Whoever is in charge/works on servers needs to be canned.
@Captain_Chegster said in Change My Mind: This game is not Fun or Competitive:
- Facing 99 Kluber every [censored] game.
- Skill Generally is Not Rewarded
- Fly balls bouncing off our defenders’ heads.
- The game is not allowing us locate pitches & Our pitchers throwing meatballs right down the middle for homeruns regardless of pitcher control stats.
- It’s either Homerun, double play, or bust.
- Perfect/Perfect feedback is an out. But Good/Okay Contact is blasted into the stands for bombs.
- High Sinkers and High Velocity dominate this game.
- When you start smacking around Little Billy, the game’s RNG & scripted gameplay starts to impact your win/loss w/ errors and other bs.
- Constantly being unfairly matched up with Godly squads.
- Most importantly, Why even “practice” when it doesn’t make perfect in this game?
Unless anyone can convince me, I’m taking a break from this game until they patch it. Call of duty has been fun.
Just deleted the game. Started playing this game during MLB 17 and I will not be getting MLB 21. Good riddance SDS.
They honestly completely broke the game. Even broken for offline grinding. You're telling me every time I square up the ball on a rookie red moment for showdown my result will be good okay? This game needs fixing asap. Showdown is currently impossible to complete due to a broken game. PS. Yes, I took pitches and swung at meat balls.
@SHOW_TIME_ryan said in Why don’t they show the opponents PCI placement?:
What’s the point in hiding it? This is a serious question that maybe SDS can explain their reasoning.
It used to show and we’d complain that no way that should be a hit, so sds hides it now.
@EvylShaun said in No one is forcing you to play showdown...:
Literally no one. Not one single person.
So if you're not enjoying it, perhaps you should stop playing it? Just a suggestion.
Actually they are by making it the main way for affinity and 70 program stars
@varmo said in Showdown pisses me off:
So. Was 14-15. Had 9 strikeouts left. All lefties waiting. Pitcher had 0 confidence.
And then i get weak bloopers, strikeouts, warningtrack hits and pitcher seems to have no problems locating everything.
So yea...failed....
Really tired now...I had cole up to 120 pitches. He went super Saiyan and did his best Picasso impersonation. Long story short. I lost
@ryansitko11 said in MLB 20 possible RNG exposed:
Something similar happened to me about a week ago. It was a foul ball on good timing but I didn't check to see if it changed to late timing after. Definitely weird
Oh there’s 100% something weird going on and I doubt devs reply to this thread
I know a lot of us say this game is RNG, but this clip may prove it. I was watching Razzorsharpe on stream last night and he hit a good good, but the ball went foul. His feedback then changed from good to late. The clip is shown as a gyazo gif.
@Texans4lyfe said in Communication from SDS:
I feel like tons of outrage would be eliminated if we had communication from the studio about what’s currently happening in the game and if they plan to fix it and when. It’s clear from the forums that the community isn’t happy but the
Overall silence besides a tweet saying “we hear you” is really ineffective.. games thrive when there is open dialogue between the consumer and developer in my opinion. Wish we could hear more from them instead of leaving us to wonderThey're night and day between madden, trust me. They said they are aware of our feedback. Their entire city is in lockdown I believe and they're trying to work from home I think. Let's try to be patient.
- I can't hit
- I can't pitch
- I can't field
How am I supposed to play? Call me bad at the game I don't care. I'm not the greatest player, but was able to make CS a few times last year. Now I can't win a game it feels like lol.
@nekroistimg_mlbts said in Before you complain about this game…:
this game consists of more then online ranked seasons. so no thanks. And we have every right to complain about the game even if we don't play online ranked seasons. Get over yourself, you're opinion isn't more important then any other persons.
Amen. hitting is atrocious and thats the end of the story. This company will never get it right.
The last message actually put me to tears... Used Gyazo links because I do not know how to upload images.
https://gyazo.com/1ad54aef05b2d5549608404aedce0f6d -
Until SDS releases a statement about it or has another update, there is absolutely NO point in playing any of 1st inning or Division Showdowns. At this point you're just going to waste your time.. I've been playing the Show since '15 and have been more than good for a while but this is embarrassing and frustrating. "being patient" is not the solution and the idea was terrible. Good going SDS.
I've legit tried 10 times and i've given up. It's [censored] impossible to beat, yet my friends say it's easy
These pack odds are criminal. You'd think you would get 1 diamond in 220k worth. Guess not.
@BodamEscapePlan said in Early Season Regrets, Anyone?:
I have one glaring, soul-crushing mistake that I have made this year and that is not buying Nate Pearson when he was selling for like 43K. I remember thinking to myself, "that card deserves to go for so much more. I need to buy him ASAP!" Of course, I constantly put it off and now he's much more than I want to spend.
If I had him, I'd be able to lock in the 5 diamond prospects I have in Michael Kopech, Nick Madrigal, Luis Robert, Forrest Whitley, and of course, Nate Pearson assuming I'd have him. Instead, I'm considering selling off Whitley and Robert because I know I won't want to lock in 10 cards to get MacKenzie Gore.
Spending 500k stubs on packs. I know I have an addiction.
@raffman_ said in Griefing Rule:
Hi. I am very mad at this game right now. I am pitching, trying to get through the game, and because I WALKED TOO MANY BATTERS THE GRIEFING RULE WAS CALLED IN THE 5TH INNING. FIX THIS PLEASE.
so u walked like 5 batters in an inning? lol
@Speedy44 said in PSA: White Jersey = Home, Colored Jersey = Away:
It’s not like football where similar jersey colors make a huge difference. This is baseball. Do what you want
like honestly who cares. It's a color in a video game
@xxfireflyxx69 said in MLB 20 possible RNG exposed:
What proof? He was clearly late and the feedback adjusted. It should have never read that (good/good) in the first place. There's a reason it went foul. I'd put it down to more of a glitch in the programming that it got the feedback wrong in the first place.
found ramone's burner
@raesONE said in Which monitor should I get for the game? Plz help:
I wanna make a joke about schools and Alabama, but you probably wouldn't get it.
Jokes aside, BenQ Zowie RL2455/2755 is probably the best from a price-performance perspective.
Exact monitor I use. I have the 27 inch and highly recommend it.
Has anyone faced someone using it yet? It's pretty obvious when you play someone through 8 innings and their pitch release says perfect every pitch and they hit the corner every time. This hack is also used on 2k to green every shot on 2k. It has made it's way to MLB and its unfortunate that it did...
Change My Mind: This game is not Fun or Competitive
MLB The Show is broken
Why don’t they show the opponents PCI placement?
No one is forcing you to play showdown...
Showdown pisses me off
MLB 20 possible RNG exposed
MLB 20 possible RNG exposed
Communication from SDS
Current state of the game
Before you complain about this game…
Comedy PSN messages
Where do I report a crime?
Early Season Regrets, Anyone?
Griefing Rule
PSA: White Jersey = Home, Colored Jersey = Away
MLB 20 possible RNG exposed
Which monitor should I get for the game? Plz help
Cronus Zen