I think players who have mlb contracts will definitely be on it . But as I understand they're going to have atleast 1 non mlb player represented for each team . That's the way I understood it , but I could be wrong.

Angels , Trout. Ohtani , Renfroe , I think Rendon will return to diamond form . So 4 . Ward , Walsh, rengifo , will be golds .
@John322199_XBL said in Getting an XBox X this week. What do I need?:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Getting an XBox X this week. What do I need?:
I’ll be playing MLBTS on it.
Should I get a different controller than what’s in the box? I don’t see that it comes with a USB-C cable for charging or playing wired with the controller. If it does (and it’s not listed), how long is the cable?
Anything else I should consider? I live in the mountains and it’s a long trek to the store (even longer with all the snow we’ve been getting), so I want to make sure I get what I need in one shot.
I know 22 is on Game Pass, so I’m not getting that.
I have an 42” LG C2 I’ll be connecting it to, how long is the HDMI cable?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
You need a power a wired controller for PPP out of box one no good for it.
What is "ppp"
What's the difference between the standard edition and upgraded edition and is the Jeter edition different? What do you get extra?
I understand Pujols cause he's retired and probably out of contract. But Jazz ? He's literally the cover athlete.
While Jazz would not have been my first choice, some of you act like it's the end of the world . The world doesn't revolve around your opinion.
I wonder if his outlier in mlb the show going to be 110? I mean they got guys throwing 102 who never touched 100.
@Blind_Bleeder said in Should have bunt dancer for countdown ticker:
They should put a delay between bunt attempts. A half second would be enough to stop this.
I like this idea
Mine is Live Series Trout 78 on my ps4 account, I switched to Xbox so its only like half a season.
For starters have on the "on" setting, that seems to work .
Sorry bad dad joke. -
I like it because I get to use live series players and actually get hits . I use my Angels live series except Ohtani I use tops now .
Freddy Lynn , Bo Jackson , Will the thrill Clark , Fred the crime dog McGriff . Daryl Strawberry to name a few I would like to see.
Where do you link it?
For 23 please make pitching moments 2 innings or less . They are sooooo boooring. I don't want to pitch for 6 innings to try and strike out 8 batters . Common sds make the game fun . Also make the pitchers throw more strikes .
Mvp = Trout
Cy young = kershaw
Cp = Hoffman -
Your probably too early on those pitches , 95 mph vs a common pitcher vs a diamond pitcher is different. I try to go oppo against commons even if they throw 99+ because that . And I still end up pulling moonshots . Line drives are part of the game , in real baseball guys go 0 for 4 and hit absolute lasers .
I have the opposite, I barely tap it because I decided to swing but then not , but he takes a full swing anyway . Not even a half swing.
@raesONE-_PSN said in Hitting:
Yeah foul balls are a little excessive in this game and more importantly very inconsistent. You can pull a homerun on a very early swing and then pull one foul the next at bat by swinging just early. Ditto for swinging late. It's just RNG.
What is RNG?
Irl baseball I believe it would a hit and a 3 base error.
Guess what , it's a video game , if you want an authentic baseball experience, go play baseball in real life .
world baseball classic
How many live series diamonds do you expect your favorite team to have at release?
Getting an XBox X this week. What do I need?
What's the difference
Jazz/Albert Pujols Face Scan change???
Ya'll Over React
Ben Joyce throws 105
Should have bunt dancer for countdown ticker
Who do you got the most homeruns with?
LG C2 owners could you post your settings please?
Who are the must use starters and relievers for this Forever event
What player would you want to see in DD and why?
Special twitch packs for MLB 23 - do we need to link accounts again?
Fix Pitching Moments
Your MVP, Cy Young, Reliever of the Year
Hitting within the last week!
Fake swing when I press normal swing
Baseball scoring question
MLB23 can't come fast enough...