Was thoroughly enjoying this game and now it seems CPU cannot generate any offense. Settings are competitive, dynamic, legend+, pinpoint pitching, and just played a 5 inning game with Kershaw against the Giants. 10k’s and 4 hits, only 1 hit decently. CPU basically watches 1st pitch strikes and swings and misses at other pitches in the zone. Not a lot of fun when you get 2 runs and the game is basically over. Wish they could leave offline play alone when they’re tweaking settings for DD. Online players seem to think perfect input should result in a perfect accuracy region the size of the baseball. Every year playability gets patched out chasing specific online outcomes and ruins it for casual players who want a competent offline game. Might have to try a slider set, which I really hate doing when the game was so balanced initially.

Just not going to fix this then?
Anyone who says hitting hasn’t changed, I have to disagree. For one, dynamic difficulty is currently broken which implies there was some change in an update, intentional or not. Also, pitch speeds are either higher or there’s a minor lag in swing as I’m consistently late on fastballs that were never an issue prior. Balls are breaking differently and the speed/path on off speed pitches are different too. Easiest test is that I was always between HOF+ and legend+ on dynamic hitting, then had a run of games that dropped me down to all star. Now I can’t progress up because the difficulty resets back to AS after every game, even when I progress up to HOF within a game. I’ve been testing out hitting on HOF without dynamic and it’s just a different experience now. Pitch locations/tendencies are different and so is the way the ball moves. There’s more late break and I’m swinging at way more pitches out of the zone because the movement on pitches is just different. There’s also a framer at issue or jitteriness on a few pitches each game. Possible there’s no difference in DD as Im primarily playing franchise or CPU exhibition, but there’s no doubt hitting has changed in these modes. Been extremely frustrating for around 3 weeks now, so hoping it goes back to the smoother system it had prior.
@sunjah_psn said in You let cheaters run rampant.:
Use it as a baseball video game, and you'll enjoy it more. People whine saying they have to have multi-player, it is the only thing that matters.
Then, all they do is complain about cheaters.
Play baseball for baseball as a video game...use Franchise and I SWEAR to you, there will be no freeze glitches or "bunt cheese". Multiplayer sucks and is stupid. Single player Franchise would be beyond belief if these past 7 years had been spent improving it and the game itself instead of this idiotic multiplayer BS.
Isn’t this every multi-player game? People online aren’t playing the sport, they’re playing to win. Used to be you’d get together with friends who played sports and have head to head tourneys for hours. Now all these “pro gamers” who’ve never played a sport just look for bugs and exploits so they can feel good about themselves. It’s all about cards or coins and getting as many 99 players as possible. I don’t really get the draw of having squads of HOFers playing against each other, but to each their own. I’ve played DD some, but never played Madden Ultimate Team, NBA 2k park, etc. Madden online, even just regular teams, is the worst. Bares no resemblance to football.
Something definitely changed because I went from a HOF+/Legend hitter all the way down to all star recently. Also, dynamic difficulty progression is broken for hitting right now. Just hit 8 HR with the Dodgers in a game to get dynamic back up to HOF, next game it started back at all star. I had the same thing going on. Perfect-perfect to CF with Nelson Cruz didn’t even get to the warning track in a recent game. Expect it will be addressed.
Same here, must have been broken in one of the updates. Started a game on all star and hit 8 home runs to get up to HOF, next game started on all star. Needs a fix in the next patch. I think it’s just hitting that’s affected but could be wrong.
@joshjays44_psn said in Swing path/timing:
@cbyrd13_psn said in Swing path/timing:
@joshjays44_psn said in Swing path/timing:
@baracesilk_psn said in Swing path/timing:
I've been getting a lot of perfect/perfect foul balls lately. I don't understand how a perfect timing hit can ever be foul...but here we are.
I don't think perfect/perfect was intended to be like that...in real life you can make a perfect follow through and contact and hit the ball square where you don't feel anything but it goes right to a fielder or foul straight back but your launch angle was off or you hit it slightly away from the barrel of the bat or slightly under or over. I think your DD casualness expects a simplistic black and white arcade experience.
If it’s slightly off, wouldn’t it just not be perfect-perfect?
No! I think the game's intention is that you made solid contact..that could be a hard line drive right into someone's glove...if you want something simplistic as a perfect hit that goes 500 feet you should go play RBI baseball.
So what about the fact that perfect-perfects are supposed to be hits 85+% of the time according to developers? Just had a game with 2 perfect-perfect line outs and about 4 solid contact hits that were all outs. 2 hits in a 7-inning game on all-star. BTW, what's happened to hitting lately? I've been HOF+ and Legend for months and now I can barely scratch 5 hits out on all-star... Pitchers seem to be throwing 80% 1st pitch strikes and painting corners, where you used to be able to go deeper into counts. None of the updates say anything about changes to hitting, but it's different.
Seems this patch brought back the worst of pitching and fielding... too big a gap between FBs and off speed plus swing input lag. Just terribly frustrating plate experience. Need to play franchise again to see if CPU has been adjusted. So many tools online, not worth the aggravation.
Just me or anyone else wondering how/why Corey Kluber became the best pitcher in the game? I don’t really get why you’d make a version of a player that’s significantly better than any individual year they’ve had. Maybe they have to mix it up year over year, but a 99 Kluber has never existed in the real world. I guess I’d like to see more “normal” ratings for players across the board. It’s stupid to have these diamond future stars that are better than regular gold guys who are all-stars. It would play a better game of baseball if you could only use 2 or 3 diamonds in your starting lineup vs. having all diamond teams playing each other in HR derby.
Where is this hit label?
I had a guy the other day message me about taking too many pitches
. Something like coach giving you the take sign? Uh, sorry I prefer to swing at strikes and not junk on the corners and out of the zone. Of course he quit in the 5th or 6th inning when it was 7-2 and he’d used no less than 4 pitchers.
No problem with moments overall, but the ones where you have to hit a HR with guys like Keith Hernandez, Jorge Posada, etc. are aggravating. Seems like power is nerfed when you can get perfect perfect doubles but anything in the upper third of the PCI is just fly ball after fly ball. I even had one of those multi game moments where I needed a HR in the last game and it got robbed over the CF wall... that was fun! Anyway, seems like, post patch, getting HR in moments on low difficulties is significantly harder than in actual games. Like it shouldn’t take me 30 attempts to hit a HR with Ortiz on veteran when you’d hit 6 per game playing on that difficulty.
Makes a big difference when the ball hits the grass a couple times. That’s why launch angles get so much attention, balls travel a lot further when with reduced friction, drag, and back spin to keep them elevated
@ComebackLogic said in Mlb the Sinker 20:
Hey that’s not fair! They gave everyone a slurve too!
Why don’t they just put more movement on fastballs?
Don’t disagree, I actually find it harder going down I’m difficulty on challenges, etc. cause you’re so far ahead of everything. PCI sizes already change. I really don’t understand how anyone has issues below HOF with the relatively slow pitch speeds and huge PCIs.
@T-Rox_09 said in Why is CPU so easy?:
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why is CPU so easy?:
@T-Rox_09 said in Why is CPU so easy?:
I mean you're playing a computer program. If you want a real challenge try competing against another human.
WRONG ... the Show has always offered a good challenge with it's AI ... I get more of a challenge through that than most competition out there... Plus I don't always play online because the quality isn't that great... So you're acting like that's the normal which is BS, I've been playing the Show since the PS2 day's and it's offered a VERY good challenge with it's AI especially on the harder levels... Don't believe me then accept a challenge, go back to the Show 19 and put it on Legend difficulty pitching and hitting, good luck with the easy AI ....
If I wanted to play AI then I would charge up my Nintendo 64 again. I find zero fun in playing a computer. I must just be a little more competitive than you. Good luck though bro to each their own.
Yeah the variety in online is just riveting. Opponent starts Kluber, if he gets tired or is pinch hit for in a close game in comes Wood or Garrett. And the comment about being more competitive because you play a virtual version or a real sport online has me dying!
@mrwonderful95 said in Why is CPU so easy?:
@Hoosiers33 said in Why is CPU so easy?:
It can't just be me. Playing franchise on dynamic difficulty, HOF+ pitching, Legend+ hitting, and winning 13-3 with 4-5 HR? 20 games in, 16-4, 7.3 runs per game and 63 HR's. 2nd place team has 35 HR's. I've never had this problem. Played on HOF/HOF last year and won more than I lost, but was still a good challenge day in day out. Many more close, low scoring games where you had to sweat them out and felt rewarded for a late clutch hit or pitch. Feels like I've clinched the division in April this year, which is not at all exciting. Be one thing if I was on All-Star, but there's really nowhere left to go on difficulty unless I want 13-10 games. Really hope there's some difficulty patching in the works. CPU throws so many balls the pitch counts are in the 50-60's by the 3rd inning. Strike zone needs serious work too.
What team are you using? I used the Yankees to do a MTO and their record at the end of the season was 141 and 21 lol
Cubs, Schwarber has 11 HR’s in 21 games. On pace for 80+.
Tiger stadium, absolutely! Nobody wants the old 70’s trash parks with turf fields or more domed relics. Tiger stadium is part of baseball history. 3 rivers, astrodome, kingdome, were just trash parks not even built for baseball. Kick me in the balls before you give me a 3rd yankee stadium. While they’re at it, classic teams like they have in NBA 2k as opposed to the DD rosters loaded with HOFers, and old timey wool jerseys. I don’t get the appeal of DD “legends” games every time you play. All these diamond 95 and 99 players that were never even close to 95’s when they played in their era... Tone it down SDS, Gary Sheffield was a solid player but was never a 90’s anything.
The pci on all-star is literally the size of the entire strike zone. All you have to do is time it. Try putting the sweet spot of a bat, maybe 6 inches wide, on a baseball and tell me the pci is too small. It’s enormous on any of the lower levels!
The devs don’t put a whole of time and effort into the franchise mode... trust me even the CPU is more challenging in all the DD content.
Not for nothing, I just find DD to be kind of lame. People complaining about realistic results when you have 9 v 9 diamond legends playing against each other and every guy with 80+ power... it’s like HR or die.
What happened?
Dynamic hitting and pitching broke
Hitting is awful
You let cheaters run rampant.
I can't hit any more. . .
Dynamic Reset
Swing path/timing
Back to glitchy fastballs and input lag
Top pitchers so far
Not even mad, just at a loss
Scum out there still using R2
Those 107 mph double play balls
Mlb the Sinker 20
Universal Pitch Speeds
Why is CPU so easy?
Why is CPU so easy?
The old Tiger stadium
Why change hitting?!
Why is CPU so easy?