Did we get them? I don’t remember seeing them

Had incredible luck yesterday including pulling Ohtani. My best first weekend ever
Uninstalled, then reinstalled. Getting xp now and both my franchise and RTTS are still there.
And how do I reinstall without the disc? Will Sony still have it available for me to download?
What do I lose if I uninstall and then reinstall? Do I need a disc? I used a digital download
I’m not capped. My xp hasn’t grown all week. I have been playing just franchise mode until this morning when content came out. No xo growth today either
An hour later, have played Affinity moments the entire time and have gained two, 1000 do awards. Up to 1,095,893 xp now
Is anyone else not earning XP? Played since the new content came out today but I haven’t moved of 1,093,803 XP? Any suggestions?
Yes, you do get XP for your at bats. You also get XP bonuses on the reward path
It does definitely feel like this years version is more about making a buck than customer experience
Barry Bonds? lol
I noticed last week that I could no longer play the Snow Storm stadium. I then tried other stadiums and no luck with those either. I kept getting an error stating that I must download the stadium into the vault to use them. I found this strange because I had played it plenty before and never actually moved it into the vault. So today I tried to move it into the vault. I downloaded it and then tried to upload it into the vault but now I get a timeout error for the vault. Any idea how I can fix this?
I am going to play a game vs. CPU. I want to use one of the created stadiums the MLBTS provides so I click on Snow Storm Resort and get an error even though Inhave used that stadium before. Tells me I must download the stadium into my vault. What happened?
I had 10 Ks with relief pitchers so Inthen made sure I was using relief pitchers and still no stats
Anyone else having an issue with position players not accumulating stats for the general missions tasks? I have one game left in the Dodger conquest where I have played all games with 3 2B in the game and they have been raking, but they have 0 hits for the task. RP also not getting stats
59, play offline mostly. Don’t like the glitching in online play. I think I’m decent. When I do play online I win more than I lose
I am confused with this card. I selected Clint Frazier to help LF stats but the game recognizes the Clint Frazier card as Jackson Frazier, CF
So the Affinity reward for Giants fans is a prospect Joey Bart card??? He’s not even a Giant any more. C’mon SDS, put a little effort in!!!
Dang, A conquest map of the flag would have been nice
Are they doing anything for Memorial Day?
Now & Later packs
Let's get this started... Who is your first LS Diamond pull?
Not earning XP
Not earning XP
Not earning XP
Not earning XP
Not earning XP
Not earning XP
Do you get XP for Diamond Dynasty when playing Road to the Show?
No 4th of July Conquest Map?
Retro Home run derby program
Can't use any Custom Stadiums
Invalid Stadium
Season 2 awards drop no stats
Season 2 awards drop no stats
Any old farts good at this game?
TA S2 C1: Clint/Jackson Frazier card disappeared
Bart, Really??
Memorial Day?
Memorial Day?