Yeah the punishment is them walking you.

SDS: We would like to announce MLB the Show 20, it is much improved vs 19 with the addition of perfect perfect, showdown, increased emphasis on team affinity, and other quality of life changes.
Game gets released...
The People: LOVE the game, but there's a few issues.
SDS: Ok, let us know what you want fixed.The People: Pitch speeds are too slow.
SDS: Oh you want pitch speeds to be faster, (evil laugh), no problem we can do that for you. How about all-star that feels like legend?The People: There's too many home runs.
SDS: Hey everyone, the people said less home runs. (evil laugh again) Toggle the switch to activate negative exit velos?The People: Pitchers don't hit their spots on perfect release.
SDS: But, but, we just added perfect perfect, and we need the noobs to feel good about themselves by giving them some pitches they can hit...sooo, we're gonna have to keep that feature, ahem, bug, sorry.The People: we don't like showdown because it's too all or nothing.
SDS: Oh, so we'll just reduce the rewards that way its not as appealing so maybe some people will just ignore it.The People: There are a lot of issues with fielding and outfielders not locking on.
SDS: Oh, you want better fielding. We can certainly give the CPU better fielding. That's no problem at all. I hope you enjoy Yordan Alvarez making diving catches.Hope you all enjoy this little bit of humor. Enjoy your day!
@BIGWEB52 said in Yea I know I’m a complainer:
I don’t think the game is bad . I think it just needs a good patch . I think hitting and pitching are terrible right now , but People get so obsessed with there contact and pci placement. Baseball is a game where even the best players in the world fail 7 out of 10 times at the dish . You should NOT get a hit or HR every time you get “good-good” or “perfect-good “ or whatever . This is a SIM game , not arcade . The only thing that would be worse then the state of the game right now , would be if every “good-good” got you a hit . Jesus every game would be 23-27 with 35 hits a side and take 2 hours to do . Yes the game should reward good contact but it should be rewarding it 25-35% of the time .
I completely disagree with this. The reason MLB players fail 7 out of 10 times is because they don't get "good good" with their swing. If they got "good good" every time they would do significantly better than a hit every 3 out of 10 at-bats. MLB players fail 70% of the time because they either mess up their timing or they don't square up the baseball. However when a hitter squares up a 96 mph pitch it NEVER leaves the bat at 85 mph.
Wtf is this thread?
No player progression, no draft, so basically in a 12 team league, the twelve teams that were chosen are the only teams whose players are in the league which means that we're limited to the same 480 players for the duration of the league.
So obviously some pitches are better than others in different locations, counts, situations, etc. If i want a ground ball throw a splitter/changeup, slider away is good strikeout pitch vs RHB...but it feels like sinkers are just automatically the best pitch in the game. Someone could throw a sinker 100% of their pitches and I would probably lose. And I'm not some scrub either, I can make DS/CS consistently, and especially on HOF pitch speeds, a high sinker looks like a 110 mph curveball, it's ridiculous. And to make it worse, SDS for some reason decided to give almost every pitcher they release a sinker. Really SDS?
And yes, I am writing this after losing a game to a guy who pitched blood diamond Oswalt and spammed high sinkers, and if I ever tried sitting on high sinkers, you have to swing so early that he mixed in a few curveballs and I was kinda screwed.
So I go back to my title: do other people feel the same way as me that sinkers kinda ruin the game experience? Like there are other pitches that are difficult to hit, but their realistic, but a sinker just feels unrealistic...
EDIT: I just want to clarify that I'm not saying remove sinkers from the game because I dislike the pitch, that would be unrealistic; I'm saying that playing this game would be more fun if sinkers were banned because its a BROKEN pitch, particularly when thrown high in the strike zone, and clearly SDS seem to have no intention to fix it. It's kinda gotten to a point where every pitcher I face throws a sinker, and most people spam sinkers high in the zone, and I'm kind of sick of it because its so broken.
I'm seeing a ton of threads about people having so much difficulty with Showdown and I honestly don't understand why they find it so difficult.
Would I be wrong to think that there are just as many people out there like me who are genuinely enjoying the mode and concept and are happy with the medium but not too difficult level of difficulty?
Its 10 seconds long. If its that annoying to watch 10 seconds of a home run, you're probably taking the game too seriously so I really don't mind.
Yes but in real life players improve/age, and there is a draft and a constant influx of new players coming into the league. As far as I can tell, from custom leagues, not one player will ever be in the league that wasn't in the league on day 1.
I went into an event game and hit 3 HRs with Yankees, which was one of the Granderson missions for 10 points, so after I hit the 3 HRs, I quit out and I didn't get the points. So I went into another game and got 3 xbhs with Yankees and didn't quit out (assuming that the reason the mission didn't count is because I quit) so I finished the game and I still had no progress on the mission. Events should count as online, correct? I know something similar is going on with Eckersley/other evolution cards missions, so maybe its a huge DD bug, but has anyone else had this issue with Granderson?
Granderson is an easy option. Free if you wanna put the time in. Mashes too.
I feel like this post is just a flex that his team is 10x better than mine but he wants to get people's opinion on improvements to make it seem more humble.
Don't get me wrong, there are definitely times when I feel screwed over by the game, but 90% of the time, if i lose i know i deserved to lose, because my opponent was clearly better than me, and when I win, i was better than my opponent.
@BIGWEB52 said in Yea I know I’m a complainer:
So in your mind , in the history of baseball , every single time a player has made good contact or perfect contact , they have gotten a hit ?
@DeckerCurtis2002 said in Yea I know I’m a complainer:
@BIGWEB52 said in Yea I know I’m a complainer:
I don’t think the game is bad . I think it just needs a good patch . I think hitting and pitching are terrible right now , but People get so obsessed with there contact and pci placement. Baseball is a game where even the best players in the world fail 7 out of 10 times at the dish . You should NOT get a hit or HR every time you get “good-good” or “perfect-good “ or whatever . This is a SIM game , not arcade . The only thing that would be worse then the state of the game right now , would be if every “good-good” got you a hit . Jesus every game would be 23-27 with 35 hits a side and take 2 hours to do . Yes the game should reward good contact but it should be rewarding it 25-35% of the time .
I completely disagree with this. The reason MLB players fail 7 out of 10 times is because they don't get "good good" with their swing. If they got "good good" every time they would do significantly better than a hit every 3 out of 10 at-bats. MLB players fail 70% of the time because they either mess up their timing or they don't square up the baseball. However when a hitter squares up a 96 mph pitch it NEVER leaves the bat at 85 mph.
Of course not, but when they hit the ball solidly, way more than 3 out of 10 times they got a hit. According to google, the batting average on line drives in MLB is .672.
Just scroll through the first 10 or so threads on this forum and i think you'll have your answer.
Man to think that we get mad when we don't get hits on perfect perfect when there's people battling cancer, just shows how petty we are most of the time. Reading stuff like this really gets the perspective back in the right place.
Glad you didn't play in 16 or 17.
For my own sanity/OCD PLEASE edit the title and comment so it says sigh and not sign...for some reason it actually really bothers me.
This may not get much love from the offline people, but I really think online players deserve to be able to get cards that playing offline can't gain you. It's not that playing offline isn't good enough, but its that if you let players prestige cards by offline missions, there's going to be people grinding for hours tallying hits, hrs, innings etc and have the players prestiged the night they come out, when the whole purpose is to have played for the base version for a long time, to be rewarded with a prestige version for all the time spent. I hope its clear that I'm not attacking offline players, but I'm just explaining that SDS put prestige players behind a online wall because they want you to have to play with the player for a long time to attain the prestige version.
Yeah the fact that people think that the other player should be punished for throwing pitches out of the zone is ridiculous. The risk/reward is that the other player can just take the pitch for a ball. What more punishmnent should be required?
punishing players who refuse to throw strikes?
The People vs SDS (funny)
Yea I know I’m a complainer
Do you have 99 Corey Kluber?
Wouldn't an MLB 40-Man Custom League Get Boring Very Quickly?
This game would be more fun if SDS removed sinkers from the game
Loving Showdown Concept
Loving the new L2 HR cam!!
Wouldn't an MLB 40-Man Custom League Get Boring Very Quickly?
Granderson Stats not Counting
Besides Mike Trout..
Tell me my flaw!
The biggest misconception...
Yea I know I’m a complainer
Are there server issues at the moment?
Trey Mancini
Can’t hit? Just bunt.
How are freeze off still a thing in show 20... sign...
Prestige Power Up is great, one suggestion
punishing players who refuse to throw strikes?