@beatlesnews_PSN No, Taylor was an 87 and I think Cortes was to

@Dolenz_PSN Idk how well you know the real life baseball card scene, but most Hall of fame players autos you can get much cheaper then whoever is the latest hot prospect. It's not just a mlbts thing. People love a mystery box in real life. The prospect could be anybody, he could even turn into Bryce Harper!
Low numbered Jasson Dominguez rookie autos are in the 1000s, you can get just about any player or hall of famer for cheaper then that outside of the Babe Ruths etc.
I logged on, thought [censored] that Joc looks fun, bought Joc, and logged off. That's about where I am rn
no they don't
@iBonafideScrub__PSN I believe 20's nickname was MLB The Lineout. I think it was the first game where lineouts really got peoples attention
I just think how ironic it is that these games are on a pedestal now for the community. Back then I could (and was) called a fanboy for liking those games. There was so much complaining about the games in that period.
I don't disagree either, MLB 20-22 is way better then 23-24, It's just so funny to me that people have now decided they liked those games when in the past everyone trashed it.
It's sort of like politics, (please don't take that as a red vs blue statement or take it out of context), people as a whole always get annoyed with who is in charge, and then when it changes they want the good ole days back even though during those days they hated it.
A really long convoluting way to say I find the new love for those games funny.
@BillsMafia17449 [censored] only took the lead in the 8th? You are a pretty bad cheater.
9 perfects and two total bases? Press x to doubt.
How do I prepare? Well it saps any will to grind. Nothing I do right now will matter once Friday comes. I'll play some ranked bc I want to get to 800, but besides that what's really the point?
@ChuckCLC5755 Probably, though it does make it cheaper to do collections, I love buying diamonds that cost 2.5k
Volume flipping is always the way to go, if i have to undercut a 500 stub profit by 100 stubs, I'll do it, because I'll make 1200 stubs in 3 sales while you are waiting for your first 500. Looking for the biggest flip is silly, that's not where the money is
That's intentional, they want you to use pinpoint as it's the hardest to use, but gives the most control to the user
This ^, why does someone need to "admit" to buying it as if they did something wrong. Can I ask you about your spending life?
@Bearsfan217 Go to exchanges, then players
I really liked Rich Aurilias batting stance back in old 2000s games, so I'm kinda happy about that
Women in the game threaten to ruin my immersion of having 5 foot Big Daddy [censored] make the majors. What's next, making long dead players next to currently alive ones? Babe Ruth wouldn't be able to hit one pitch off Brady Singer. We need to get back to the way people lived in the good ole days, now where did I leave my son's coal miner hat?
@broken_toy1 He limited our discussion to this "Discuss without bringing up anything besides playing baseball.",
So I can only talk about wanting or not wanting Bauer on my team in the context of baseball is what he is saying. He wrote it right up there. That sentence boils down to, "Only comment on whether he would be good at baseball or not"
That is the way I read it, if you can point out to me what I'm missing, I'll try and answer as genuine as I can
I find this thread to be pretty silly.
The OP is basically saying "Ignore all the stuff that are a negative of bringing in Bauer and only focus on the positive parts when discussing". Like yeah, what an easy way to win a discussion/argument if you phrase it that way
Codes not working
I was just playing a game and it had me thinking...
New pack out
MLB 20-22
MLB 20-22
Cheaters in the show
Games getting worse
How to prepare
Quick sell values?
If all of you flippers would just wait…
Pulse pitching (maybe others too?) really need a look
How many of these people who have Ruth spent real money?
Cairo Cats
Some positives about the game so far
Only ten new legends this year…
Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.
Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.