Still trying to figure that out also,

@dxworldorder_psn said in Hey SDS:
Hey SDS could you please fix the wrong start times in franchise mode.
Yes please fix them that would be nice!!!
@sutnopg_psn said in Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training:
@chad415707_psn said in Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training:
Thanks once again for getting back to me on that. I’m waiting to start a franchise but the rosters I’m going to use haven’t dropped yet so still waiting on those at this point I’m hoping they are going to keep me playing. Might just skip spring training because there is really not a reason to play through it but I still think this game needs a better player training in franchise and a real benefit to spring training it’s been missing from this game for a long time.
No problems at all, just fun to help a fellow franchise player.
I think this version of The Show is very good when we talk gameplay alone. It have holes in franchise but i must say i’m hooked to the mode, in short having lots of fun playing it. Hopefully some of the software issues reported will get patched (are not that many) & that SDS really doing something to Franchise mode in the coming years. The foundation for it is so strong.Good luck when it’s time for franchise!
/ sutnopg, Sweden.
Right on my man and fully agree with you!!!
Thanks once again for getting back to me on that. I’m waiting to start a franchise but the rosters I’m going to use haven’t dropped yet so still waiting on those at this point I’m hoping they are going to keep me playing. Might just skip spring training because there is really not a reason to play through it but I still think this game needs a better player training in franchise and a real benefit to spring training it’s been missing from this game for a long time.
@jake93436_psn said in More commentary:
@chad415707_psn said in More commentary:
@jake93436_psn said in More commentary:
I really wish they could update the commentary in this game like in NBA 2K have it more of a story and progress later even bring in a third or fourth man say player of the month or just something different to look forward to I've been playing this game for one month and already you're just bored listening to the same lines in all the modes whether it's franchise road to show rank seasons online everything is the same commentary I really wish it was more dynamic,. I remember for the PS3 for FIFA I think FIFA 10 or 11 they had commentary in different languages they could download for the game why can't they do that or you could download extra person commentary say if you wanted a different booth or different person that just would make it much more enjoyable and that's not going to push content it's only an audio file so it's only going to be a small maybe two to three gig file patch update there's so much they could do with this game to make it so much better but it just sucks when you get unheard
Yes please add some more commentary right now after about 70 to 80 games I just feel that it is really bland and boring fully agree here we need more and it will really help save this game.
That's actually a good reason why I play the Japanese game where it comes out in July because you can pick different commentators granted everything is in Japanese and you got no idea what they're saying some of the lines do sound kind of hilarious especially their home run calls and strikeouts but then again I got no idea what's being said but it makes it more interesting I guess cuz you mentally just guess what they're saying and go with it..
The only thing is with the show right now they didn’t do anything to this year game to make the game better and for the first month now it’s just been a mess I really hope it’s not too late already I love baseball and have been playing the show for a lot of years but SDS needs to do somethings to save this game and I can’t play a game in Japanese but I can see why you would want to with the way it’s been so far. They got put some more commentary into this game for at least next year otherwise I’m done with the show like am with Madden because that’s where I feel it’s headed.
@jake93436_psn said in More commentary:
I really wish they could update the commentary in this game like in NBA 2K have it more of a story and progress later even bring in a third or fourth man say player of the month or just something different to look forward to I've been playing this game for one month and already you're just bored listening to the same lines in all the modes whether it's franchise road to show rank seasons online everything is the same commentary I really wish it was more dynamic,. I remember for the PS3 for FIFA I think FIFA 10 or 11 they had commentary in different languages they could download for the game why can't they do that or you could download extra person commentary say if you wanted a different booth or different person that just would make it much more enjoyable and that's not going to push content it's only an audio file so it's only going to be a small maybe two to three gig file patch update there's so much they could do with this game to make it so much better but it just sucks when you get unheard
Yes please add some more commentary right now after about 70 to 80 games I just feel that it is really bland and boring fully agree here we need more and it will really help save this game.
Speed ratings are really bad this year also. You do need a guy with some speed to steal and these guys gave you some good advice but speed ratings are really bad with a ton of players that are really slow and should not be.
@sutnopg_psn said in Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training:
Hmm, maybe mid may or something like that. I play with Kansas and can give you an example - Bobby Witt Jr started as 71 overall and in august he is 73 overall. I am also fairy confident i saw progression/regression earlier than mid may on some players but in may/june it took off.
I play on PS5 if that have any importance. Probably not.
Thanks for the reply on that, did you play through spring training at all notice any player progression/regression there???
@sutnopg_psn said in Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training:
I think this is not an issue at all. When viewing players from the training screen position players appear to have no progression / regression but when entering the "player card" development occurs.
It's an issue you can't see it directly from the training screen but development is there, a click away. Have almost played a season and have no problem with the development in pitchers, catchers and position players.
So how long into the season did you start to see some progression??? Just want to know before I start a franchise.
@joshjays44_psn said in The show sucks:
@gohardgrandpa said in The show sucks:
For the love of god practice more if you have trouble hitting. The last thing they need to do is make it easier
Gamers these days want their hands held and demand instant gratification, the rise of noobs is 15 years ago games were tough as actually had to practice to get good now these casuals want to be amazing after 5 hours of playing.
Yup fully agree with you on this!!!
Can we please get some more of there off and missing details fixed for the ballparks this one has been here for a couple of years and there’s no reason for it. Thanks for updating some of the other parks but this is ridiculous.
@gohardgrandpa said in The show sucks:
For the love of god practice more if you have trouble hitting. The last thing they need to do is make it easier
I don’t need it to be easier because I already think there are too many homers during most games I play and have lowered the power sliders that has helped with that but the ball physics in this years game are just bad and have already seen a ton of other players already comment on that but don’t need the game to be easier just want more realistic outcomes
@yankblan_psn said in The show sucks:
@chad415707_psn said in The show sucks:
@sflowry_2_psn said in The show sucks:
This game is horrible.. I’ve been playing for years and they haven’t improved rtts at all! It’s even worse now. It’s called THE SHOW and it’s not even close to a career mode anyone wants. It’s the most bland and boring thing out of all sports my careers. They need to fix the hitting physics because they are also horrid. The game is to hard for the average user. They also need to do something with DD for players that aren’t as good cause this is ridiculous
I fully agree with you, I’m only a franchise but have been playing this game for a longtime and the hitting physics in this game are really bad I’m not that great of a hitter but can still win some really close games. One thing that has really been a let down still this year is there is still no real system in franchise to train players and develop your young players and make some of your teams role players better and that is something that has been missing for a few years now also that makes the spring training part of the season pretty much meaningless.
Did they take training out?
No they did not take training out but It’s still basically useless in a franchise same thing with the spring training part of that mode.
It’s not just you though. The hitting physics are not that great this year. Been playing this game for a lot of years now and have noticed a ton more pop ups and pop outs it’s part of the game of baseball but I’ve really noticed it more in this years game. Also don’t pitch with tiered pitchers you get hit around.
@sflowry_2_psn said in The show sucks:
This game is horrible.. I’ve been playing for years and they haven’t improved rtts at all! It’s even worse now. It’s called THE SHOW and it’s not even close to a career mode anyone wants. It’s the most bland and boring thing out of all sports my careers. They need to fix the hitting physics because they are also horrid. The game is to hard for the average user. They also need to do something with DD for players that aren’t as good cause this is ridiculous
I fully agree with you, I’m only a franchise but have been playing this game for a longtime and the hitting physics in this game are really bad I’m not that great of a hitter but can still win some really close games. One thing that has really been a let down still this year is there is still no real system in franchise to train players and develop your young players and make some of your teams role players better and that is something that has been missing for a few years now also that makes the spring training part of the season pretty much meaningless.
I fully agree about ratings this year. They are just really bad and still missing a ton of players from different teams this this year. I’m still waiting for so rosters to drop with rerated players to start a franchise this year but after putting a ton of time into this game and the amount of mistakes with rosters and player details it’s be a real disappointment this and just wondering when we are going to be able to start being able to start buying these games and start playing them instead of having to deal with correcting player details having to completely overhaul rosters for better gameplay roster updates this year have just been lazy and poor
It’s not too late for them to improve the game this year and fix some more things or continue to add with some updates but it starting to feel like Madden and EA. I stopped buying Madden a couple years back and feels like SDS is heading in a downhill direction waiting for some rosters to drop from operation sports to see if it’s going to save the game for me this year don’t let anyone tell you that it’s to late for SDS to better and add to this game because it’s not true but wether it’s going to happen comes from them.
It’s too bad because this game is not getting better it feels like it’s going downhill. They still have some time to fix some issues and make some improvements but these small updates are pretty much pointless and the the rosters are really weak.
This game needs a real player training program and a reason to play spring training in franchise mode those are things that have been missing for a couple of years now. A player development system that has an effect your on the roster during the season. Still pretty shocked that a solid training system is not in the franchise mode of this game already.
The roster updates for this years game have just been pitiful and lazy along with the amount of missing players and still missing!!!
Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training
Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training
Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training
More commentary
More commentary
Alright why do I suck at stealing...
Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training
Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training
The show sucks
Oakland Coliseum
The show sucks
The show sucks
It seems harder to hit the long ball and home runs.
The show sucks
Players are not accurately rated
Absolutely comical at this point.
Are they just trolling us with these pointless updates?
Progression/regression numbers not showing for Position players in training
Where is The Roster Update