@yankblan The boosts for difficulty level and online are applied to both gameplay XP and player XP. Of course, there is no boost to any kind for awarded XP for completing missions.

@Blind_Bleeder Probably do have to walk on pitches.
I think it would be nice if we saw these packs somewhere! Halfway through S1 and only four pitchers and four hitter team captain packs. At least give us two of each more, so we can have team captains from each division.
@Blind_Bleeder That is weird that the game log didn't record the walk though!
@Blind_Bleeder Were you also playing on Rookie? Because 90 sounds like striking out the side on Rookie (Veteran gets that 1.1X boost for 99).
Calling other players "victims"...sounds like you're cheating just like the Astros (who are the basement dwellers of the ALW with an abysmal record of 6-14). Only team with a worse record in the AL is the White Sox.
So you have only played 2 hours of DD this year and still playing on AS, yet you want to make YouTube videos and talk trash about other players like you are some bigshot? Pathetic! Just like the Astros!
I want to say the PCI is based on level (bigger on Rookie than on HoF), the batter's vision attribute (over 90 is bigger than 50), and the pitcher's K/9 attribute (under 70 is bigger than over 100).
I noticed while playing Conquest games on Veteran...
- Strike out the side in order: 99 XP
- Retire the side in order with two strikeouts: 91 XP
- Retire the side in order with no strikeouts: 84 XP
- Give up a single to first batter, then retire the next three by way of strikeout: 104 XP
- Give up a single then retire the next three in order with two strikeouts: 96 XP
Or better yet...walk first batter, then strike the next three out for 109 XP
So we get more XP if we give up a single then strikeout the next three batters than if we just strikeout the side in order or even just retiring the side in order.
No problems like that with a digital download.
So, Shield Woods is okay?
Maybe start with fixing your keyboard as it has a CAPS LOCK problem! Secondly, I don't know how you could do anything with the MAC address since it is the physical address that cannot be modified, reinstalled, nor restarted. Thirdly, I don't know what the flying eff you think any of us on this forum could do to fix your issue!
Why do you have to create an account just to spam the forum? You do not need to make multiple posts asking the same thing within minutes of the first post.
You gotta love the suggestions that comes out of this forum. Who actually looks at the ratings before they buy a sports game? The same people buy this game regardless what the rating is because they don't look at the rating. Nobody goes to the BBB website to review the gaming studio's BBB rating before making a purchase of a sports video game. And we can't forget the suggestion for going to the FCC's IG to file a complaint because maybe(?) the FCC has bought the game for their employee's to play while they are on duty??? Seriously, there is not much effort put into these ideas, but rather just a bunch of emotions. That is why these suggestions from this forum never actually makes a difference.
Bought stubs show up only on the console they were bought on. Gameplay and awarded stubs show up on all consoles. This has been put out by SDS.
I just watched Luis Robert Jr rob a HR of mine by climbing a non-existing wall and holding onto the air to pull himself up. That's one helluva animation!
Some of these programs would end up like some of the team names and team logos that the fans create!
I wouldn't trust the fans to create a program.
S1 XP Reward Path: 386K
TA Programs: Done
Other Programs: Done (Except the Egg)
LS Collection: Done
S1 Collection: 109/400
Hyper Vlad Collection: 6/12
S1 Awards Collection: 2
Conquest: All maps done
Mini Seasons: Part way through Classic, haven't started TA1 -
@Pergo No one said about they were mad about it. Are you mad? You must be fragile to get upset about my post to resort to an ad hominem attack that is baseless.
@TheGoaler Just wait a few months. Metal Gear was only off by 10 years.
@aaronjw76 That's fine, that just shows they are jealous of what my wife gets to enjoy. So let them say that because they wouldn't come close to the desirability of my wife.
Gameplay XP for Pitching Half of Inning
Gameplay XP for Pitching Half of Inning
Team Captains???
Gameplay XP for Pitching Half of Inning
Gameplay XP for Pitching Half of Inning
Play Ranked? Think Twice About Quitting... or Else!
Gameplay XP for Pitching Half of Inning
Disc's not working???
L2 for you
Wont load me in diamond dynasty
3 hour cooldown when the game freezes? 2v2
Join the review bomb
Bought stubs on xbox (cheaper) and they arent showing up on my ps5...
Let the Fans Design a Program
So, where are my BBF's at in Season 1?