I have been selling gold and diamonds since TA4 dropped and selling all those prospect cards from the new Conquest Maps and i'm up to 377K. Still need DeGrom, Trout, Verlander and Cole so I needed to stack em and rack em.
So do you all think Diamond Live Series will keep dropping or are they stable now?
Lol..When I was typing that the thought did pop in my mind that it kinda sounded like a suicide thing...meant done playing 20 had fun see you next year
We werent worried about suicide, it was the fact it was like you had a stroke or something while typing.😖 Glad you are ok.
Buying a new router is what people have been doing to fix the network errors. Though I think it’s ridiculous I have to pay for a new router just so I don’t get booted
Last Event game went 12 innings, I finally won 1-0. I've been winning my share of games, but it's a god awful waste of time, especially when you're trying to complete offensive daily missions.