Day one hitting good.
Pitch accuracy needed the patch not hitting.
Fielding got even worse.
Microphone chat enabled please.
Home run after home run score overlay.
Bunt cheese is back
Steeling Cheese is back.
Hitting is no fun all of it.
Devs have lost sight of why people play and make video games. Good gameplay that is fun and enjoyable without constant updates, content for purchase is what drives this platform now. All about money you can't release a game ever now that works out of the box. I remember plugging in a cartridge game and it would be fun. Always worked and didn't need patch after patch. Fired up about how trash am experience for a game can be when they make money hand over fist with all your paid microtransactions.
Dudes I love baseball and I love competition but I have spoken. This is the garbage
Yeah the game was skill based not all random bs
The game was fun when you can beat challenges.
Why get rid of the distance tracker home run replay? Seeing that glowing ball fly while watching from the broadcast camera. It was so good.
I thought it was better to get more perfect hits when the ball was inside the pci now it's more rare and not as fun.
I went 12-0 when it was real. Now you have to let players have a chance? Takes all the competition out of the game and that's when I bring in knuckle ball pitchers because this game is so random now
3 inning event games that constantly go 6 or more innings because good/good won't get you a hit. Complete frustrating game.
3 inning event games that constantly go 6 or more inning because good/good won't get you a hit. Complete frustrating game.
Took a long break from the game, always seems like more content and no improvement. Fix your game or play some MVP baseball and take notes. MLB was great year 15 and its all random now like cod matchmaking, c'mon mans
3 games Ina row kluber or houser comes in from the bullpen to pitch. Full energy too. Wth!
When in a pickle with a runner does your fielder get stuck waiting to apply a tag and can't move when the runner reverses?
I think it needs another patch haha. Maybe half energy come on man!
I played the alpha and hitting worked, if the devs took anything from the closed alpha and what we got at launch was the result why change anything.
My player is bad so buy a new player and hitting is good again? Ptw [censored] this game.
I am a bit salty because now I can't complete any of these grinding missions too. Before I was moving at a nice pace with some of the challenges now it takes me 2 hours to get 3 hits in a row wtf!!!
Nice that we have cumaltive rewards like in events for regular DD seasons now.
Until you you play online
All in agreement here?
Anything fun about this game
Not a game anymore
Anything fun about this game
if you players are not happy with the game play for MLB 20 the show
Showdown Post-patch
Devs took out the fun
Perfect zone
Alpha and now
3 inning events
Pitch speeds
Make MLB great again
Bullpen cheese
Stuck in a pickle
Bullpen cheese
Don't keep changing hitting
All in agreement here?
Don't keep changing hitting
Ranked Seasons
Gameplay is smooth