The daily xp cap mostly punishes people who don't play every day. The people who are most impacted by this aren't the ones who are on the game every day, it's the ones who can play once or twice a week and are limited on the overall xp they can gain compared to years past. A weekly xp limit would make more sense to me than daily. Let those people who only play on weekends grind for the full xp amount so they aren't losing out on 5 other days worth of xp.

So disappointing that this patch was supposed to fix RttS issues as well as ballplayer issues. Still no bonus from my equipment. Occasionally it will show up in the second game of a series, but the first game never. Then I still can't look at my loadout without resetting my gear appearance set up.
I know it is simple to put my guy into the lineup every time I start the game up, but why is he removed from my lineup every time I turn the game off? I swear every time I start up my first DD game of the day I end up with Prince Fielder at catcher, and don't realize it until he has some awkward animation or drops a pitch.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to keep my ballplayer in the lineup?
I appreciate the effort to make the website function without bots taking over, but I shouldn't have to click on a bus or motorcycle or whatever other test for what feels like every other card I attempt to add to the marketplace. Trying to sell off my duplicates was a major hassle earlier, and I just gave up. I am also questioning whether I am a robot or not with how often I seem to fail those tests.
Sure would be nice to get the boosts from my gear applied to my guy.
It's almost like they just want people to play the game instead of grinding one thing over and over to try and get all the cards.
"Oh sweet a line drive to RF. Wait, why is my runner on first standing 2 feet from 1st waiting for it to drop? Well looks like another guy thrown out at second because I wasn't quick enough to tell the dude to advance on contact like he should have based on where the ball was hit."
Oh and don't get me started on getting thrown out on a tag up with a 99 speed player because he runs in mud for the first 30 feet.
I think adding a weekly cap would make the most sense though. Most adults don't have the same time every day to game, and when we do get time we try to make up for a week away from games with one really long session. Having a daily xp cap just punishes people who can only play a couple times a week.
I feel like they throw more balls to you in the showdown than on veteran outside that game mode. It helped me to be patient, and just wait for certain pitches in certain spots I'm looking for. If you get very selective the challenges are very easy.
This annoyed me too. Ignore the people who seem to jump into every post to defend the game like someone just insulted their child.
Really ruins the immersion and makes me less likely to play vs the CPU in DD as much as I might want to.
I just want to know that SDS knows what the problems are with ballplayer, RttS, and other modes. Just a simple "hey these are the bugs we know exist and are working on". It might help put some of the player base at ease if we knew what we were experiencing was a bug or if it was working as intended. Plus if they had a comprehensive list, it would allow us to report any new bugs we see that they aren't aware of already.
I just think of it like baseball risk. The more territories you have, the more reinforcements you get.
I just captured as much empty territory as possible so I could get more reinforcements. I didn't steal any fans and still got all the goals done. I think it's a waste of time unless you are good enough to steal fans on higher difficulties.
@j_c21_psn said in Problems I’ve Encountered so Far (Report Your Issues Here!):
Getting loses on mini seasons after you actually won the game. This has happened to me twice in a row now. I’ll stick to playing other modes until this is resolved.
Yeah I'm giving up on the mode for now until that gets fixed. Just played an epic 6 inning game with a walk off win, and see that it counted as a loss. "I'm done" I said out loud to nobody.
I'm beginning to think you've never played another sports game if you truly believe this is the worst ever.
You are my hero.
@random_schmuck_psn said in Big Dog program:
As a person who dislikes Showdowns I can say that this one is very easy and a pretty cool concept. It is 4 red boss rounds with no blue mini rounds. 2 lefties and 2 righties. There is no way to enter the final round down by more than 2 with 12 outs.
SDS…I see what you did here, and I approve.
I would love the showdowns if it was all boss rounds.
@go4stros25_psn said in Big Dog program:
@dominickb3_xbl said in Big Dog program:
Anyone know of a place we can find a list of the Big Dog players?
Take a picture of the pack content with your phone
It's unfortunate that there is no lineup filter for those cards.
What I'd like to know with this low daily cap, am I going to be forced to play the head-to-head modes to get to the end of the season xp? I mean in years past I never had to do that, but one of the "big ways to get xp" mentioned in the patch notes was for battle royale. Please tell me that they aren't trying to force people to play head-to-head just to finish season 1.
It really feels like the offline players are getting screwed this year in this game. We could complete collections and programs just by getting the cards you got playing offline. This year feels like they are trying to force everyone into online play modes as well as spending money to get packs or stubs. Just feels like the amount of free cards from completing programs, conquests, and mini seasons is nothing compared to years past. Add that to having most extra xp available only in multiplayer modes, a lower xp cap, lower xp rewards, and you get a game that went from being by far the best ultimate team mode for offline players to just another fully focused on taking your money and forcing you into online.
Also, I'm with other offline people. Why can't we get repeatable xp for completing mini seasons? SDS playing the xp police with people is such an odd choice. Why take away reasons for people to play the game? Feels like there would be more engagement overall if xp was more evenly balanced between offline and online. Plus all the cards in this season 1 program will be unusable once season 2 starts except for wild cards. Why is it terrible for us to get the cards a little sooner and actually have some time using them?
Then today's release of the awards and topps now stuff is super disappointing. All the best cards only available in packs. Why are there none of those packs at the end of the program to earn?
XP warriors
Equipment buffs still not working
Ballplayer removed from Lineup
Proving I'm not a robot over and over and over
Ballplayer Equipment Bugs
New program has absolutely killed NMS
baserunning is pure trash
XP Cap explained
First inning showdown team affinity some tips please?
BP Uniforms Against CPU Issue
Can we get a list of known bugs?
USA Conquest Map
Problems I’ve Encountered so Far (Report Your Issues Here!)
Absolute worst sports game ever.
Big Dog Player List For Everyone
Big Dog program
Big Dog program
Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow
What are we even supposed to grind offline now?