Robbing home runs!!!
I've robbed 4 Homer's in total. Caught 2 and the other two hit off the glove and stayed in play. Had the bases loaded with 2 out so pinched hit with Trout, I'll be damned if this dude didn't time it perfect and Rob my Granny ....
Last season I went through a stretch where I had 4 consecutive games where I was robbed out of a home run, it's tough lol I think I was the most unluckiest player ever.
I got robbed a few days ago, that man took my HR and my spirit. I called it a day right after
Only happens to me in moments. Good times
Robbed a HR in an events game the other day with Juan Soto of all people. Got a pretty quick rage quit out of that one.
Jason Hayward stole a 2 run homerun from me and hit a 2 run. In the same inning. Was a while back. But yea.
I robbed one a couple months back. One of my last RS games a week or two ago - I only play RS intermittently - Trout missed a jumping catch and turned a HR into a triple.
I had a grand slam by Jimmie Foxx robbed in Showdown...which resulted in a loss on a miniboss and end of my showdown run.
Fk trout robbed me twice this year. Once in RS once in this past event
I brought one back with Griffey about a week ago. I had never done that before.
I’ve robbed two this year, both with mantle, out of hundred of attempts