So titled because these are some minor (or major, depending on how long ago you took your meds) things I have noticed that may or may not need attention in RTTS. I truly LOVE this game, and I am 90 percent happy with it.
SDS, you are all valuable and special, and you all get participation trophies! HUGS!!
But, if you want to win next season's MVP, please hit the cages and chip away at these issues...
I won the Cy Young in my first full season in the majors (can you say wunderkind?!) and I have have been presented the award during a pregame ceremony before literally every home game the following season. I know Tampa is proud of it's pitching, but dang!
Can we get better equipment memory? I'm not even talking when switching loadouts. I go to a different area of the hub and then jump into a game, and I notice my equipment presets have changed again. And what's with the single batting glove default? C'mon, that's been a problem for years.
There is no animation in my created stadium features. It would be nice if I saw folks walking up and down the elevated train platform and fan towers, or roaming around the outfield terrace I built, which is pretty sweet IMHO (look up Publix Park under my profile in the Vault).
The field logos during opening week of my second season said "2022 Postseason" instead of "2022 Opening Week." This was before the latest patch, and I don't have any other RTTS modes going, so I've no idea if this has been fixed. If it has, you aight wit me, SDS!
It was fun striking out Ramone every time I played the Birmingham Barons. This is not a complaint. I'm just saying it made me laugh. Every. Single. Time ... No idea why.
Love, peace, and ambergris.