Down in GA

E4ch H1t 4nd i_XBL
@dyerwolf4_xbl said in No more picking no sell duplicate post:
Awesome, so now all you idiots out there won't make a stupid mistake. It's idiot proof now.
I think you have a little too much confidence in idiots. They'll find a way.
Finally completed it today around my 10th attempt. Got it done on 3 pitches. A homer on the first pitch, took a ball on the inside then doubled to right field. I'm majorly relieved.
@whitejw98_psn said in Miggy 6 total bases moment:
This was a tricky one, but I got it done in about a half hour. Power swing, and restart if you don't get a homerun in the first two at bats.
I've tried using power swing many times. Most of the time they don't even leave the infield. Just slow rollers straight to the infielders, who always seem to be playing exactly where the ball will be going. Power doesn't seem to help here at all. As for restarting, I always try 3 at bats because with all the other moments that required 8 TBs, I completed them by hitting 2 homers. If I don't hit one one the 3rd AB I know for sure I won't make it.
@drummerdude8486 said in Miggy 6 total bases moment:
Got it! No doubt shot and a double
Grats. That's what I'm shooting for. Or 3 doubles. I tried for another hour before going to bed last night. Still SOL here.
I feel your pain. I've had over 100 attempts so far. No luck yet. And I can't progress any further in the program until I beat it. Bites the big one.
@max-2k4_psn said in I can't hit any more. . .:
OK, I haven't COMPLETELY turned things around... but now at least, I do feel like I'm moving in the right direction. For PCI placement and whatnot, I found a YouTube video called How to MASTER PCI Control and Movement in MLB the Show 21! Tips from a TOP 10 LIFETIME PLAYER! by a user named OhChev to be fairly helpful. His plan for when you're really struggling SEEMS like it might be helping me get back on track. More on this as it develops.
Another piece of advice I've heard... although I can't remember just where at the moment is to Take until you've got two strikes. I'd imagine it might be wise to take this one with a grain of salt, just in case it's a "just me" thing. I... have a real problem swinging at horrible pitches that should DEFINITELY be balls, and this method seems to be helping me out there. If you don't have that particular problem, I don't know if this would do anything for you or not.
Like I said, I've just started to put these things into practice, but they honestly seem like they might be gonna work.. so I figured I'd go ahead and mention them here.
Have you ever tried hitting with the PCI off? I never use the PCI and I get hits and homers constantly. Without the PCI all you have to do is perfect your timing and never swing at anything outside the strike zone. It's that easy. No need to worry about where the PCI is, it isn't there to distract you from your timing. Give it a shot sometime.
@tdubb1211_xbl said in How do you make a sports game completely unrelated to skill:
You can miss the pci and hit an homerun and you can get perfect perfect and be out. "It happens in real baseball" makes no sense at all because im playing a video game where my inputs should matter, at least a little bit not just a complete dice roll everytime.
That's one of the reasons why I don't even bother having the PCI on. You can get just as many hits/homers and have just as much control of where the ball goes without having to do anything but hit the swing button on time.
Over 9000
Sorry. Couldn't resist. -
@da-kak-wagon_mlbts said in If you are struggling at hitting:
This may seem like an odd question but is turning the pci off essentially directional hitting? Just because you are kinda aiming without a target. My first year since I’m Xbox and I feel like I’m changing my pci weekly because I get in bad habits
Yes. It is what they call directional hitting. I don't know about everyone else but I don't even move the left stick when I'm hitting. I just swing when the ball is over the plate. I choose what direction I want to hit it by the timing of my swing. If I have a lefty batting and want to hit it to right field I swing slightly early. If I want it to go to left field I swing slightly late. To me it works just as well as using the PCI.
The best advice I can give you for directional hitting is just learn how to time your swing to hit balls straight up the middle. Once you can do that you can work on hitting it to a certain side of the field. If you're a right-handed batter and want to hit the ball to left field you don't have to aim to the left, just swing slightly earlier than you normally would. If you want to hit it to right field just swing slightly later than you normally would. Vice-versa for lefties. It's that simple, all timing. Just be patient, have a good eye and don't swing at anything outside the strike zone.
I've been hitting without the PCI practically since I started playing the game. I tried it with the PCI on the first day and just decided it was too much for me. I'm old and slow and can't keep up with the movement of the pitches. I tried playing a few games with different shapes and colors for the PCI but was still inconsistent making contact. I found that I get just as many hits and homers with it off and don't have to stress out every pitch. It's actually easier because all I have to do is have a good eye and be patient. Don't swing at anything outside the strike zone. I highly suggest everyone to at least attempt it this way.
Seems legit to me. I get quite a few walks when I play because I try to wait for the pitcher to throw strikes before I swing. Some pitchers in the game, just like in real life, never throw strikes. Their sole intention is to expand the strike zone and get batters to swing at pitches outside the strike zone.
@yankblan_psn said in What possesses the AI to do this?:
It shouldn’t happen; now that that’s out of the way, why press circle and not move towards the runner?
I'm guessing that since the question is why "AI" does this, they have it set for AI to do all the fielding and throwing. If not, it's really as simple as you say, don't press the throw button.
Can't Get Online
No more picking no sell duplicate post
Miggy 6 total bases moment
Miggy 6 total bases moment
Miggy 6 total bases moment
I can't hit any more. . .
How do you make a sports game completely unrelated to skill
If you had to guess....
If you are struggling at hitting
How many use directional hitting? Any tips?
If you are struggling at hitting
What possesses the AI to do this?