Well, apparently complaining about difficult moments and then tryin them again actually does work. Got 7 K's my next attempt. LOL. Should someone just start a "Moments Rant" thread where people can just complain into the ether about their tough moment? Everyone can just ignore the thread and just use it for what it is.... screaming into the wind for some luck.
I hate these strike out 5 in 3 innings moments.... 6th attempt and the most I've gotten is 4. Thanks SDS for making the A's the most plate disciplined team in baseball with perhaps the best contact I've seen so far in the game! Also love that I believe all the other moment goals, when they are no longer obtainable, fails the moment, but with strikeouts you better keep track of them yourself because even when there is no mathematical way of achieving the goal, the moment just keeps on rolling.
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Moments:
@Kyuss_XBL said in Moments:
I'm really bad at hitting but I usually don't have a problem with moments for some reason. You guys are trolling right?
Man, this Duval moment is giving me a hard time and I rarely get stuck on these. Have you tried it?
After about 40 minutes of striking out or hitting off the monster I finally lucked out and got an inside the park homer.... hated every second of this moment.
I only play offline content and can confirm the same issue with Fielding Aids defaulting to Off for every conquest game, though it seems to function properly in moments. I opened a bug report for this as well as the extremely dim catcher recommendation indicator... so we'll see what comes of that.
Been playing in conquest and have to turn on fielding aids every single game I play because that setting does not save for some reason. I made the setting change from the main menu settings and it should apply to all modes I believe. Is very annoying since conquest is what I primarily like to play.
@washednd_psn said in Trammell HR moment:
Just hopped into moment and literally did it first pitch. I wish I could get dislikes on this post.
Dislike, Thumbs Down... you're welcome
@whitejw98_psn said in Trammell HR moment:
I completed the whole program in a little over an hour, and the only reason it took that long is because I had to beat the tigers on all star. None of these moments were hard. They can only dumb them down so much. Git gud.
I'm tryin' man, I really am! I didn't actually have any issues with any of the other moments or beating the Tigers on AS. Just for some reason struggled with the HR in one plate appearance one. Weird thing is that I actually hit a couple HRs with Trammell in the other moments. Well, off to stick this Trammell card in my bicycle spokes now. VROOM VROOM.
I finally bagged the [censored] bomb. I have always just used normal swing also and haven't really had any difficulty and have done every moment. In this case though I took the advice of the others here and power swung... Didn't have luck in the bottom of the zone but eventually got one down the middle and put it over the left-center field wall.
Based on this moment, Trammell is a beast at hitting laser XBH, just no power for putting it over the wall. I've tried to stretch about a dozen triples into inside the parkers now and every throw home is perfect.... so obviously scripted so you have to put it over the wall.
There's no crying in baseball.... only in baseball video game forums.
second try for me and coincidently hit for the cycle to get them
drag bunt
I finished all the moments pretty quick once I realized he can't hold his own in a whiffle ball league..... ended up bunting in every plate appearance.
To fit the alien motif.... "Your entire pitching staff has been abducted by aliens. Take the mound with Prince Fielder and pitch a perfect 9 inning game."
I got it my second try, but pretty sure it's not supposed to be just one inning. Description doesn't seem to indicate it is one inning only. Maybe SDS will fix it for the not so lucky folks.
@hoboadam_psn said in Here's what I think is happening with the servers.:
I'm saying no because the true answer of an unhandled server exception error in python, relates to the user (or in this case, console, ui or web) trying to access the data, the data being sent, and the user not accepting it. The user then tries to hit the data library again, and the data server says... I'm already here with your information silly.
I know it sounds stupid, but there's nothing wrong with the data. Most every case where you're getting booted, the game is saving your progress, you're not seeing it right away, but then it magically appears next time you successfully sync.It's not that there is nothing wrong with the data, I think that database reads or writes are not taking place quickly enough.... either memory resources are being slammed too hard or disk I/O. One thing I noticed today when playing Conquest is that at the end of the game if I fly through the ending screens to get to the next game I would see unhandled exceptions nearly every time. If I slowed down the end of game process, took a minute to take a look at parallels or progress for example before getting back to the conquest map, then I could keep playing without ever getting an exception. Or they could be using expensive SQL queries, which would for sure be an application issue. Just my thoughts....
Honestly seems like it could be an issue with the backend database servers.
June POTM Guidry Moment
June POTM Guidry Moment
Settings wont carry into DD
API hard to see
Trammell HR moment
Trammell HR moment
Trammell HR moment
Trammell HR moment
8 total bases with Bichette for a daily moment?
Thank goodness Ozzie smith was good in defense
Thank goodness Ozzie smith was good in defense
Daily Moment - 06-08-2021
Daily Moment - 06-08-2021
Here's what I think is happening with the servers.
Here's what I think is happening with the servers.