This patch was just intended to punish their player base and force them into buying stubs, pure and simple. They patched out any method that made gaining XP or rewards quicker but didn't touch the poor game play. SDS's priorities are clear.
Patching retro mode isn't a big deal. It's a little annoying, but it was an exploit. I knew that one was coming eventually.
Fixing the stealing glitch hurts, but only because you purposely made showdown harder than it needs to be. You guys can tweek the sliders to purposely make showdown harder, but patch the one thing that helps us? Why don't you just make showdown fair? There would be no need for the steal glitch if they were.
MTO double points was the only thing that made MTO worth doing. People actually played this mode more because it actually felt rewarding.
HR Derby patch was the most unnecessary of them all. It wasn't an exploit. It was just playing the game legitimately. If someone want to mindlessly play a mode that you put in the game, then they should be able to.
EDIT - And of course a stub sale just dropped.