Very accurate. I only play the CPU on legend but have to use contact swing and I get good results. Online is jankey and rarely see pure input also frame jobs you name it. Even my PCI moves on its own.

I enjoy the events but need seasons to have the same. I can't be the only one haha
So I have a good team but I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars for the best players or collections. It's the same theme every year you have an ok team and always get matched with god squads. I think there should be an overall for your team in each division or have a separate capped season mode to go with regular season. It would be nice to have even matched teams or at least when you make it to WS have it uncapped. Just a thought as I am burnt on this game already with no chance going up against an all 99-95 team.
#7 with Tatis and now can't find a ball.
The holding R2 players are toxic they also bunt cheese right after holding and look like they are having a seizure at the plate. Check swing everything whatever than can do to win because this game is so important to them
Look at my game history please SDS devs. How many L's I have with games I'm winning and get server issues or my opponent leaves the game and I get screwed. Wasted time and xp!
He's the the best. Keep him. You can grind him to 99 overall
Nice that we have cumaltive rewards like in events for regular DD seasons now.
Is there a way to play night games with custom stadiums?
And they make contact with everything in the dirt
Their PCI has no outside contact ring.
I'm getting torched by directional hitters. Is it really that easy now? I want a mode where you only play competitive with other zone players.
Hank is a little to close to the plate like Mays or Clemente. If you can hit the inside stuff Hank can smash. I only took Hank because he is new and usually the new legends are gods.
For the devs, how do you make a better game when players can exploit certain aspects of the show. Years past it's bunts, or high fastballs, check bunts and check swings. Do you always wait until the next game to address these issues or try to patch during the year? Love the show and the game, been playing since it was a thing.
When I pitch the ball stops in mid air for a brief moment and and then it's a home run Everytime. Is this some cheat/ exploit I'm unaware of?
Blame the game because at the end of the day it can't decide what it wants to be. Patch after patch.
Took a long break from the game, always seems like more content and no improvement. Fix your game or play some MVP baseball and take notes. MLB was great year 15 and its all random now like cod matchmaking, c'mon mans
Why don't we have game chat? Sounds stupid to have to ask this in 2020.
Let me know if you can hear me or not.
BR is the only pure online mode. Enable chat already, or is everyone a snow flake?
Performance issues on PS5
Online matchmaking
Online matchmaking
Whats with the controller drift?
You R2 holders
What gives?
Do I sell trout?
Ranked Seasons
Created stadium
Directional hitting
Directional hitting
Directional hitting
Hank Aaron reviews?
Meta inside the show
Make MLB great again
Make MLB great again
Voice chat?
Game chat
BR and voice