Usually you just have to navigate to the bottom of the awards, then hold it down. Has always worked for me if it gets stuck there at the top!
100% vouch for this. I turned mine off last year and instantly became so much better, especially on layoff off tough pitches below the zone. Everyones different, but just not having some large target flying around the screen made it easier to focus for me. Worth a try for anyone that can't seem to get over the hump.
Hard truth: Nothing is actually behind a paywall. If you look at Madden, most packs can ONLY be purchased with Points (real money), everything in The Show marketplace is stubs, which can be earned through the game..
BUT, that's where they're getting us. Capping XP, limited content, nothing of substance within the small programs we've been given. This is a copy/paste game from last year. Everyone knows that. They had plenty of time to give us more and actually think of creative ways to make the game competitive, fun, and, while understandably still a business, make money.
You can absolutely make a nice team and be competitive with what they give you, but its taking the fun out of it.
What baffles me is the constant effort the community is giving to communicate these issues and SDS not even recognizing it or making any sort of effort to right the ship. All they did was give an explanation of the XP Cap and basically admit they don't know how to make a season based, reward based gaming structure work.
@YOSHI24 Why should I pay $100 for a game that tells me how much Im allowed to play to earn rewards.. in a reward based game mode? I could care less if someone genuinely wanted to spend all their time grinding to get whatever they want. Good for them, but if I have a day or two during the week to play I shouldn't be told I can't progress. This is a lazy solution to whatever problems they're trying to fix. Fix the reward system and progression path, don't cap a paying customer on what they can do when were literally told "Play the game the earn XP!" to progress. Lazy and no creativity.
The Daily XP Cap hit is truly awful. I understand their reasoning behind it, but if someone wants to spend their valuable time playing, then they should be rewarded. Some people only get a day or 2 where they can actually sit down and play. The casual players can't get the most out of their time and the die hards are going to be pushed away. So many rewards are locked behind XP creep. It's literally advertised as "Play any mode in MLB THE Show! Each game you play earns XP which progresses this program and unlocks new rewards." which is obviously false. Huge swing and a miss by SDS.
Had the error Friday 26 games into TA Mini Seasons. Completed a regular Mini Seasons. Now getting the error 10 games in on a new Lefty Mini Seasons.
The defect is definitely not fixed. 36 games and countless hours down the drain.
Mini seasons
Is DD dying?
Daily XP cap?
Daily XP cap?
Invalid Roster happening again for Mini Seasons.