It’s kinda ridiculous that we are in 2021 and still have to worry about freeze offs, but here we are. Hitting has been poor once again this year, and it’s super disappointing SDS hasn’t made a single change to hitting balance besides fixing contact swing. Bad pci placement is being rewarded may more then it should, people hitting no doubters on balls no touching their pci. Good/goods on balls in the center of the pci have also lead to weak contact recently, which makes 0 sense. Don’t get me started on bunting, which again has been an issue for a few years now.
Madden’s coming out soon, and the show may lose a good portion of their player base if they don’t release a patch to at least make the game more interesting via improved hitting sliders. People love to hate on madden (deservedly so), but they actually make an attempt to patch their game. The uproar would be unreal in madden if they didn’t have a real gameplay patch for 3+ months, but the SDS defenders will try to justify it.
A new patch would get people more excited to play the game, as many people, including me, think the current state of the game is quite stale and unenjoyable, especially online.