So a guy who played 60 games is the cover athlete? Standards for what I expect on the game are extremely low now.

@Dolenz_PSN said in I don’t want no stubs…:
Do you have to spend stubs to enjoy the game? No, not at all, but I don't know how anyone could ever look at these changes and not acknowledge that it is a more aggressive approach to monetization than SDS has ever done before.
Yet the white knights of SDS will rip you to shreds for daring to complain about the product. Their two main replies are "get gud" or "at least it's not like EA or 2K"
You can be good at this game (I am not) and find plenty to complain about, and if people take an honest look at what they put out this year, they clearly WANT to be like EA/2K.
Is it better to suck at the game? Well it certainly hasn't resulted in anything positive for me. I am easily among the worst online, and I routinely get matched up against guys that are 200 games over .500 with lineups full of guys with .400 avg 80 HR and get stuck facing Ryan or Degrom every single time.
Then when I get those rare moments where I get a lead either my opponent instantly quits, or the AI decides "darkblue rally stinks, so we will start gifting this other guy hits so he wins." I will then start having pitches despite perfect release point start going all over the place, resulting in a couple of gift walks, forcing me to go further into the zone and sure enough, BAM! Towering, no doubt 400 foot bomb for the other guy.
I suspect they wanted you to put it here so it will be easier for SDS to ignore them.
Nope was horrible with wired too. They'll give us all a free Mario Mendoza to make up for it.
As of today there are only 151 players hitting above .200 that qualify for the 2022 MLB batting championship and only 106 that are above .240. Mr. Mendoza may not seem so horrible by today's standards, although I completely get and appreciate the sarcasm in your post.
@jake98833_PSN said in Year 4 of:
Asking for Sean Casey to be a new legend in this game let's go already
That's odd, I don't think I have ever heard the words Sean Casey and "legend" in the same sentence before now.
That's because it does mean nothing. This is basically like a match 3 game. You either get the lucky board and win, or you do not get the lucky board and do not win. If you don't get the lucky board SDS will cheat like crazy on behalf of the other team to get the result they decided before the game started.
Last week I had a game where I had multiple "perfect" releases aimed for the corner, or outside edge and my "perfect" release literally put the ball dead center of the strike zone where the other guy got 4 no doubt home runs. They may as well not even have the release action and just have you mash buttons to pitch and hit.
This game is slowly reverting back to triple play baseball. "Working as intended".
@txbizman_PSN said in Quick pitching in the current event?:
I actually enjoy a brisker pace, but the latest event seems out of control with quick pitching. There is almost no delay in between pitches right now and this is from the majority of players. I of course will reciprocate this when it's done to me.
Has anyone else noticed this uptick lately?
I don't play a ton online, but there are some players, I would love to put their names online, but know what will happen that quick pitch, and if I should somehow get a runner on base they literally pitch the second they get the ball back.
Don't look to SDS to fix this though. Working as intended.
Once again SDS AI saves the day for my opponent. This guy literally checked off every single box on the cheesing d bag list. Pausing constantly, quick pitching, bunt dancing, bunt cheesing, steal cheesing.
Because I have played him several times I was prepared for it and had him totally shut down. Meanwhile of the 9 outs I made in the 3 inning event I struck out twice, but the others were ALL rockets that somehow managed to land in someones glove.
So with 2 out in bottom of 3rd I aimed low and in the dirt because he has chased it all game long, but NOPE. Despite perfect release the pitch was in the middle of the zone for a free home run.
I know I am a weak hitter, but when I matchup against the rare player who is worse than I am, I shouldn't be punished by having what should have been a string of extra base hits turned into outs while they reward the cheeser.
This happens far too often, and I know that SDS will do zero to change it. Enjoy your fresh coat of paint and pricey roster update soon. Only playing this to continue programs. If I ever get that done I will never play online again.
Or Dusty Baker (pick any team he managed) -10 to pitcher health.
@sportsguypit_PSN said in Hitting is too easy!:
All diamond dynasty games for ranks 400+ should be played on Hall of Fame difficulty!
Are you serious? That's like going from veteran to HOF. Why not demand that you only get to play opponents who start all bronze level pitchers and no supercharged hitters too?
As someone who is a 300-400 level player, I routinely get stuck with 800-900 level players and it's an automatic loss every time. Why should those players that are not very good be told "sorry, you have to take a ton of L's so the get gud crowd is happy".
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Still too much RNG:
If you really think the game is pre determined, is it only when you lose? Or are you wins the result of a “pre game sim” as well?
And another member of the "get gud" crowd chimes in.
@baseball229056_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I like the change. The way it was before, there was no value in the reward cards. I think the ws rewards last season were going for about 40k. There should be some incentive and reward for doing something good in the game. Not everyone should get a trophy.
So in other words, this game should be for the "get gud" bullies and everyone else can just shut up and take it.
SDS is in transition to EA sports 2.0. The point is to manipulate the market so you have to purchase stubs to get players and limit how much you can earn by flipping.
@chucky97___ Believe me, I have seen cheesing and then some. I understand the logic in your reply completely. Your initial statement sounded like you wanted it just to be toxic. I still don't want toxic play though.
My job is stressful enough. When I go online to play, and know my reflexes aren't what they used to be I go in expecting the L half the time. Having to endure toxic play and people that freeze off/ddossed to steal my rare wins just really sets me off.
If you want to fight fire with fire, please feel free to do so, but I want SDS to minimize the options for this as much as possible. I would bet the number of rage quits might go down a bit. I could be wrong, but the "win at all costs, even if you have to cheat" mindset needs to be wiped out.
Edit. I am not accusing you of doing that.
@PushedSatsuma2_XBL said in Road to the Show Ideas for the future:
My suggestion: make a competent single player mode.
DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! They ruined RTTS by linking it to DD. They have basically ignored this mode other than to try as make it microtransaction laden as DD.
Bring it back to you earn points to use as you wish towards your player. They also need to seriously beef up the off field stuff. I don't know what to do for certain, but you are still in the same living room as a 19 year veteran as you were as an unsigned prospect.
Perhaps a trophy room where you can look at your trophies. Maybe use your salary to upgrade it someway. Right now salary really has no purpose because you never do anything but sit in the same chair every time before and after a home game in the club house, or in the bus/plane on the road.
Maybe have places you can go to between games and have interactions with fans or opponent team fans if on the road, and depending on what happens has consequences. What those would be I don't know, just a thought.
Regarding rivalries, I never really liked those because every time I would use that the other team would just get fired up and while I still had a great series, my teammates seemed to take the series off and we would just get smoked.
Josh appears to be more interested in stirring the pot than discussing baseball. Josh needs to go to Huffington Post, or some other political site.
Looks like a brand new clown joined the show.
I definitely agree about being punished with pitching. I believe the game determines before the first pitch which team will win. Too many times I have had a pitcher with 91 control have a pitch with "perfect" release point indicate on the chart but the pitch will go nowhere where I aimed it. This results in a couple of gift walks to the player the AI has determined should win the game, resulting in me having to go much deeper into the hitting zone, thereby gifting the player the AI has determined should win can then start bashing many home runs, which destroys the pitchers confidence, resulting in a game that is lopsided.
I also notice that when you are the team the AI has determined should lose, and are at bat, the same pitches that were called balls when you were on the mound are magically strikes while you are at the plate. Another favorite tactic by SDS is to ensure their preferred players get easier matchups. I have played about 50 or so online games, and am close to .500, but most of my wins were rage quits by the other player, so I am clearly not that good, but I routinely get matched up against players sporting GOAT, World Series, Bling, and at least 3 matchups against World Series Flawless players.
I mean how am I supposed to get better if I am against a player that is so superior, I have already lost before the first pitch? This is the equivalent of putting a little league team against the 27 Yankees. I don't mind losing, but when I have to beat the player as well as the AI it is just too frustrating.
@BANDIT0302_XBL said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
This game is by no means pay to win lmao its the easiest ultimate team experience out of all the sports games they litterally give you everything for free
I strongly disagree. At least on 20 and 21 you HAVE to play online to complete a significant portion of the programs and unlock the big cards. Because I am weak, I have to take 3 times as long as anyone else, but that takes even longer when dashboarders and cheesers destroy the online experience.
For me online is:
25% cheesers
10% dashboarders
60% 800-900 level players sandbagging to get down to an easy level to humiliate weak players while padding their stats
5% people at my low level.Combine that with SDS AI sims the games beforehand, and if you came out the loser, they will blatantly cheat to ensure the player they chose to win actually wins.
A top tier player can overcome this, and occasionally a low level player can get lucky if they get off to a good start and the other guy quits before the AI turns the tide in their favor, but if you are not top tier it's "too bad, so sad" from SDS.
Jazz... 2023
I don’t want no stubs…
Is it better to suck at the game?
I sent some suggestions to SDS and they said to put it here
Nothing but crickets.
Year 4 of
I’m convinced that feedback means nothing
Quick pitching in the current event?
Maybe I should start cheesing too
Manager Cards... Stay With Me
Hitting is too easy!
Still too much RNG
Ranked and BR Change Explanation
Why are there so many NO SELL packs?
Please do something to address dashboarding in Ranked
Road to the Show Ideas for the future
Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.
Best part of this game
The Worst Ever Baseball Game
Maybe I should start cheesing too