@Hikes83 said in SDS Knows the game is broken, that’s why they are hiring.:
I heard @D_e_m_I_s_E applied
If he doesn’t get hired it’s because he had connection issues when submitting the app.
@Hikes83 said in SDS Knows the game is broken, that’s why they are hiring.:
I heard @D_e_m_I_s_E applied
If he doesn’t get hired it’s because he had connection issues when submitting the app.
That Hanley card was a BEAST in 17. Hopefully his hitting stats are similar, because that’s who I’m getting 1000000%
Pci size is fine, the timing window isn’t. It’s ridiculously inconsistent. Plus there’s still a good amount of good/okay on centered up pci swings. I wouldn’t have a big issue with this if the timing window wasn’t awful.
Should’ve just increased pitch speeds instead of cucking the timing window.
I still don’t get why BR isn’t on HOF difficulty. The game plays so much better at HOF than all-star, and with the rewards that are attainable, you’d think they’d want it to be more difficult. All-Star is seriously unbearable between good input being tapered down with the massive pcis causing good/okay feedback on practically perfect placement, and bad input being rewarded with flailing foul tips and soft singles when they’re very early or late. HOF rewards good input so much more and punishes bad input. Hopefully SDS considers this for the future.
Sacrifice a live chicken and pray that you don’t get on the bad end of good/okays and your opponent hitting jam shot singles.
I don’t think the pitch speeds are an issue at all, it’s just the timing window they adjusted. I actually think if they reverted back to the previous window with current pci sizes, they could actually tune up the speeds a little bit.
Just take a minute to think logically:
SDS gets a TON of complaints about hitting and the timing window... it could impact their ability to generate revenue on transactions, game purchases, etc.. Why would they NOT post updates in the patch notes to talk about adjusting the hitting? They have every interest in posting an update like that to generate more interest and revenue from their customers.
They didn’t touch hitting. Nothing to see here.
They didn’t change anything hitting wise. They would include it in the patch notes if they did. Glad you’re playing better though!
@allmustfall16 said in Been grinding my [censored] off to get better:
Honestly not minding the way the game is playing right now as far as hitting and pitching goes. The more I play it, the more I’m feeling comfortable with it.
I’m absolutely getting better. Feels good to have the work you put in start to show results.
Glad to hear it. I really wish more people had this mentality and took it as a challenge to get better. There’s a lot of ways to improve. Not all of us are going to be able to be super computers like rebel, mcgunski, mcguigan, Kyle, etc., but we can find an approach that will maximize what we can do, and practice recognizing pitches and tendencies of our opponents much earlier.
Nash(his forum username is @frizbgirl22 ) posted on another thread (he’s one of the best players I’ve played against, and I’ve played all of the super freaks over the years) and he talked about not being able to hit inside fastballs, so he modified his approach to crush everything else. He has a huge hole, but he’s still elite because he doesn’t miss the other pitches.
I’ve been a huge advocate of Olson/Gallo/Torres/Correa, but I think there’s a better FotF card than all of them.
Friggin FotF Moncada is an absolute animal. I’ve had him for a long time and really kinda taken him for granted, but in this event he has been the absolute TRUTH. His stats online are bonkers. Hitting over .400, slugging well over .800, and plays really good defense. He’s definitely a hidden gem in the FotF set. I’d recommend picking him up.
See this kind of worries me. I felt the timing window on HOF was fine once you adjusted to it (very challenging). I could pitch by moving fastballs around the zone and keep guys off balance with offspeed.
I know this will make hitting easier, which is fine, but with pitchers having stuff leake over the middle all the time and opened up timing windows, seems like it could be a problem.
I don’t even want to imagine all star difficulty lol. Probably going to be all slugfests.
Just no. I want feedback so I know I’m placing the pci properly. It’s not our fault if the game developers can’t come up with a functioning feedback system. Why should we let them off that easy for their flaws?
@skepple15 said in Good Job SDS:
@sean_87_ said in Good Job SDS:
@skepple15 said in Good Job SDS:
@sean_87_ said in Good Job SDS:
@skepple15 said in Good Job SDS:
@sean_87_ said in Good Job SDS:
@skepple15 said in Good Job SDS:
@sean_87_ said in Good Job SDS:
The game has seen some quality improvements this year especially in the presentation department. I hope you guys continue to expand on this in the future. As far as pitching, hitting and fielding go, keep striving towards realistic gameplay.
Here's an idea for you, go to play now, select 2 teams, move your controller back to the middle of the screen, start the game, watch for an hour. That's what you want so do that and don't speak to online play.
Get better at the game.
only 14-1 overall right now, I know not all of us can hit .250, maybe i'll be able to reach that level one day
Get better at the game.
Can't do much better than 1 loss every 15 games lol I know it's hard for you to comprehend though with that .500 record and .250 average because if you can't hit .330 nobody else should be able to amirite?? lol
Get better at the game.
Wanna run a game and give me some pointers? we can stream it if you want lol
How do you “get better” when it’s randomly generating outcomes? Do I look for a 4 leaf clover or a lucky penny on the ground?
In a game last night I had trout under a fly ball that went right through him lol. Costed 3 runs and the game.
@Oachs83 said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
If you are sitting good financially and the $1200 is throw away money to you I really hope some of you will spend it in your local community. People’s lives are really being affected by this and you would be surprised how much you can help by going to a locally owned business and buy curbside food or shop at a local hardware or music store. Do what you want it’s your money but take note that you can make a difference in your community. Not saying don’t spend anything on SDS by all means enjoy the game just realize much better cards will drop in the coming months and that $1200 you would spend on the game now will look like an absolute waste when you can get a 99 diamond for grinding a couple missions in three months that will blow 95% of the cards you can acquire today. Spend local!
I go to my favorite takeout place at least once a week to grab lunch or dinner. I’m a serious health/fitness junkie, and they make incredible food that is very healthy.
@Maverick31762 said in Opponent rating:
@Harryhukari33 said in Opponent rating:
@Maverick31762 said in Opponent rating:
@skepple15 said in Opponent rating:
@Maverick31762 said in Opponent rating:
@maskedgrappler said in Opponent rating:
The game should just have a matchmaking option that says I want to play on "this" difficulty. Period. Shouldn't be that hard.
I agree. You should be able to make WS playing on any difficulty and match make based on difficulty chosen independent of difficulty. In this way, you can play at whatever difficulty is more fun. Maybe with the ability to earn more points with a higher difficulty win. If it’s about competition it won’t matter the difficulty as long as it is the same as the opponent and equal playing ground.
You should be able to make it to world series only playing on veteran? Bad take..
Yes, because it makes it more accessible to more people and you will be playing on veteran vs a higher caliber player AND playing on veteran won’t yield as many pts in a win so it will take longer.
I bet you’ve never played competitive sports in your life. This is an awful take. Ranked season is a competitive format. It’s accessible to everyone who makes their way up.
This thought process makes me cringe.
Actually i have. At a very elite level. That might be why I don’t have the need to demonstrate my specialness via a video game. In real sports you don’t change entire rules as you move up. Do we make the mind closer. No. Not to mention this just a simulation
This isn’t about proving specialness at all. I could care less what people think about myself as a player. I want to play a game that is challenging and rewards good input, while also being competitive.
If you don’t mind me asking, what do you define as an “elite level”? I’m genuinely curious because your thoughts align with someone who believes in participation trophies.
@WillTheThrill_7 said in Hahahahaha this can’t be real:
This game is dumb now. They made hitting way easier so now more random hits fall but good contact didn’t change in that it still means nothing.
I hit 3 Homers today that were either “early, weak” or “late, weak.”
PCI was nowhere near the ball. It doesn’t even feel good to score on those.
I’ve had more good/okays today on perfect placement than I’ve seen in the last month. I want to puke it’s so gross.
My point of view: act like you’ve hit a home run before lol. I don’t like waiting around to keep playing. I don’t watch any of mine because I want to try and finish games as quickly as possible.
@skepple15 said in Dear SDS:
Closest thing we have to good hitting in years and it has to be ruined by a few people that think finally being properly rewarded for good input is hitting being “too easy”
Can’t wait for the complaints about the RNG fests that are sure to happen!
+1. I’m still not sure why they didn’t just slightly increase the pitch speeds and shrink the PCI. While I will say I was still getting good/okay on perfectly centered pci placement occasionally, the hitting was definitely rewarding when you received “perfect” timing/placement. Probably the best hitting had been since 16 imo. Just needs the pitch speeds of 16.
I just played my first game on RS. Yeah it’s more difficult, but you’re definitely still rewarded for good input. Plenty of hits and hit variation. We will see how it plays once I get up to HoF on RS.