Why is my cross play option locked to on with PS5? Anyone know how to turn it off?

@iBonafideScrub_ said in Monitor Help:
@Chestnuts20_PSN said in Monitor Help:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Monitor Help:
@Chestnuts20_PSN said in Monitor Help:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Monitor Help:
Is the Gigabyte M27Q-R 27" a solid option?
I have the M27Q. I don’t know what the Q-R is. On 22 I get 3840×2160 @ 60 Hz or 2560x1440 @ 120hz
Thanks man, I ordered the m27q about 30 mins ago. Thanks to everyone else for the input as well!
Make sure it has hdmi 2.1
It has 2.0, it's not a 4k monitor.
@Blind_Bleeder said in Monitor Help:
@Chestnuts20_PSN said in Monitor Help:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Monitor Help:
Is the Gigabyte M27Q-R 27" a solid option?
I have the M27Q. I don’t know what the Q-R is. On 22 I get 3840×2160 @ 60 Hz or 2560x1440 @ 120hz
Thanks man, I ordered the m27q about 30 mins ago. Thanks to everyone else for the input as well!
So I have combed through the monitor posts here and I am not really ready to drop $500+ on a monitor. I just don't play as much as I used to but when I play I want to compete. I am currently using a decent Dell 27" monitor and have been for a couple years. I am ready to upgrade but I am having trouble making a decision. Does anyone have any suggestions in the $200-$300 range? Currently looking at the Acer Nitro VG271U based on rtings.com but I am really not 100% sure what I am looking for options wise. It has the HDMI 2.0, do I need the 2.1?
**Edit: I know everyone is going to say just get the GIGABYTE but I can't justify it.
**Edit 2: Forgot to mention I am playing on PS5 and want to make sure I can get the 120Hz refresh rate.
@thegoaler_psn said in [censored] This Game:
@doihearbossmusic_mlbts said in [censored] This Game:
@kommandernkeef9 said in [censored] This Game:
@thehungryhole said in [censored] This Game:
@kommandernkeef9 said in [censored] This Game:
@dolenz_psn said in [censored] This Game:
<checks the forum manual for proper response>
See you tomorrow!
Haha I’ve said the same thing to many, many people. Games uninstalled brotha. Skill means absolutely [censored] in this years game. Not for me
real life over videogames anyday mate you will probably be thankful for your decision - i play so little that it rarely bothers me
That’s what I’m thinking too. It’s not mentally healthy anymore for me. It makes me furious. I played pro ball, and this game has done a lot to keep me apart of the game(in a weird way). But this years version is so off, it’s only hurting me now.
This game certainly can push your buttons. The scripted comebacks/RNG, superman dives, foul offs until they hit a HR, the AI common/bronze pitchers painting at will, the bs odds on packs. It's maddening. I made the mistake of buying this game late and knew it would be the same stale game they've trotted out for years, nearly a decade. I tried to refund in the PSN but knew they wouldnt budge
You can't get refunds for any digital game....
Not true, I've done it before. No Man's Sky, full refund for digital copy.
The most annoying part is going from collect 15 to collect 60 with zero rewards along the way. I've played 22 less than any other version of The Show. The content team really dropped the ball this year. Just absolutely boring to play.
You have to wash them before you can put them away. Kidding. Have you tried backing completely out of DD after making said changes as a way to "save" it. Not sure if this will work but worth a shot.
Minimum 8 ABs, I think, to receive credit for progress.
Say what?
@guccigangchuck said in Don't get too attached to your SS cause Royce Lewis is being called up today.:
last of the top 5 picks from that draft to make his debut, correa new was just unfortunate, hopefully no surgery, and hope this helps him opt in next year!
Karma train coming for Correa.
@chuckclc_psn said in Optional: Collect all April Monthly Awards:
Wait, glad I read this as I am just now working on the program. So dont lock in the sellable POTM cards because you can earn unsellable ones later?
You can lock them in, just leave room for 3 88 ovr locked cards and one 90 ovr locked cards and you'll be fine.
"This optional collection can be completed to accelerate progress towards Lightning Anthony Rizzo, but it is not required."
Pretty dumb that they offer a "collect all" to get you to Rizzo faster but then make the remaining packs no sell so you are forced to have 4 dupes if you do it. Unreal.
This year has been full of "L's" from SDS and this may be the biggest one yet.
@dbarmonstar_psn said in Here we go again... Bans incoming!:
@chestnuts20_psn said in Here we go again... Bans incoming!:
That was common last year to when some of those first dropped
Always been common but the bans are new. That is specifically what I was referring to. Anyone who sells that card for a banger profit is getting banned. lol
@hoboadam_psn said in Newer players don’t know:
@chestnuts20_psn said in Newer players don’t know:
Finally he was banned lol
Which one? I've seen a few candidates eligible....
Finally he was banned lol
No problem
Game is working, not the site.
What is worse then MLB the Show 22
Monitor Help
Monitor Help
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Monitor Help
[censored] This Game
Stance Socks won’t unequip
POTM Missions Help
Don't get too attached to your SS cause Royce Lewis is being called up today.
Optional: Collect all April Monthly Awards
Optional: Collect all April Monthly Awards
Rizzo POTM
Here we go again... Bans incoming!
Here we go again... Bans incoming!
Newer players don’t know
Newer players don’t know