Every single year they cater more to the offline grinders, I remember back in MLB 17 there was an online pxp program that gave XP for completing missions online. Back then the amount of XP you got determined if you were a diamond lvl 100 on and on which didn’t really do anything but it felt cool knowing you reached max level in xp. Team affinity is such a hard grind trying to strictly play online. There’s only 1 repeatable mission which is to make your team a team build and even that will make it take forever to complete.
Online Programs
Locked Diamond Dynasty -
Locked Diamond Dynasty -
Jeter incoming?
Locked Diamond Dynasty -
200k xp already
Locked Diamond Dynasty -
Judge 97 Overall
Locked Diamond Dynasty -
Tatis collection
Locked Diamond Dynasty -
Locked Diamond Dynasty -
take shippet out
Locked Diamond Dynasty -
Tie Breakers
Locked General Discussion -
Tie Breakers
Locked Leagues -
just an idea..
Locked General Discussion -