SDS knew what they were doing & here is why…You know who’s grinding on Mother’s Day? Kids…Not Dads…Kids. And the majority of kids are NMS. Dads on the other hand are more likely to be spenders. So by not being able to benefit from double XP they will be forced to spend or accept they aren’t getting all the bosses.

This link is just one guy posting his theory followed by a bunch of people ripping him for being a gullible tool. Saved you all a click.
@BJDUBBYAH There ya go man - A perfect example. Of course the all time greats are important. But players that were good but a much bigger deal to the local market than on the national stage are players that the community would eat up. The ability to play with these guys would ultimately take people back to their childhood & they’d get to relive memories from a better time.
This post has nothing to do with Sets/Seasons but rather another issue that Gomes brought up in a recent video that doesn’t get nearly the attention it deserves…The number of legends in DD…Madden & NBA2K have like triple the legends that The Show has. The reason isn’t the All Time greats. The Show does a good job of having Ruth, Mays, Mantle, ect in the game…That’s not the problem. The problem is they don’t have nearly enough of “good” former players in the game that would get people ALOT more excited. Like every year it’s the same.players.every.time….Let’s use the Pirates for example - Every year there’s Clemente, Stargell & Wagner. No doubt these are the best legends of that franchise. But we’ve grinded for these guys repeatedly for YEARS….What if they went in a different direction and introduced Andy Van Slyke, Doug Drabek, Steve Blass, Mike LaVallier, ect…These players are not as big of “legends” but they would be fresh & new and I think doing this across ALL teams would GREATLY increase interest & desire to play.
The reason they are trying to force people into online play is that when you lose. Their hope is that you get mad and decide to buy stubs to upgrade your team so you can be competitive. That’s it - plain & simple.
Well….NCAA drops in July boys.
@CDNMoneyMaker93 You’re right about SDS in the past but I don’t know man…All this stuff now has a very corporate driven feel to it. I think they have went full EA mode & there’s no going back.
I think the stuff everyone is waiting to hear will be during the season 2 stream, Not today….But spoiler alert - They will stick to the plan nomatter the uproar. Like some in this thread have already mentioned - This stuff is planned before the game even comes out. So if anyone has hopes of them “changing course” and just doing away with expiring cards or not hiding the wild cards in the reward path…I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news.
Haven’t ran into a bot team since week 2…I miss them.
@Loyal-Wiglaf You’re 100% right man. Like you hit the nail on the head on ALL POINTS. Well done sir.
I actually come to the conclusion that the complaints are only from
The complaints are coming from the impact of having something taken away from you against your control.
Many gaming companies feel to consider psychological impacts. Things look fine on paper but in practice it causes people to feel upset, even if it may be irrational. So yes, you can point out that people would cycle in new cards anyway but people dont like not being able to choose when they do it.The exp track this year is a perfect example of this. On paper it was fine, and people seem to be mostly on pace now to get there. But in practice it pissed people off because they had an irrational reaction to not getting xp when capped, even though the xp track is just one of many ways to progress. But it shouldnt have been an unexpected reaction, thats just how gamers are.
This is me 100%…When I spend hundreds of hours grinding to earn & then grinding to P5 through everything from Ranked to Conquest, I admit I get attached to certain players. And when SDS takes away my ability to play with the card I EARNED and then forcing me to grind more just to earn the ability to use the card again…It does make me feel like an abused slave quite honestly.
@YOSHI24 That’s fine & well but you keep saying “I just don’t get it” whenever someone says they don’t like not being able to use cards year round. So I’m explaining it as well as I can. Alot of people who have been playing The Show for a long time already know what their lineup is going to be end game. So when I have a P5 of players that I want to keep using all year. Well - I want to be able to keep using them. I have nothing against people that want to constantly shake up their team - Have at it. But I should be allowed to play how I want to as well.
@YOSHI24 I’m going to interject here…Last year I had a squad of all my favorites P5’d and then I quit when Season 3 dropped and I could no longer use the cards I spent all that time grinding…Came back sometime in January when I heard all cards were usable again. Proceeded to jump right in after not playing a single game from August-December and made it back to World Series within 2 weeks. So yes, I used nothing but cards that were available in July.
@Catman9186 And it’s not like you even start with 4 wild cards. You have to earn each slot each season & they’ll be put deep into the program so people have to keep grinding to get them. It’s truly a slap in the face for all who took the time to honestly complete their survey of last year’s game.
@VioletNine9 Then those people didn’t experience The Show 16 with the bunting glitch that couldn’t be stopped. Or pre-Show 2020 where contact hitters were useless. While Show 24 is not perfect, It’s leaps & bounds better than its predecessors.
Yessss!!!! So pumped to get some 99 rental players!!!
@ebbets1957 said in At this point MLB 24 is the worst show ever released:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 I was just thinking this same thing the other day. The Show 18, filled with its Immortals and having to collect countless bobbleheads and hats.......and I still liked it better than this years version.
Kinda funny. I think all they really need to do to solves a lot of the issues is go back to the innings programs and throw "seasons" in the trash. Its universally hated and I still cant believe they brought it back this year.
There is nothing worse then griding for months to get 3 cards (if your even lucky enough to do that) then you only able to use them for a few days because the expire, and you have to grind another 2 weeks or month just to get another Wild Card to use 1 of them
THIS 100%
The ridiculous stat grinds for immortals & that feeling of accomplishment when you finally unlock them & know you’re set for the year at that position.
I can only offer my experience…About 2 years ago I made WS and decided to go for 1000 rating…Well second match after hitting WS i got matched up with someone who had one of these insane records like you described. Well this guy absolutely destroys me. This is legend difficulty and this guy put up 17 runs in 4 innings & mercied me 17-4. I sat there in awe - Usually on legend most games are 1-0, 2-1, ect because it’s incredibly hard to hit on legend online. This guy was a unicorn crushing anything I put in the strike zone and laying off everything outside. I played Pitching Rebel…He didn’t cheat, He was just THAT GOOD. I understand why you think it’s impossible to have records like that but trust me - The top 1% of the top 1% are just special man.
Everyday I play RS, My opponent always picks one of the meta high elevation stadiums…I decided to build my own to counter cheap home runs. It took alot of tweaking but after a couple weeks of testing it’s finally perfect. The longest fences possible combined with 1 foot elevation and no animation to eliminate lag while also being a very ascetically pleasing place to play. I’ve used it online for 2 weeks to make sure it plays as designed. You can still hit homers with anyone but they must be perfect perfects. I have not had a single homerun that wasn’t perfect perfect. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have making it. For those of you that want a true baseball simulation - Give it a try.
Pappy Van Winkle Park by YeahBruv412
The worst weekend for double XP?
The Legend Problem & how to solve it
The Legend Problem & how to solve it
I’m done with this game
Make or break day
Make or break day
Make or break day
Bot Opponents?
Where do you stand coming into TA 1.3?
At this point MLB 24 is the worst show ever released
99’s incoming
At this point MLB 24 is the worst show ever released
Unbelievable win-loss records
Designed a park to eliminate cheap homers.