Anyone else get kicked out of MLB rn? I’m 1 game off Harper and I can’t get in.

The game is fun this year and I like the continent but when I play online I go basic jersey setup. White at home and my team color (red) and white one the road. Can we maybe think of adding a 3rd or alternate jersey so most games I play aren’t white v white or red v red. Would also be a cool idea for an alternative jersey or 2 in franchise too. And yes I’ve changed my colors and stuff and I’m stuck unlucky and usually match who I play. Just annoying not game breaking.
I don’t understand hitting anymore in this game. Why do worse (timing and PCI) swings make more sense and I mean that by where the ball goes and lands off the bat. Like how can I be on a ball with Kruk and have good timing (early side of good) and be parallel with the ball to his pull side and I hit a ripper straight to the SS’s chest? Like tell me where that makes sense. SDS youll did a good job with defense and ball “physics” in the past but this year it feels so contrived; the outcomes of swings I mean. Make hitters who naturally hit into the shift do so if they do and if they don’t, don’t force them to. If my opponent wants to shift heavy pull side vs Harper and pitch me away, why is it with good timing that that’s a lineout to center and not a classic Harper double down the line? Like I still play baseball and the old games atleast hitting wise, made a little sense but I can’t play this game and take it serious as a chill game. It’s frustrating and again makes little to no sense. Plz make MLB 25 good because that’ll be my last one. The last 2 years have drained me.
Can we do something about outliner? Can we just not let every pitcher throw 102 and can dot with nasty stuff. I’ve faced nothing but DeGrom, Verlander and all relievers that have outliner. I’m all for it being in the game but why does every pitcher that’s meta or likes have it.
How about this, can SDS put the top pitching speed to 100 instead of 99; that way pitchers like DeGrom can sit 98,99,100 but top 101 and 102 every now and then. Maybe a drop in velocity just a tad based on pitch count.
Anyways make outliner give you the ability to hit 105 that way prime Chapman is different from today’s and the silver Chapman. Only him and Nolan Ryan would end up with it and it would probably make Nolan Ryan a decent card to use. After all they use to measure pitch velocities at home plate in Ryan’s day and he threw a 100 there image if you could see his pitch speed based on where it is measured today. With the ability to hit 105 you could sit probably 101,102, and if your pitcher is rested then it jumps to 103,104,105.
I just feel like this change to outliner and pitch speeds can make games more fun and competitive because if you face a kid that knows how to tunnel and when not to tunnel. He’s no fun to play when all his pitchers throw 102 and I’m forced to swing right when the ball comes out his hand. Only give that ability to a few pitchers. -
Yo Fire; with the new action figures card art guys, seriously good job. Are there still some of the same players and stats yes, but you’ll have us a fire card art so it feels new. Excited for the finest cards and Do a trade deadline program to fill in 97s and 98s. With captains not everyone needs to be a 99 if there play well.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the showdown dropped today if a mini season drops at some point and a conquest drops at some point before it’s over too.
You’ll like the Corbin boost then. It boosts reaction time.
It would be nice if players get more than 1 bat flip going forward. I like that SDS adds the big bat flip from each past season but it’s kinda silly to celebrate a big homer when it’s 0-0 in the first. It would be cool for the 0-0 homer to be just a dope home run animation and then for big home runs to add the big bat flip animations.
Example- Bryce Harper has a dope bat drop, make that his normal animation and then his big bat flip animation can be the big homer vs the padres to close out that series. Think Jose Bautista when he was in the game and the only way to get his cool bat flip he did vs the Rangers was to hit a clutch late inning homer.
It could be much but maybe by adding those to the players that do different bay flips and different styles based on uniforms that could be a cool subtle difference in MLB 25 that’s a this is cool thing.
Also SDS plz expand ur color palette, Judge and Stanton don’t wear teal they wear Mint Green. Also a lot of guys like to wear a powder or baby blue not the bright annoying one you make Bichette wear all the time then change later. -
Is it possible for theme teams to get a new program for the players on the move? I understand that a lot of the FA hitters already have good cards and that’s fine but some fun new bullpen and starter cards would be nice.
So a program that just is a cool edit of the player signed to their new team and counts towards the theme team for that team would make all time teams really fun this time of year. Like the Jazz and Randy cards we got this year at the trade deadline. And again teams that don’t have good bullpens and starters on theme teams would really benefit from a program like this. -
If I can’t make my own pens and move them. Can we do bullpen presents so I can make a setup like the Blue Jays or Philly, with the elevated stacked pens.
I just played a game after the new update that allows kids to steal 2nd and (sometimes) 3rd all the time. All he did was steak and round the base but slide in head first that causes the player to miss the tag every time. Even if you pitch out and throw a perfect throw he’s safe. This exploit almost caused me to lose the game so can this get looked into plz.
The Servers are back up I think people. Sorry to be this guy but 3 hours of a random dead spot is not wassup.
Thanks for adding moving fans. It is going to make making stadiums for fun and fire.🫡
What happened to rewarding the player? I feels like the better input I get the worse the result is for me. Like what do I need to do. It’s not like I’m hitting into a shift on these. It’s liners straight to guys that are against the shift or normal. Like seriously all my new players are hitting like [censored] and I’m not doing anything wrong.
Oh also you can throw in legend coach’s for fun. Cough cough a player-coach Pete Rose. Or even a Joe Torre, you know who we want manager wise SDS.
It’s not hard for us to connect stands together, but (and it’s might be a insta model sized one) the curve to park fences are tough to deal with at times. Plus some fences block some props and stands for no reason at times. The Scissors idea would be to help cut out prices of props and stands and such that would be conflicting with boundaries. It would also be helpful for adding props in and around other props. This way if you add the ability to move bullpens the stands can still be in place and normal just cut around the pens. This would also help with the space issue I believe too but that is where I will say idk ur code for that.
10 now Jimmy Rollins perfect perfect to the second baseman
I mean this literally. I’ve done almost every program and my team is still the same for ranked. Also where’d being good at the market go, you use to be able to flip and do stuff. Now that you took the ball player out of DD it killed the flipping market because no one cares to buy equipment for RTTS at a fast enough rate to try and flip. And live series cards are still worthless so you can’t really even flip them unless you want 127 stubs a flip. There’s no grind, there’s play and lose or pay and win. And you’ll literally had a motto of grind to 99 where’d that go?
I get that SDS is probably focused on MLB 25 once the season ends but can we get some props to do some seasonal themes? Like stuff for Halloween or Thanksgiving or Christmas? You know the big holidays. Add like 3-5 fun ones and just add 3-5 each year and season and in a few years we can probably make some really cool stuff. If ur focused on 25 I get it but it’d still be nice for and idea for next year.
It’s in the game some where go look at the equipment tab in the MLB app for 22 and it shows a ton of equipment that’s not in the game. Like Lindor’s cleats which kinda makes Lindor low key.
Servers 4:50
Add a 3rd uniform spot
Make hitting make sense again!
SDS, Outliner idea
New Card Art
SDS missed opportunity
Steven Kwan boost change
Bat flip hopes for MLB 25, Also color palette
Winter Movers program
Move bullpens
Guaranteed steal glitch
Servers 4:50
9 Perfect Perfect line outs?
Captain and coaches
Scissors Idea
9 Perfect Perfect line outs?
What am I playing for this year?
Seasonal props
Equipment Missing?