Second to last game: Match up with some third-world country scrub that can't afford decent internet let alone afford to live in a house that doesn't have a dirt floor.
Last game: Match up with a WS player who has the weather set to rain and not only quick pitches me the first half of the inning; decided to come out starting with holding R2 for the entire time that is allowed.
Yep, not going to miss this piece of [censored] game and won't miss the piece of [censored] people that need to abuse every possible exploit because they have to validate their pathetic existence with how they do in a video game.
That way they can prove to their parents that it was the right thing not having to have them aborted.
Sorry, pretty sure it would be better if half these pieces of [censored] were aborted as soon as medically possible.
And I don't give a flying [censored] about what anyone else here has to say.
You all go suck your mom's [censored]!
Ban me mother [censored]. Ban me!