Who cares about graphics??? This game is good because of the cards, the history and the extras. The game play sucks and sucks bad. All-Star Baseball '96 and '98 on the N64 were better than this [censored]. MVP Baseball '05 by EA was better than this. These games are 15-20 years older and they can't figure it out. LOL Are you kidding me? I'm hoping for the same extras which are great, but much improved game play damnit.

This is beyond ridiculous. Yesterday, I spent an hour doing the 1st inning showdown only for the servers to crash on the last boss. I work normal hours, so I tend to play during peek hours, but I haven't been able to play the game much at all.
There needs to be some form of discount
I see. Seems silly to do that but whatever. Thanks for the explanations.
While the posters that say it's never smart to buy packs are probably right, if you enjoy the fun of opening packs, now is definitely the time to do it. Since the sale, I've opened up 60 packs (for $45,000). I've basically broken even according to "sell now" prices, so I've definitely done well as I never "sell now"
4 diamond players, a diamond nameplate, 12 gold players (including the bonus Gold packs) 11 silver players
I usually get home team, and I have a very low rating. I don't even try, only try to get my missions. Maybe the lowest rating always is home and you have a good rating?
Also, this is just a guess, but I was just trying to get 9 IP with Brady Singer to complete my George Brett. Computer gave me home team in each game (3 inning Event). Almost like they knew what I needed and that I needed to be home to get all three innings.
White Sox fan here... I'm looking forward to this Topps Now pack. Abreu and Giolito both have to be there. This after a 99 Robert, a 99 Big Frank and an upgraded Buhrle... it's been a nice couple weeks! Sox are usually the red-headded step child. Enjoying this.
Anyone else notice a significant problem / change in a runners ability to round the 3rd base bag and go home in Showdown? I keep tapping the L1 button quickly and repeatedly, but the runner stops on 3rd for a good second or so and then starts to run home. Obviously, by that time it's too late. This only started happening a couple weeks ago and it's driving me crazy!!!
The only thing I can think of on my end is that maybe I used to hold the button down instead of tapping, but either should work right?
I use classic base running
@jz2016cubs said in How much would it cost to get Trout?:
According to that website, the sell now total is only 350K. That is WAY lower than I thought. After Mantle, I might have to get him.That's just simply not accurate. It lists zero for FOF, Signature, Prospects, Awards and others.
I like that website especially for Flipping, but their methods are flawed or not realistic there. Their calculation assumes you only need 7 categories. Isn't it 11?
I just checked, it's actually 15!
I think SaveFarris's assessment is pretty accurate. There are a lot a factors anyway you look at it though.
Just playing with the card on Showdown, 2 ABs, 2 HRs, 2nd one was a 449 ft bomb. But then in the OF, I caught a fly ball and the throw back to the infield was a laser beam like I've never seen. He's jacked.
Anyway, can't wait to add this card to my regular lineup.
Ok thanks. I didn't check Twitter, just this post.
As a White Sox fan, I'm actually quite glad with the Abreu "snub". First, we not only have a TN 97 Abreu, but we have Thomas, Konerko and Vaughn as 1B specialty cards. We don't need another 1B. Secondly, the Jiminez card was a real treat because it gives the Sox a diamond at every position as long as you play Minoso in RF. So I'd much rather have the Jimenez, and actually, the Jiminez card is not too shabby.
Yeah, I don't understand the rush. I think the Spiderman game looked like the only game I'd even want to play. Definitely not worth it at this point. I'll wait until there's a decent lineup of games.
For half the things you listed, I have no idea what you're talking about. A pinch of detail might be helpful.
How about this - just give players what they deserve. I sometimes hit a perfect perfect flyball with a 100, 100 guy and its a flyout to the warning track. Other times I deserve a fly ball and it's gone. That's so lame. I understand if they want to make it harder for a 9-0 game, but that's not what I'm talking about. That to me is the most frustrating thing.
I work in the legal field and know a ton of attorneys in California. I should ask around and find out who would be best for a class action suit. SDS needs to be held responsible for stealing our money. After buying this game on April 19th and basically not being able to play it, I'd be willing to be what they call the "class representative".
Yep. That was it. Thanks. It was one at the top that was impossible to see
What are you expectations for MLB The Show 21 PS5 version
Did the servers just go down
What's up with the player rankings?
I need some advice.
This Can’t Be Random.
Topps Now tomorrow
Showdown Base running - 3rd Base
How much would it cost to get Trout?
How much would it cost to get Trout?
How much would it cost to get Trout?
Griffey Jr is a BEAST!!!
TA4 reveal thread
Finest cards we wanted to see
Buying a ps5
10 Things I hope get fixed in The Show 21
Did the servers just go down
U.F.O. Conquest