Another game decided by an 8 pci homerun in shitpit. Don't fix the garbage though we definitely need more ridiculous fantasy land cards more than decent gameplay.

@tylerslikewhoa_xbl said in Another scripted game yay!!!:
This is he type of topic people make when they aren't man enough to take their L.
This guy has literally never played a RS game according to his 0-0 record but he feels the need to come comment on a RS topic lol. It's always these guys who don't even play the game...hilarious. Must be a pretty cool dude to spend your whole day commenting on things you don't know about!
@slipkid69_psn said in Little FYI for SDS:
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Little FYI for SDS:
So after tanking, I played 3 games in all star last night and all 3 were against Crochet. Laggy, warping pitch speeds were in all 3. Ended up quitting in the 3rd game and went to play PUBG.
Now, I am a 3 time ws player and a former pro player so I know the game of baseball really well. I am not elite (maybe someday if I move to Florida or New Jersey) but I am a pretty good player. If I am having trouble with these warping pitch speeds I can only imagine how much trouble the people that can't get out of all star are having. Even if the pitches aren't warping, most are not good enough to hit these flame throwers. I can only imagine that will lead them to quit and quite possibly cost SDS stub money. Combining pitchers like Kopech, Crochet and Cabrera with laggy [censored] online pitching is not a good recipe for casuals.We get it already. But hey keep beating that dead horse if it makes you feel better 🥴
But does SDS get it? We don't know because they don't acknowledge. So he must keep posting it. Maybe if they would make the slightest effort to acknowledge their customers he could finally be at peace and you could spend less of your time breathlessly making excuses for SDS. Just think how great that would be for all of us!!!
@tylerslikewhoa_xbl said in Another scripted game yay!!!:
This is he type of topic people make when they aren't man enough to take their L.
This is the type of response people make when the ride SDS sauseeege on the forum all day. Hope you aren't walking funny after all that big MAN
Had DeGrom take a DeGrom outlier fastball deep as the decisive blow in my last L in RS and cut to freeze off in the first inning of my next BR game.
Thanks for all you do guys!!!
@Kovz88 said in Why even have a PCI:
@HitpasCR said in Why even have a PCI:
@The_Joneser said in Why even have a PCI:
@HitpasCR said in Why even have a PCI:
@HitpasCR said in Why even have a PCI:
Lol, what hurt your feelings so bad? Show me on the doll where the mediocre game publisher touched you.
Kid, people are here to learn things, get tips, or actually discuss the game. You're here looking for mommy's sleeve to wipe away your snot. No one cares about your complaints, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like you to either keep that [censored] to yourself, or turn the game off and be done with it.
Ok kid got it. No one can criticize the game hoping they might actually improve it or little kids like you will get there [censored] hurt. Got it I'll just sit here munching quietly on this SDS [censored] sammich so you don't get your sensitive little feelings hurt. Hope you learn something cool on here today!
No, what they are saying is give constructive criticism. "This is bad because of this and can be fixed by maybe doing this". Not just, I lost therefore the game is bad. People all year have pointed out the feedback isn't accurate. You can complain Without looking like a baby. Well, maybe YOU cant, but most people can.
So thankful someone with a whopping 30 RS games was available to chime in with her expert opinion. Thanks!
@dustydelap_psn said in Stealing:
Not sure, I have Lou Brock and sometimes he stands like he's got cement shoes on and the balls about halfway home then he takes off. Why have 99 BR aggression if that's gonna happen.
Because SDS has 00 game fixing aggression I guess!
@hustlinowl_psn said in So the objective is to miss the ball SDS?:
PCI is not the bat say it with me
I mean no offense but this seems like an incredibly stupid statement. What is it then? Are you going to imply the PCI doesn't have any bearing on the outcome of the swing lol? Also why don't you go ahead and cite your source on this.
@The_Joneser said in Why even have a PCI:
@HitpasCR said in Why even have a PCI:
Must be nice for SDS to have such dedicated apologists.
Grow up, kid. You lost a video game. The world is full of more important things...
Lol, what hurt your feelings so bad? Show me on the doll where the mediocre game publisher touched you.
@the_dragon1912 said in Why even have a PCI:
The PCI feedback has been inaccurate ever since they added it in. I wouldn’t take that much into it
Must be nice for SDS to have such dedicated apologists.
@KOTANK1334 said in About to hang em up for the year.:
The game is just not fun anymore. Ranked seasons is a complete joke. Just played a game where I was losing 4-0 off of HR's that were PCI's of 11/11/11/12.
The guys was several games under .500 and was batting below .250 with over half his lineup.
Meanwhile I get to lineout and groundout on and hit warning track shots with 15/14 PCI's. It just isn't fun when people get rewarded for consistently bad gameplay and you're doing everything that you are supposed to to win the game.
Anyone else about fed up and done with it ?
Dude you are having the exact same experience I am. Just be careful the little kids get real upset at the mere suggestion of flaws in this game. Apparently they own a lot of stock in SDS.
@Kovz88 said in About to hang em up for the year.:
Is the game perfect? Definitely not. Is it a bad game? Also definitely not and if this defines a bad game to you then man you have been spoiled by video games.
Look who's back. The guy with a grand total of 30 RS games to tell us all we are wrong in his "expert" opinion. Ok Ramone we got it games awesome. Now run back to your cut and paste job for RNG the Troll 21
Hey SDS maybe someones CAP three foot tall side arm reliever shouldn't be able to start a game and throw 140 pitches before he's out of gas. Just a thought. I mean you can't fix this POS? Why? You just did a patch. You make literally the same game every year and yet you still can't figure out the most basic aspects of baseball.
Anyway, good talk have fun deleting this post. More important to spend your time and resources deleting posts exposing your problems than actually fixing the game. Looking forward to 17 more Bert Blyleven cards! Thanks!!!!
@mlbts_mlbts said in So realistic:
I'm going to be honest, I don't have time to read all that but I can already tell by the title that you have a problem with the game and want it fixed. How about just not playing the game? That simple. You don't like the game? Don't play it.
Yeah don't play it. It's not like you paid good hard earned money expecting a finished functional product so listen to this genius and just finish up choking down the sh$% sandwich SDS is feeding you!!
Check out this Ernie Banks throwing error on a good green bar text
Welp at least you aren't 1 hour into a freeze off that was obviously caused by your opponent. Game would stutter every time I got a hit and finally when I was about to take the we sit. If you're on here my playstation will burn to the ground before you get a free win scrub.
And it's a Victorino homerun in Polo. Why should we bother with your game if its going to be such a complete RNG piece of trash SDS?
Well captain contact swing got his free RNG win. Congrats SDS throw yourself a party you took a dump all over skill again. His three homerun PCI ratings were 9, 10, and 11. I had 7 outs rated higher than those. The game is so rigged its not funny.
@drewshbag420_psn said in 10 PCI Home run:
@hitpascr_psn said in 10 PCI Home run:
Do they? Lol you guys really bend over backwards to defend this trash
Grow up
Thanks for proving my point with that highly intelligent post.
The PCI was literally not touching the ball. Meanwhile I have recently perfect perfect fly out. Killing it SDS. I can't wait to here the first apologist say that happens in baseball. Yes guys miss the ball and hit homeruns....of course
Another scripted game yay!!!
Another scripted game yay!!!
Little FYI for SDS
Another scripted game yay!!!
Getting the full SDS experience today
Why even have a PCI
So the objective is to miss the ball SDS?
Why even have a PCI
Why even have a PCI
About to hang em up for the year.
About to hang em up for the year.
Trash/Cheese SDS love!!!
So realistic
When they turn the comeback logic to 11
I don't like Polo Grounds
PCI literally not touching the ball
PCI literally not touching the ball
10 PCI Home run
10 PCI Home run