Own up to it...I hate that people are so stubborn lol
Ok, I’ll stop, it is just annoying this guy is saying that he can’t take 10 seconds to read. Maybe it is just me but I think that is ridiculous
Breadsticks... I hate to say it but you come off looking like a complete [censored] here. Who cares if the guy made a mistake? Then you care SO MUCH that you dig in to his profile and double down on looking like a [censored]. Maybe you’re helpful now and then but what was the point here exactly?
You hate when people are “so stubborn” but how long did you carry on until you finally let this go? And only because other people started shooting you down.
You mentioned that you try to help out here on the forums, which you do. If that’s the case why jump all over this guy??? All you did was make yourself look like the typical forum troll who lives to show others their mistakes. So keen on making them look bad that you check out their play history?
So I ask you..... Did it really make you feel that much better? Hey You got him good! That will teach him for reaching out for some help on these forums! Or at the very least for making a mistake that we all have made hundreds of times in our lives.(not paying attention)