Nice to see their connections with people is as solid as the online gameplay. See what I did there?
@NR7LES_XBL said in Just beat…:
A guy who had Jackie and Adley 99s from set 3. My god the spending of $$ on stubs // devoting every minute of your life to this game is sad. Take the L weirdo.
I have Jackie and Adley. I am old, have an older daughter and a wife that likes to watch [censored] like Married at 1st Sight. Yea, I grind quite a bit and spend no money.
@baseball229056_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@baseball229056_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I like the change. The way it was before, there was no value in the reward cards. I think the ws rewards last season were going for about 40k. There should be some incentive and reward for doing something good in the game. Not everyone should get a trophy.
So in other words, this game should be for the "get gud" bullies and everyone else can just shut up and take it.
No that’s kind of a dumb take on what I wrote. What they have done is a good compromise. In the past you could only get the reward by going 12-0 or making ws or buying off the market. A few years back almost no one could get chipper because there were thousands of million stub orders. They created the reward path so everyone could get the reward. That hurt good players by devaluing the rewards. This new system is better because good players still get rewarded but everyone can get a free card.
12-0 players in BR were not hurt. Most 90+ players were still over 100k and the Flawless cards were still 130+k. That is plenty reward for going flawless. This pack SHOULD have remained sellable. Bad move by SDS.
For WS, those rewards were down to 30k which is absolutely pathetic and something needed to be done. I think they did the wrong thing. The card should have remained sellable but the program should have been adjusted so it wasn't so easy to get. BR program takes 10+ hours for most casual players to finish which is a good amount of time.
Best card in the game is behind a 75k pack with probably less than a 1% chance of getting him. This trend of best cards being behind this [censored] will continue and I think it will hurt SDS in the long run. Really not liking where this game is trending.
These are the worst RS rewards maybe ever. Are you trying to get people to not play RS? I love RS and it is making me debate whether to play it. If they are still non-sellable there isn't a card here worth that ridiculous grind.
And thanks for continuing the trend of locking the best players behind a 75k less than 1% chance to get wall. Tatis was the best infielder at the time, Mantle is still the best outfielder (and probably best card in game) and now Mauer is the best C.
I would be shocked if the online numbers are not drastically down this year.
They need energy. Game is playing awful.
Before any of you geniuses comment about loss, I won my last 4 event games in a row. Doesn't take away from the fact the game is playing absolutely terrible. Was going to play some ranked but no thanks.
@GradektheBard said in BR program unsellable too. Thanks streamers:
Designing a reward structure that only benefits less than 1% of your customers is a terrible strategy.
But hey, at least they won’t have to hear oh chev cry anymore.
I agree with you and I am a WS player. Never gone 12-0. If you just play the game and are not an elite (12-0 player), you simply can't make enough stubs to afford to buy the Tatis' or Mantle's.
I am a good player, not great or elite, and play a TON and I haven't completed LS collections or have enough stubs to get either of those players. Part of why I haven't got LS done is I can't hit with RH hitters anyway so McGwire is a complete waste.
Also something people don't think about is with the BR flawless retaining their ridiculous value more, the more goons you will have in BR making it even more difficult for the casual player to finish the program or afford any of the other ones.
SDS going down a bad path this year imo. -
@aware_ward13_PSN said in Expiring Cards is absolutely ridiculous:
@Honor_The_Game44_PSN said in Expiring Cards is absolutely ridiculous:
I get what you are saying, but I think this is the age we live in. Games are modeled after mobile games which are designed to keep people playing and spending currency.
No that’s exactly what it is and it’s really frustrating- it’s a money grab
Like I bought the BR reward Griffey- so now in a month I won’t be able to use him but they will come out with a new 99 Griffey that I either have to grind for or pay more money for
I’m almost disgusted with this- sorry if it sounds like I just woke from a coma but this really didn’t hit me in the earlier months of the game bc we were able to use any cards we like
I'm guessing that new Griffey will be in another 75k bundle that you have less than a 1% chance of getting. Enjoy!
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@PScrabro_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@Xfoufoufou_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
Yup some games on HOF 102 is hittable sometimes it's 135 mph .
Seriously, I hope next year they really focus on this because the masses are leaving early this year even with all this content. People really do care about the online experience what's the point of grinding all these cards when the network connection ruins all of it. The fact in the matter is SDS needs to get it right, if not EA MLB is just right around the corner...
If you want a good online experience it begins on your end. Good equipment, sufficient bandwidth, not gaming wirelessly, and good condition of your household wiring.
This is not true at all though... you can have top of the line perfect internet, but if your not the host (away games) and your opponent has lag, you have lag as well. This is why a lot of top players home hunt... so they are guaranteed a smooth connection. This game online is equal to most games 10 years ago... it's really bad in comparison to the few other online games I play. I played well over 200 games of MUT and hours H2H in GT7 this year and never had even a slight issue with lag.
Guarantee that if everyone who played this game did exactly what I said the online environment would be much more pleasant. So yes a good experience begins on the users end not SDS. What SDS should do is do a settings test on both connections prior to loading into matchmaking. If your system is not transmitting healthy connection information back to SDS your not able to matchmake and are kicked back to the main menu. Several games do this and it is not hard to implement.
This would be good. I shouldn't be punished for having a good connection and if my connection isn't good, I would want to know that also.
I also think something showing your connection would be good to. Like:
<50 Green
51-149 Yellow
150+ RedYou can't match with someone of another color. Most games these days have ping indicators. MLB The Show should too. OhChev is literally like 131-9 in RS and he can see the connection issues with the game. Is it only people that played D1 baseball that can see these things?
@CDNmoneymaker93_MLBTS said in Another prime example of SDS excellence and class:
Speaking as someone who has a partnership with a company to promote a product I can tell you that the only real "rule" is to not publicly speak about tye company in a poor manner, if I have an issue with something I have a direct line I can call and discuss the issue.
Applying that understanding to this situation the likely hood is that "rule" would all to Thuney who made a poor choice to air his issue in an open public forum. He could have been more nuanced and tactful in how he did it to say hey I have issues and concerns and I have voiced them direct to SDS and left it at that.
We are in an age where creators are getting more and more affiliations and collaborations with companies but are not fully understand that once you do that there are reasonable limits to what is acceptable from one side and not acceptable from the other.
Bottom line is he made statements as a partner to a company and they didn't like how he went about it so they cut ties. That's how it works, if they banned him from playing the game that would be considered excessive but cutting ties for thr working relationship is reasonable in its context
We are in an age where streamers/creators have entirely too much influence on games. Listening to these people have made games worse. Gaming companies have gotten greedy and lazy. Instead of marketing the game to sell, they use streamers/creators and give these people special privileges.
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in So set 5 and 6 are endgame right?:
@Oreo-Thomas_XBL said in So set 5 and 6 are endgame right?:
What PA said. Everything from this point forward will always be useable. We can’t use sets 1&2 again until season 6 , and set 3 will be unavailable just for season 5.
Funny thing I can’t grind. Here the program dropped on Thursday and it’s Monday and I haven’t done nothing. All I want is Jimmie Foxx and yet I have no desire to play rookie/veteran BS stuff to get him. Seems I have awoken to reality
I got to like 50% the first weekend for 1, 2 and 3. I am at 0% and have no intentions of doing this TA at all. I play to use guys online and online is so horrible for me.
You mean like how on wired fiber or 5g wireless fiber I can't get a hit and everyone is hitting golf balls against me.
Had a game where I faced Donaldson on wired fiber and couldn't touch the ball. Very few hits, balls going nowhere, etc. The normal 20 things you see when the connection is bad. Very next game faced Donaldson on Tmobile hot spot and scored 10 in 3 innings and the guy quit. Connections are hands down the worst thing about this game and it isn't close.
@SotaNice-_PSN said in The Problem:
@GoTitans3_XBL said in The Problem:
They are closer to 2K than EA. EA might actually be almost better than them at this point. At least on madden side. Not sure fifa.
why cause they make you actually earn things now ??
I would guess most people would need to play like 10 hours to complete the BR program. I would say that is more than earning. All for a non-sellable card. Bad move imo.
@rosborn27_PSN said in mantle card:
F-it. Paid the 380K just now. Welcome to the squad!
I'll get him if I can ever get that amount of stubs.
@stryder_28_PSN said in B/R. Now:
Guessing because of the no-sell change this mode is for BR goons only? Tipped my toe in today and have played all flawless BR guys in a row. I’m usually good for 6-9 wins per run, but this mode might be out of my skill level now…. Lol
It is for goons only now. 200+k wasn't enough for them for a flawless run so now they can play each other.
I look for SDS to see numbers way down in BR and to change that reward to sellable. It was a 10+ hr grind for the majority of people. WS reward I can agree with because that was down for 30k for an unbelievable grind. This was a big mistake by SDS.
@JiggidyJJ_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I find the explanation infuriating for the change to Ranked and BR. More snobbish elitism. The basic answer is only those who go 12-0 or make 900 should have stubs. Nobody else is allowed only the 1% is allowed to get richer in stubs. The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program. You lose too many stubs with 100 million stubs per attempt cost to enter the BR Program. The stupid pack you get for each entry gives about 150-250 stubs back normally max. This explanation will not help anything but will further divide between snobbish elites and everyone else. Even if those who go 12-0 or make 900 are not snobbish elites, that is the impression. Taking away from those in the middle to bottom to cater to those at the very top seldom goes over well. Take away the ability for anyone to sell or reverse this decision is the only fair answer.
click the link and scroll to the bottom for official explanation of change know it's real easy to flip stubbs. Prolly could have made 10k by the time it took you to write this.
Nothing against people that flip but I have zero interest in playing a fake stock market. I want to play the game and get stubs from playing the game. They are making this game where you have to do stuff you really don't want to if you want a good competitive team online. This includes flipping, conquests, mini seasons and playing the computer.
Couple moonshot events were a big reason. Also a long all star climb through the first season.
@TheHungryHole said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@nashbandicoot1_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@nashbandicoot1_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
Exclusivity is a good thing. I want to be able to use a card that not many others have. Game was watered down and constantly catering to the general public. This is a massive W
So "I got mine, too bad for you" eh?
They could still give us lower tier players chances to earn the card but telling 99% of the customers they pay full price for 60% of the game is garbage.
But that's how the "get gud" crowd has always been. They want the game for themselves, and ONLY for themselves. Everyone else can just shut up and take it while they "sMasH nOObs" and pat themselves on the back.
It’s card collection 101. The cards most cherished are the rarest of the rare. It isn’t about stubs directly. It should be difficult to get the best cards in the game. They should be rare. It makes using them more meaningful. Honestly, the whole introduction of Ranked and BR programs has watered down the game tremendously. I miss the days of MLB 17 where Bryce Harper and Jeff Bagwell had hundreds of orders at the max sale price. You could either put in an order and wait a week or 2… or go 12-0. Made those cards so much better to have
i completely agree with you - and it is refreshing to hear that a bunch of us feel the same sentiments on this issue - rarity is a good thing - even if i cannot go 12-0 in todays game, i appreciate that for those who make that milestone get something super rare or something great to show for it
So let's take BR for example. Last season someone could go flawless and get the 90+ reward for usually around 100k. The flawless cards were still 130+ at the end. So they were getting 230k+ most of the time for a flawless run which takes them what about 3 hours. You also get a 12-0 banner which lets be real, gives you free wins in the event. I get free wins by having a WS banner. IMO, that is more than fair compensation.
Now lets take someone like me that likes to play online modes and would like to earn stubs while doing it. It takes me around 10 hours to do the BR program and for that I get a non-sellable card. Grinding that program for 10 hours is earning that card and I should be able to sell it once I have accomplished that. I believe they are also losing players in BR who have zero reason to play this mode unless they really want one of the flawless rewards. I, for instance, needed the core cards to get Seager and wanted a pitcher so I finished it. Had I not needed the core cards for Seager and Ryan been the reward, I would not have played it.
The issue with RS was the reward was down to 30k because the program was just too easy. The correct answer was to keep the BR sellable and make the RS program harder which they did. RS program grind is a lot now and people that finish it deserve to be able to sell that card after that grind. Just like BR, I think they will find the RS numbers decreasing due to the change which is really what they shouldn't want.
@Xfoufoufou_PSN said in pitch speed change everygame:
How can you be on time on 102 for one game and the the next it feel like the pitch is going 135 mph.
You will not catch up to that no matter what you do the pitches are warping and are so fast you need to swing before the pitch is out of the pitchers hand.
how come game
connections are so bad when timing is everything about this game.So HOF games turned into super legends pitch speed because of connections.
This is why you need to tone down pitch speed because if the connection sucks , it's unhittable
People are finally starting to catch on to what I've been saying for years. Connections are the number 1 issue with this game hands down. Toning down the pitch speed is not the solution. The solution is to have better connections. How I get matched against some of my opponents is just mind blowing. Really makes the game miserable and the reason I don't play ranked as much. I would normally have a few hundred games by now. I don't even give a [censored] about my record, I just want a good experience.
@IrishFist412_MLBTS said in SDS - What are you thinking?:
@aam34_PSN said in SDS - What are you thinking?:
Slowly but surely we are going down the Madden pay to win road. They don't even want us to grind the market anymore. Stinks we cant sell them. I still haven't gotten Jeter yet and def do not need/ want trash can Correa on my team. He's hitting .210. Not very exciting.
You’re correct about SDS going down the pay to win path same as Madden…The difference though is you can still beat God Squads with teams made up of the no sell cards whereas in Madden if you don’t have an equal squad you’re gonna get spanked.
This is correct but I think hiding popular cards behind these 75k with such a small chance to get is a giant L. This trend is very concerning. I wouldn't be shocked to see this be there lowest played RS in a while with the rewards combined with non-sellable (if they are still doing that). Maybe they are going back to making this sellable which would be a win. It was a mistake to make the RS and BR rewards non-sellable in the first place. As I've said before the issue that caused the low RS reward was the program was too easy. They have corrected that.
Yea, him with a bad connection is no bueno. Think I struck out like 16 times. You notice pitch recognition goes out the window with a bad connection? That and the sinkers look like 120. There's a host of other things too.
Another prime example of SDS excellence and class
Just beat…
Ranked and BR Change Explanation
SDS - What are you thinking?
Please feed the hamsters running your servers
BR program unsellable too. Thanks streamers
Expiring Cards is absolutely ridiculous
Fix online connection issues with players
Another prime example of SDS excellence and class
So set 5 and 6 are endgame right?
The Problem
mantle card
B/R. Now
Ranked and BR Change Explanation
RS players AVE and HR
Ranked and BR Change Explanation
pitch speed change everygame
SDS - What are you thinking?
Randy is a Cyborg (Not a complain post)