Having pitchers bat in pitcher moments where the AB means nothing......and then trying to lay down a bunt so that I can get back to pitching and either fouling off the first two or having the first two pitches be balls so that I have to see 3 pitches almost every time.

45k xp is nice. Means I'm getting the Babe today!
Darryl Strawberry
When I first seen this I thought you were asking about Paycheck Protection Program loans. I need to get a new job.
@kingakp_xbl said in Card:
Yes. Give me 5 minutes, I'm walking my chickens.
This made my morning better!
Got to see Ricky's for the first time last night. Definitely a favorite.
Would love to see the Seager card from last year be like a collection reward for getting all of the 2021 playoff cards.
Both guys in the trailer. I'm both excited and scared for Randy Johnson!!
If you think people are complaining now, wait until they get to use 97-99s for a couple weeks and then have to go back to using 87-90s again when the second power creep starts. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. I know there is going to be the 4 wild card spots, but I would almost bet everyone starts out with 1 and then earns another one with every 300k or so points on the reward path. While there isn't a whole lot else going on in the game at the moment, I'm trying to parallel up as much as I can any of the high diamond core live series cards I have because they'll definitely be needed at the start of season 2.
Also to go along with the above poster, pitch mix of your pitcher is pretty important too. Try to get guys with at least a sinker or cutter. Also I wouldn't go into it with a mindset of trying to go 12-0. Just try to use it to improve and work on your skills. When I first started this year I would be very happy with just getting 2-3 wins per draft and am now getting some of 4-6 wins so it has definitely helped.
and every homerun is getting replayed. I haven't played a ton of bunt dancers or people that R2 that much lately until last night. Dude was the absolute worst I had ever played. Usually if someone does that to me they hit R2 a couple times every batter for the first couple innings or so and then they stop or at least do it not as often. Nope this dude constantly tapping R2 then holding it down then constantly tapping then holding down again for like 20-30 seconds every single batter while bunt dancing the entire time and proceeded to do this the entire game.
Just turned 40 here. Got into the 840s over the weekend which my high in any RS this year before that was 702. Then was unfortunate enough to play two straight games with guys ranked just over 900 and was on legend. One throwing Degrom which I have trouble with anyways and the other a submarining left handed CAP. It was not pretty.
That Verlander card is my favorite pitcher to use in the game by far.
I wish you could have more than just 4 squads. There's a couple different theme teams I'd like to make but after my main squad and grinding squad I am always having to interchange the last 2 with whatever theme team I want to run that day.
When talking about pitch speed differences, not only is the difference between online and offline a pain, the difference between a 100mph 4 seam from someone without outlier and a 102mph 4 seam from someone with outlier feels more like a 15mph difference.
Favorite windup in the game for pitch timing purposes is probably Pedro. A windup I would love to see how it worked out in the game would be Hideo Nomo. As a kid me and a friend of mine used to always try to duplicate different pitching windups and his was the one we had the most fun with....and worst results.
I really think we get that Mondesi somewhere along the line though.
@ruthless5454_psn said in Is it true that some players just hit better with cards than other cards?:
The Joc Pedersen NLDS card is currently the one I can't hit anything under a double with
Joc and the Rowdy Tellez playoff card are highly underrated.
I'd be totally fine with it being non sellable.
@vanrotten5450_xbl said in A couple quality of life changes that could still be implemented for 22:
I'd love to have a batting cage feature inside of the Community Market to try out cards before investing stubs.
Wow now this is the first time I've heard this suggestion and I love it.
What is the single (super minor) detail that annoys you the most?
Ol Catfish Hunter player program today
Players you would like to see in the future
Questions for you PPP masters out there
No doubt animation
WS program 14 reward cards
Randy Johnson and Ryan Howard
If you think about it
Battle Royale question
if you bunt dance
Just made my first WS
What 4 Squads do you run with?
Question about online and offline pitch speeds
Favorite Pitcher Windup?
10th inning classics pack
Is it true that some players just hit better with cards than other cards?
Unpopular Opinion for 22
A couple quality of life changes that could still be implemented for 22