So I have been stewing on this since watching the livestream yesterday. My initial reaction was they absolutely gutted Events and that nobody would be playing it after the first month. Now I’m looking at BR, with an entry fee, for the average player no point to play, and Events just being a stat grind that MANY people will play. RS is by far the best mode to play now hands down. As it sits, with how they molded the Multiplayer program into one, marketing it as a “play the way you want to” with it basically being a stat grind, I don’t see the incentive for folks to play BR. This would have been the year to make it free entry, like they did in 2023 which I didn’t like, since the only mode specific reward is the 10-0. Limiting progression through Drops is a mistake as well, at least how they are doing it now.
So, some suggestions/fixes that may be possible to course correct that doesn’t have to recode the game.
You can utilize stat/win drops as a way to allow players to play how they want and that would be fine. For people that only want to play a one or two modes, allow that. Each drop can gatekeep progression by using a single mode. At the very start, make it so you can make it through the entire Multiplayer reward path, but wickets have to be completed in each mode of RS, BR, and Events. That will ensure people are playing all 3 modes because they are all relevant. At the same time, people don’t have to because as the drops come, that single mode will be able to complete the Multiplayer program. This allows for players to play the way they want.
I would tie progression to wins in BR and Events, and WS for ranked. An example of if you can hit 25 wins in BR, 25 wins in Events, and make WS, along with a stat grind you should be able to complete the Multiplayer program from one drop. If only enjoy/play one mode each drop would then allow you to progress through via that specific mode’s drop stat.
I think this would drive up engagement in each mode, making every mode relevant, but also still accomplishes the “play how you want to” design.