I was going to say the whole game this year. Programs and team affinities are so easy to complete. The rewards are almost worthless. Really just an empty boring game this year. Needs a total revamp which I would be all for. Dump moments, conquest needs to be way more interesting, like an online conquest mode. Showdown needs a big change, again online showdown maybe.
These may not all be great ideas, but at least its something than the same boring [censored] grind we get anymore.

Good luck. Half the time my logo never shows up. Next year I'm going generic instead of wasting time doing something I never see anyway.
Playing an event, first batter solid single. Next guy up rips a gapper to left, man on first dissappears, so I send batter to second, batter then magically appears over to third and I send home. I get credit for a inside the park HR and end up with batter on 2nd base. WTF is going in this world?
So the last few weeks, and I'm sure it's been way longer, I noticed on pitch feedback that when I "thought" I was moving my PCI to the ball it still was dead center.
I feel as if I am moving it but yet most of the time it stays dead center, which is where I start.
When I do actually move it, I'm never even in the vicinity.
What in the world, besides being a terrible hitter, would make me think I'm moving the PCI and it actually not happening, and it's not a controller issue. -
@Cactus_Gamr_PSN said in Double Edged Sword:
I see your last two games at the time of writing this post you lost 6-0 and 7-0. It's appears hitting is plenty difficult. Have a nice night.
Clearly you cannot read. I said I was not a great hitter. My point is that the gap between hitting and pitching is out of balance. But you can believe what you what, but I sure as F*$k know
you can't comprehend an opinion. -
I sure wish there was a way to make hitting more difficult but by the same token I'm not a good hitter by any means.
Pitching just seems like you are lobbing meat pitches all day long.
I just think the gap between hitting and pitching is way out of balance. -
I've primarily been an offline player for most years, but I think next year I may try online more. Not sure if that really translates to a more fun and rewarding experience but this game has become very stale so decided to change it up. Why not.
I'm having the same issue. If I remember correctly we had the same problem last year when season 2 was released. Don't read too much into your service. It's the game and the semi crappy product with little regard to address the same issues every year
I'm 52 and my problem is I am such a brutal hitter that if I don't pitch well it's over. I used to play baseball to a low level college level, but this video game stuff I can't figure it out, it's still fun most of the time though.
Sitting at 688K right now, probably would be a lot closer if I didn't have days where I barely played.
@x814xmafia said in Early Diamond Predictions:
Still a few weeks off to make predictions. Someone can get hurt. Someone can have a bad game.
I said early. I know things can happen. What's wrong with a little fun in guessing early?
Didn't know know there was a timeline in your world. My bad. -
So who are we thinking in the next update?
After Shota Imanaga pitches another great game he has to go diamond. I currently hold 66 of him.
Logan Gilbert is another, but a bump of three is tough.
Dylan Cease has to be another. Outside of that, can't find another unless I'm blind to somebody. Thoughts? -
I thought this was one of the easier ones. I did it in three attempts. The first time my pitch count was to high so I gave up late runs, the second I tried to pitch to contact early and fell behind on Ks and missed by two. Third try was sort of a combo of previous two and finished it.
I've tried that several times. Usually when I start to focus on the PCI more than the ball. It helps you focus better.
The problem I found is it seems to only work for a very short time, then I turn the PCI back on and I'm back on track.
It's kind of hard to say if it's something you should stay committed too though. -
I am a long time player in this franchise but I have NEVER figured out how on earth to become decent at pitching.
I'm not a good enough hitter to slug it out so pitching has to be my strong point and I am terrible at it.
I've used just about every way and still get terrible results.
If your a good pitcher, what do you do that works? -
515 with Live series Rafael Devers playing in Minnesota
@arvcpa said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
I've been pre-ordering for as long as I can remember. I think I'll wait this year to see what's in store for 24.
I'm in the same boat. I was pretty disappointed this year. I lost interest around the All Star break. I used to play many hours a week and found myself not even wanting to play at all. I still turn it on but after about ten minutes off it goes.
Have we reached the end game?
Their hasn't even been any big collection for end game cards, which is disappointing and the whole sets thing is not fun at all.
I'm trying to complete alot of unfinished programs, but if there is really nothing special left I feel like I'm just wasting time at this point. -
@fubar2k7 said in Infuriating Game:
Don’t be offended but I’m doing the same with stuff I skipped over and that literally has to be the worst excuse to not buy a game I’ve heard in my entire life. You can probably delete this.
I'm pretty sure this is one of several reasons I do not like this year's version, NOT the only one. Maybe listing all of them would be slightly moronic.
Going through some uncompleted programs and I'm working on the August Topps now moments.
Every time I finish a moment the LCS program screen pops up. So I have to exit out and scroll down, go back into the August Topps now program and then select another moment.
What a raggedy [censored] game this year really is. Thinking about skipping next year, unless there are significant improvements next year.
You know what sucks
Team logo not showing up
Here is a New One
Double Edged Sword
Double Edged Sword
New approach next year
Challenge failed
Any old farts good at this game?
Anyone get their first boss yet?
Early Diamond Predictions
Early Diamond Predictions
Justin Verlander Hall of Fame moment.
What is your Longest Home run hit?
Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?
End Game
Infuriating Game
Infuriating Game