SDS better add a card for the Cardinals AA player (Chandler Redmond) who just slapped the home run cycle last night. I get him only being a AA player but the fact that its only happened one other time in modern baseball history and is known as the rarest milestone in baseball should be enough for him to get a card.
Lightning Devers. Don't know what it is but I absolutely suck with his card
Has anyone else been struggling in the last week or two with timing swings? I don't ever remember having this issue in the last two games but lately it feels like I can't hit anything. I can't tell if its the game or if I'm just bad or slumping but every pitch feel so inconsistent and I'm rarely swinging on time.
I just finished a season today and I only lost 2 games during normal season, which were against the super team and were quits since I didn't want to put in the effort, but I swear the playoffs were the hardest games I've played all year. Every single game went into extra innings and I almost lost both series. I don't know what happened but early in the season the game feels super easy and I'll win by 10 but end of the season and playoffs feel like the difficulty you select means nothing.
I feel the same thing. Even on rookie with full diamond team I feel like the new seasons have been harder than the last few weeks. I'm barely getting wins sometimes and opposing batter are getting stupid hits out of the zone and fielders are making stupid gold glove plays with silver fielding.
I switched from the xbox one controller to the new ones and pitching feels so much harder. I have pitches going right down the middle after placing on the corners because the controller doesn't register the thumbstick movement.
SDS Don't waste this opportunity
Best hitters in the game that you can't hit with.
Swing Timing
Current mini season
Current mini season