I am having the same issue. Can't start game or change uniforms but I can simulate. Only thing it will let me do. Did you ever find a fix?

@blitz77tw Yeah I was agreeing with you. That we all have no problem with the grind.
@blitz77tw Seriously. None of us are asking to be handed every single card. We just want the ability to grind for them through gameplay and not having to spend all day on the marketplace flipping cards just to have enough stubs to get the cards that are only available through packs that rely heavily on RNGs.
It really feels like the offline players are getting screwed this year in this game. We could complete collections and programs just by getting the cards you got playing offline. This year feels like they are trying to force everyone into online play modes as well as spending money to get packs or stubs. Just feels like the amount of free cards from completing programs, conquests, and mini seasons is nothing compared to years past. Add that to having most extra xp available only in multiplayer modes, a lower xp cap, lower xp rewards, and you get a game that went from being by far the best ultimate team mode for offline players to just another fully focused on taking your money and forcing you into online.
Also, I'm with other offline people. Why can't we get repeatable xp for completing mini seasons? SDS playing the xp police with people is such an odd choice. Why take away reasons for people to play the game? Feels like there would be more engagement overall if xp was more evenly balanced between offline and online. Plus all the cards in this season 1 program will be unusable once season 2 starts except for wild cards. Why is it terrible for us to get the cards a little sooner and actually have some time using them?
Then today's release of the awards and topps now stuff is super disappointing. All the best cards only available in packs. Why are there none of those packs at the end of the program to earn?
It really feels like the offline players are getting screwed this year in this game. We could complete collections and programs just by getting the cards you got playing offline. This year feels like they are trying to force everyone into online play modes as well as spending money to get packs or stubs. Just feels like the amount of free cards from completing programs, conquests, and mini seasons is nothing compared to years past. Add that to having most extra xp available only in multiplayer modes, a lower xp cap, lower xp rewards, and you get a game that went from being by far the best ultimate team mode for offline players to just another fully focused on taking your money and forcing you into online.
Also, what happened to all the ways to earn the packs to possibly pull the cards that they are only releasing in special packs alongside programs. Not even one pack at the end of the program to have a chance at the better cards?
The daily xp cap mostly punishes people who don't play every day. The people who are most impacted by this aren't the ones who are on the game every day, it's the ones who can play once or twice a week and are limited on the overall xp they can gain compared to years past. A weekly xp limit would make more sense to me than daily. Let those people who only play on weekends grind for the full xp amount so they aren't losing out on 5 other days worth of xp.
I think adding a weekly cap would make the most sense though. Most adults don't have the same time every day to game, and when we do get time we try to make up for a week away from games with one really long session. Having a daily xp cap just punishes people who can only play a couple times a week.
Thats what has always bugged me about these rewards for being really good at the online part. Those are the last people that need better cards and players. I get rewarding people who are at the top of the rankings with things like stubs, packs, and things like that. Giving them players to make their teams even better seems like you are just creating an even bigger gap between the top end competitive players and everyone else.
Seriously, I was hoping this year would be different. But here I am trying to list all my duplicate cards on the market, not even trying to do mass sells or buys, and I have to click on the stupid pictures almost every single time I put in a new sell order. Does anyone know of a way to get the verification to pop up less?
What I'd like to know with this low daily cap, am I going to be forced to play the head-to-head modes to get to the end of the season xp? I mean in years past I never had to do that, but one of the "big ways to get xp" mentioned in the patch notes was for battle royale. Please tell me that they aren't trying to force people to play head-to-head just to finish season 1.
I really wish there was a regular Stance Socks equipment in the socks section too.
Every year I just hope it is finally updated, but every year I am disappointed. At least now the prospects wear licenses equipment and not all generic stuff randomly placed.
So every single year I have complained about it, but it seems like it will never end. I'm really tired of having to edit almost every single pitcher prospect so they aren't wearing one half sleeve and one full sleeve. I am not a programmer, but it seems like they should just block pitchers from wearing illegal uniforms when they are generated.
The opposite is also true with RTTS equipment. If you pick the stuff that gives you boosts but try to hide it through the equipment editor it still shows up. I am stuck with a compression sleeve and wrist guard that I don't want.
I haven't played any ranked 1v1 yet, but from playing co-op I know I'm not good enough to score more than 3 or 4 runs in a game at the most. I'm assuming that people quitting feel like they are making quality pitches and still getting hit, and know they have zero chance to come back so they just bail instead of wasting their time.
With all the inning requirements though, I don't see a point in quitting a game that early. I figure play out at least half of it, see if you can get lucky, and if not then quit when it gets out of hand.
I appreciate the effort to make the website function without bots taking over, but I shouldn't have to click on a bus or motorcycle or whatever other test for what feels like every other card I attempt to add to the marketplace. Trying to sell off my duplicates was a major hassle earlier, and I just gave up. I am also questioning whether I am a robot or not with how often I seem to fail those tests.
More evidence that they didn't use any of the new game and AI logic in RTTS.
@PushedSatsuma2_XBL said in Equipment issue:
What I don't get is how the exact same equipment issue can happen year after year, and the next game will still launch in a broken state.
Every year I just laugh when it's the exact same equipment issue. At least last year and the year before you could fix it every time. Now it just doesn't save.
I think this is the best option to make ranked playable for those who don't spend 1000s of dollars day 1 to complete all the collections. It was so daunting to try and play ranked with barely a team of golds when you knew half the matchups were people that bought the best players and sets.
I really want that xp in those games. We have to play 250 innings to get the rewards, may as well let us do some player grinding in the process.
RTTS game loading issue?
And this is where SDS has crossed the line in my view
And this is where SDS has crossed the line in my view
What are we even supposed to grind offline now?
And this is where SDS has crossed the line in my view
XP warriors
XP Cap explained
XP Cap and Offline Players
Why must I verify I'm Human with almost every order
Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow
RTTS Pants/Socks
Prospect Pitcher equipment still an issue
Prospect Pitcher equipment still an issue
Player equipment issue
Proving I'm not a robot over and over and over
Ohtani Rule in 23 RTTS?
Equipment issue
This game won’t last
Co-Op Parallel XP