Dont he play multiple spots? I mean, I have no doubt with Biggios arm he probably would have been fine at SS. But he probably wont get favorable animations in game.
Yeah. I mean I don't really know what to do with this lineup:
If you are a player that can consistently complete showdown without fail showdown is the way to go. If not probably HR Derby. I like doing MTO. Gets TA and XP for in game rewards.
My issue with the hitting in this game is how inconsistent it is. You can hit a good good fastball and there will be a million different outcomes. Sometimes, it just feels like they roll a dice for wether it will be a line drive, a home run, a ground out, a fly out, or a foul ball.
I’ve had it follow up with another trade offer. However, I also declined one on a different season right near the trade deadline and didn’t receive another in time. Double-edged sword.
Thanks. What are you doing w the players once you locked them into the team collection? As far as I can tell you can’t quicksell, put in team affinity sets or use in the exchange sets