I know we can bring over our created stadiums from 23, but can we go all the way back to 22? Thanks

@aaronjw76_PSN said in I think pinpoint is fine:
@SuntLacrimae50_MLBTS said in I think pinpoint is fine:
It's not about it being hard or easy to master. I have no dog in that fight.
The real issue is that the ball only lands on the very outside edge of the PAR. Never in the middle. That's not how the mechanic is supposed to work.
It's bugged and needs to be fixed. Whether or not it's easy or hard to master, whatever. I just want mechanics to work the way they're supposed to work.
We're you complaining for the past two years when it clearly worked as it was not intended? You know, perfect results with perfect inputs.
If not then you can't be complaining about what's happening this year.
I was, there was almost never a pitch for either player that wasn’t on the corner.
Don’t want to be difficult but I feel like the patch made created stadium night lighting way worse. It’s really dark, and I can’t really see anything besides the field. Thought it was fine before, anyone else?
I’ve been hearing that pinpoint is too difficult but I think it’s better that way. In the past every pitch would be exactly on the corner, I like that you have to get a perfect release to dot it, and I like seeing a wider variety of pitch locations rather than fastballs and sliders every pitch literally in the precise corner every time. IMO
I had a couple games not count when my opponent quit, anyone have the same problem?
Can’t say for sure but I’d be really surprised if not, I feel like none of the captains right now are worth it so I bet they’re planning to add.
Sounds like most of these guys are above my pay grade, but 89 Taylor Rogers is really good.
Does losing a co-op game hurt your solo ranked rating? I lost 100 points on my ranked rating without losing a game, only thing I can think of is I lost in co-op. Anyone know?
I had the same problem, go in and re edit them and back out, and sell the jersey that’s equipped. Not sure if that’s what did it I don’t remember tbh but i just toyed around with it for a bit and it worked.
Yeah I have to disagree I love that it’s not a slugfest anymore
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
Perfect/Perfect is perfect timing and perfect PCI placement....which is basically perfect contact.
It’s not tho, it just means perfect timing and contact that’s somewhere in your inner PCI
So you're saying that all the people who've posted in here over the years going crazy about perfect/perfect flyouts or linedrives are just stupid and have no reason to complain because the 2nd perfect just means that you were perfectly inside the inner PCI but not actually making good contact?
Ok....we can go with that.
Lol idk bro just reporting what I saw. Idk if it’s specific to this year or not.
what did you see and where did you see it?
In Ranked, Perfects that were clear fly balls off the bat staying in the yard, so I looked at the feedback and saw that the ball was at the very top of my inner PCI. Also notice they call it Perfect now not Perfect-Perfect anymore, I think it just refers to timing. Could be wrong.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
Perfect/Perfect is perfect timing and perfect PCI placement....which is basically perfect contact.
It’s not tho, it just means perfect timing and contact that’s somewhere in your inner PCI
So you're saying that all the people who've posted in here over the years going crazy about perfect/perfect flyouts or linedrives are just stupid and have no reason to complain because the 2nd perfect just means that you were perfectly inside the inner PCI but not actually making good contact?
Ok....we can go with that.
Lol idk bro just reporting what I saw. Idk if it’s specific to this year or not.
I had 2 games of RS that I got rating points for originally but then they went away, anyone else have the same?
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
Perfect/Perfect is perfect timing and perfect PCI placement....which is basically perfect contact.
It’s not tho, it just means perfect timing and contact that’s somewhere in your inner PCI
Was confused by the number of Perfect-Perfect flyouts but then I realized something. I think perfect just refers to timing, not necessarily contact. Just thought I’d share my thoughts in case any of y’all were getting frustrated.
@MadHatter711748_XBL said in Pitcher Control:
@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Pitcher Control:
Anyone else finding it really easy to throw dots? I guess it’s better than the alternative, but I would like a little bit of a challenge and not have every pitch for both teams be perfectly on the corner every time.
Are you playing offline? For some reason, I cannot locate at all using pin point in events or RS. Felt like I was a pretty decent pitcher last year…not elite, but I am getting shelled like never before in this game.
I was talking about online. In fairness I’ve been using guys with pretty good control, maybe it’s just that.
It feels to me like home runs are down from last year, which I like. But if you look at the stats and game logs of the top ranked players, almost every run comes on a home run. Personally I prefer to see home runs to be somewhat of a rarity and offense relying on getting guys on base. The game still feels like a home run derby where the winner is the one who just happens to get under it a couple more times. Am I the only one?
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Cards too good?:
@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Cards too good?:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Cards too good?:
@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Cards too good?:
Is there any incentive to get any cards lower than a 97?
Yes. Collections.
But what’s the incentive to do collections if the guys you get for them are the same ovr as the guys you can get for doing the WBC program for 2 hours?
Do you play Ranked? If so; you're incentive is that once Season/Set 3 drops, these cards won't be usable for Ranked.
Yeah a ton of ranked. That’s a good point in theory but by then I’m sure it will be a piece of cake to get 99s for nothing.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Cards too good?:
@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Cards too good?:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Cards too good?:
@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Cards too good?:
Is there any incentive to get any cards lower than a 97?
Yes. Collections.
But what’s the incentive to do collections if the guys you get for them are the same ovr as the guys you can get for doing the WBC program for 2 hours?
I dont know what your incentive would be. Personally, im a completionist and i like to have options at every position.
If you really think you can play this game for long and just use the same lineup as you have right now, more power to you.
Idk, personally I find it more fun to get your team set early and use it all year and get really familiar with the cards, and find the cards you’re really good with and use them as much as you can.
@ChuckCLC_PSN said in Cards too good?:
I don't look at a 97 and a 92 overall and think i have to use that 97. Yeah maybe if it's the same player. But there are plenty of situations in which I would use a lower rated card. Just because it is better.
That’s a good point
Can you import stadiums from 22?
I think pinpoint is fine
Lights in night games
I think pinpoint is fine
Quit games not saving
Captain card question
Your best bullpen arms??
Co-Op Ratings??
DD custom uniforms not working
The game is not fun because of the hitting
Perfect-Perfect Flyouts
Perfect-Perfect Flyouts
Ranked Season Points
Perfect-Perfect Flyouts
Perfect-Perfect Flyouts
Pitcher Control
Too Many Home Runs
Cards too good?
Cards too good?
Cards too good?