legal field and know a ton of attorneys in California. I should ask around and find out who would be best for a class action suit. SDS needs to be held responsible for stealing our money. After buying this game on April 19th and basically not being able to play it, I'd be willing to be what they call the "class representative".
This is beyond ridiculous. Yesterday, I spent an hour doing the 1st inning showdown only for the servers to crash on the last boss. I work normal hours, so I tend to play during peek hours, but I haven't been able to play the game much at all.
There needs to be some form of discount
For half the things you listed, I have no idea what you're talking about. A pinch of detail might be helpful.
How about this - just give players what they deserve. I sometimes hit a perfect perfect flyball with a 100, 100 guy and its a flyout to the warning track. Other times I deserve a fly ball and it's gone. That's so lame. I understand if they want to make it harder for a 9-0 game, but that's not what I'm talking about. That to me is the most frustrating thing.
When I read the title of the post, I thought it would be about the screwballs in this game. Somebody needs to tell SDS what a screwball is. All of the screwballs I've seen in this game are exactly the same as curveballs with no arm-side run. Screwball should have significant break in the opposite direction of a typical curve.
But to answer your question, screwballs are very hard on the elbow. Brent Honeywell of the Rays system for example, was know for his screwball. He had to have Tommy John surgery.
Yeah, I don't understand the rush. I think the Spiderman game looked like the only game I'd even want to play. Definitely not worth it at this point. I'll wait until there's a decent lineup of games.
OMG. Slow down. Read
As a White Sox fan, I'm actually quite glad with the Abreu "snub". First, we not only have a TN 97 Abreu, but we have Thomas, Konerko and Vaughn as 1B specialty cards. We don't need another 1B. Secondly, the Jiminez card was a real treat because it gives the Sox a diamond at every position as long as you play Minoso in RF. So I'd much rather have the Jimenez, and actually, the Jiminez card is not too shabby.
I've noticed the same thing with runners on base. Fly ball into the gap and they hold up even for a delayed moment after you're holding the advance button. It's like you're telling them to run and they don't listen for a 1 second delay.
For what it's worth, I also think they made the changeups drop a little more. I get it that its a video game, but now everybody has a wicked changeup
I've done plenty of the TA4 showdowns where I've had both Machado and Soto in my line up. There's no doubt that Soto is superior. The ball just jumps off his bat like no other. That said, Soto is leftie and there are no lefties in the TA4 showdown. Maybe Machado could be the best against lefties, but he is not better than Soto against righties.
@Nanos_McGregor said in DeGrom is the toughest showdown:
There’ll be times I’ll get beat by him
Are you saying you've lost the final showdown in the Stage 4 Showdown? You only need 1 run and get 20 outs
I noticed this too at least a week ago. Sure, it might not be the best defensive players, but they are players I've been using for a while. I think I've only noticed it in the corners - 1B, 3B, RF and LF.
I could be crazy, and could be a coincidence, but I've kinda wondered the same.
I sold my Bauer for $120k. I would like to get it back at some point, but I won't lose any sleep if I don't
This is my first year playing, so some vets would know better, but prices can only go down right?
I just made it through another Stage 4 showdown. I went to go check on my lunch, when I return, I had the server error on my screen (same one as earlier in the week). Not only did I lose my vouchers, but the stage 4 Showdown isn't even available right now. It's just not there
Ok thanks. I didn't check Twitter, just this post.
U.F.O. Conquest
U.F.O. Conquest
U.F.O. Conquest
U.F.O. Conquest
Did the servers just go down
Did the servers just go down
Did the servers just go down
Did the servers just go down
10 Things I hope get fixed in The Show 21
The Screwball
Buying a ps5
I been seeing Jimmie fox at catcher
Finest cards we wanted to see
Did something change with defense?
99 Machado is the best card in the game
DeGrom is the toughest showdown
Did something change with defense?
Thoughts on Finest cards leveling out.
WTF is going on?
TA4 reveal thread